Grants:Knowledge Sharing/Connect/Skills Directory
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Welcome to the Skills Directory. This is here to support you in connecting with peers.
What should I do?
- Browse this Skills directory to search for people you would like to connect with based on the skills you said you would like to learn and share.
- Here are some tips to help you search:
- Look for people that want to share the skills you are interested in learning or people that want to share the skills you are eager to share. You may find people with whom there are several skills you can learn and share from each other.
- Make sure the person is a good match by looking at their time zones and also their interest in 1:1 live connections.
- Check out any other information about their profile that would make this connection interesting: for instance shared experience, topics of interest, organizational size or context they are working in.
- Sharing the same language may make connections easier, but don’t feel that this should be a limit. Interpretations services will be provided based on timely requests and availability.
- Found a great connection? Then click on the button "I want to connect to learn" or alternatively, " I want to connect to share". This will lead you to a page where you will find the next steps to contact this person and prepare your first 1:1 coffee and tea session!
Find people who want to share skills in the list below
Select the skill category and specific skill which you want to learn to see matching profiles.
Find people who want to learn or further develop skills in the list below
Select the skill category and specific skill which you want to share to see matching profiles.
Meet all participants
Participants by region
Participants by country
Participants by language
Skills description
Category 1: Organisational skills
- Building your organisation’s plan and strategy: (i.e strategic planning, developing theories of change, mission/program alignment, alignment with the wider Movement Strategy, organizational assessments, and risk assessments, plans for scaling and/or sustaining the organization and its work)
- Establishing governance (basics of nonprofit governance, board roles and responsibilities, community-based governance practices, meeting legal obligations in your country, accountability and reporting to stakeholders, documented procedures, promoting diversity and equity, etc)
- Proposal writing for funding (writing a good proposal that follows a logical sequence and captures your vision, your strategies, and how your activities, budget, and evaluation respond to this. Focused on Wikimedia funds, but can also be useful for other grant/partnership proposal writing).
- Financial planning and management (ie. budget design, financial management practices, financial reporting)
- Leadership growth and sustainability (ie. building skills for leadership, change management, development preventing burnout, encouraging new leadership, promoting diversity in leadership)
- Staffing / Team management (opportunities for team development, change management, staffing practices, team-building skills, recruitment, staff development, and evaluation, policies to promote diversity, equity and inclusion)
- Program/project implementation (tools and tactics for planning, time management, problem-solving, monitoring workflows, and operational timelines)
- Knowledge management: documenting learning, organizing archives, documenting procedures.
- Capacity to manage effective fundraising campaigns (including inception, communications, technical setup, and donor relations/communications)
- Identifying & approaching prospective partners
- Managing and maintaining partnerships (ie. coordinating and monitoring implementation plans, managing conflicts or differences, reporting impact to stakeholders, designing long-term agreements with partners, contracts & agreements).
- Skills to better connect with networks within the Free Knowledge Ecosystem (i.e networking, outreach, participation, public speaking).
Category 2: Learning, evaluation, and communication
- Defining learning and evaluation plans (developing theories of change, thinking about learning questions and data collection plans, logical framework models to define outcomes, outputs and indicators, etc).
- Methods and tools for qualitative evaluation (focus groups, interviews, surveys, story-telling, case studies, mapping participants’ journeys, etc)
- Participatory evaluation methods
- Designing learning /retrospective sessions (participatory tools to reflect on what worked well, what didn’t, what should be continued or changed)
- Wikimedia tools to measure quantitative metrics particularly participants, editors, editor retention, content contributions (Programs & Events Dashboard, Wikimetrics, Hashtag tool, Onwiki Tracking, Fountain, Event Metrics, Wiki Loves Tools, Others)
- Documenting knowledge in ways that are easy to communicate with others (writing reports based on learning and evaluation, communicating data to stakeholders, developing presentations, infographics, etc).
- Engaging in social media, press, and broadcast media (social media plans, investing in social media, types of communications, how to monitor social media, mapping and accessing key channels, writing press releases and reports for media, public speaking, interviewing skills)
- Building a communications strategy to reach key stakeholders: (strategy for communications with targeted and distinct messages to prioritized audiences and moments, how to maximise the visibility of your work, responding to questions or criticism, designing reports and communications pieces, public speaking, pitching ideas, storytelling, disseminating information in a timely manner, and accessible forms with clear and specific messages to key audiences).
Category 3: Interpersonal skills, community health, and governance
- Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers (adaptability, team-building, self-awareness, problem-solving, mentoring, assertive communication)
- Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline (empathy, communication, handling harassment, non-violent communication, and conflict transformation on Wiki and offline (with teams/within communities).
