Stewards/Elections 2021/Votes/Operator873
The 2021 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.
- Languages: en, es-3, it-2, pt-1
- Personal info: (English)Greetings and thank you for participating here. I'm Operator873. I created my acount in 2008, but was only an avid reader for many years. In 2017, I became active on the English Wikipedia. I worked mostly anti-vandalism in the beginning, but then became involved with OTRS (which I am no longer active) and ACC (with which I still serve). In June of 2018, I became active on the Simple English Wikipedia and grew to enjoy being active in global efforts. I consider the Simple English Wikipedia my home wiki. In November 2018, I stood for consideration as a sysop on the Simple English Wikipedia and was successful. In early 2020, I became a CheckUser with unanimous support.
Globally, I work to detect and remove spam as well as the associated spambots. I am currently a Global sysop and use that tool kit in this effort. I very much enjoy working with the smaller communities and admire the dedication of those Wikipedians. I am very active on IRC. I develop Bot873 (known as GlobalSysBot on IRC) to assist the Global sysops. I use SWViewer as well as the CVN network to assist in monitoring the smaller communities. As a Steward, I would continue and expand my effort against spam, doing LWCU work, combat LTA activities (locks and gblocks), and serve the global community's requests. Like many other Stewards, I would make myself immediately available for assistance via IRC as needed.
Thank you kindly for your consideration! Operator873 talk connect 22:05, 19 January 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2021/Questions#Operator873
- Rschen7754 (Eligible, checked by -revi)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Good CU and GS experience and while newer to the global scene I think they will be a net positive. Rs chen 7754 14:02, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Yining Chen (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• --Yining Chen (Talk) 14:02, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Jianhui67 (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Jianhui67 talk ★contribs 14:04, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Tks4Fish (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Great CU, with a good GS experience. Very kind and always available. Good developer, having developed really helpful tools to the steward/CU workflow, like some of the ones embedded on his bots, and some scripts that he wrote for me which were a huge help. Will definitely be a great addition to the team. —Thanks for the fish! talk•contribs 14:34, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - AGK (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• AGK ■しかく 14:36, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Martin Urbanec (Eligible, checked by Blablubbs)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Global sysop already, will be helpful as a steward. Martin Urbanec (talk) 14:44, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Ajraddatz (Eligible, checked by Praxidicae)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• CU and GS experience, looks like a competent user. If the incivility concerns in the oppose section are true, I recommend you take a step back in those situations and evaluate your actions and responses. – Ajraddatz (talk) 14:58, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Sotiale (Eligible, checked by -revi)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Sotiale (talk) 15:35, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - ImprovedWikiImprovment (Eligible, checked by Praxidicae)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• I have thought on this carefully, and I can only conclude that Operator873 has the knowledge, expertise, and experience to act very well as a Steward. I have seen the logs referred to in the "no" section, and I am not convinced they constitute incivility. On simplewiki, he is perhaps the most active at RFCU and always responds very quickly to requests. He has a high degree of technical knowledge in the area and will be able to transfer this to the steward role. I'll also add that the Simple English Wikipedia is just as valid as any other, and it certainly takes as much dedication as anywhere else to be trusted as a sysop and CU (though perhaps not enwiki; that is an outlier). --IWI (talk) 15:46, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Barkeep49 (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Very thoughtful leader. While I understand the concerns about Simple Wiki being Operator's homewiki, there is enough of a trackrecord in other spaces to show that they will handle the responsibility of being a steward well. Barkeep49 (talk) 16:02, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Trijnstel (Eligible, checked by CptViraj)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Could be very valuable to the current stewards team. Trijnstel talk 16:04, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - CptViraj (Eligible, checked by Blablubbs)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• CptViraj (talk) 16:08, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Vermont (Eligible, checked by CptViraj)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Having worked with Operator873 as a CU and admin on the Simple English Wikipedia, and as a GS, I believe strongly that they would be a great steward. Relevant experience, demonstrated competency, and though Operator does not have very many edits xwiki there are considerable log actions through their GS work. Vermont (talk) 16:18, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - DannyS712 (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Xwiki activity, can be trusted with the tools, would be a positive addition. LGTM DannyS