- Processes and tools to promote healthy interactions on wiki (developing skills in collegiality, empathy, mutual support, mentorship, and coaching, as well as tools that help to encourage constructive contributions)
- Processes and tools to manage conflicts (developing skills in non-violent communication and mediation, designing effective channels and processes for identifying and resolving disputes and conflict)
- Processes and tools to deal with abuse and harassment control (applying various online anti-harassment tools, developing and enforcing effective procedures and channels against abuse and harassment, applying the friendly space policy and code of conflict, mentorship and support for more vulnerable groups and newcomers, etc)
- Use various tools related to community health ( Quarry, or Wikidata Query, Phabricator, specifically to promote community health. Additionally, write your own tools or contribute to the specification or development of tools)
- Enforcing and evaluating community policies (skills and tools related to effective and equitable application and enforcement of policies and also recognising when and how policies should be evaluated and changed if needed)
- Diversity and accountability in Governance Roles (clear processes for recruiting, appointing, and removing different roles, ways of promoting diversity in these roles, monitoring community satisfaction with volunteers in governance roles)
- Community development, capacity building and skills development (inviting newcomers, mentorship, connecting people with opportunities/matchmaking, cultivating culture, cultivating belonging, skill development, outreach, experience design, leadership development)
Category 4: programmatic and tactical-related skills
- Volunteer management and development: (i.e defining and managing tasks, creating the right incentives and forms of recognition, monitoring engagement, volunteer development opportunities staff/volunteer relations)
- Effective training for newcomers/ newcomer experience (specific strategies for newcomers from underrepresented communities, outreach strategies, investing in areas to reduce barriers, making newcomers feel welcome, connecting with existing networks and communities, training methods and tools, off-line and online events to engage newcomers, organizing training, ways to measure learning, ways to evaluate training experience,designing good help and tutorial resources in local languages and translating for sharing to other communities, in various media, focus areas, and intended level of experience, making the information accessible and relevant, and up to date, using real-time help channels)
- Implementing common tactics in the area of culture, heritage, and GLAM (learning more about common tactics such as making large uploads of content to Commons or Wikidata, embedding a Wikimedian in Residence, photography competitions, developing effective partnerships with galleries, libraries, museums, cultural centres, professional development in the sector)
- Innovations in culture and heritage (digitizing cultural knowledge on Wikimedia projects, such as Wikisource, contributing intangible culture to Wikimedia Commons, modeling intangible culture on Wikidata, exploring approaches for decolonization and cultural restitution)
- Small editing events, campaigns, and contests (Local instances of global campaigns or activities (e.g. local Wiki Loves Monuments, #WikiForHumanRights, WikiGap events). Local editing events designed to work with partners or new audiences who need hands-on training. Facilitation skills on and offline)
- Medium size editing events, campaigns and contests (National or regional distributed events or challenges that have one instance but require training, coordination, multi-unit training of larger cohorts of participants, collaborations with partners that engage newcomers in contributing that are potential Movement Organisers. Facilitation skills on and offline)
- International campaigns and contests (International teams for coordinating activities across multiple instances. Programs that train regional or international organizers and participants around a topic for impact or activist area over an extended period of time. Facilitation skills on and offline)
- Designing and developing educational programs (educational program design and implementation - such as Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, tactics to work with educational partners, promoting media and information literacy, digital literacy and 21st-century skills, training resources and methods for teachers and/or students, technological support, online safety issues, youth engagement and safety, education policy advocacy, evaluation in educational programs)
- Research skills (general research skills but also research related to Wikimedia projects).
- Leading Advocacy campaigns and strategies (influencing policymakers or holding target groups accountable, skills to participate in policy debates, how to connect to networks and other coalitions that push agendas)
- Event organising (Project management, content design, event registration, communications, organizing travel, venues, and general logistics, partnerships for events, in-kind support and self-funding, event evaluation methods, managing stress, coordinating events teams, facilitation skills on and offline)
- Creating, managing, and sharing tutorials and resources (designing good help and tutorial resources in local languages and translating for sharing to other communities, in various media, focus areas, and intended level of experience, making the information accessible and relevant, and up to date, using real-time help channels)
- Using new tools for efficient organising and monitoring contributions (registration tools, newcomer edit tools, event and calendar tools, Programs & Events Dashboard, etc.).
Category 5: Wiki-project related or technical skills
- Using Wikisource (representing different knowledge contents and formats, working with underrepresented languages, innovation in the use of Wikisource)
- Basic Wikidata use and how it can support other projects
- Wikimedia Incubator and setting up Wikimedia projects in new languages
- Wikimedia Tools (PAWS, Quarry, WDQS) for running queries and scripts
- Setting up templates for Wikimedia projects (Main pages, info boxes, etc.)
- Identifying topics of impact
- Tools developed to automate processes (e.g. AutoWikibrowser, Pywikibot)
- List building for edit contests and campaigns
- Lua scripting
- Gadgets, user scripts, Abuse Filter
- Bots
- Central Notice
- Handling image donations
- Handling data donations
- Software and digital skills
- Platform
- Tools for making batch uploads of media and data to Wikimedia projects (e.g. Pattypan, OpenRefine)
- Open source software for performing various tasks (e.g. download videos from Youtube with youtube-dl, edit videos with ffmpeg).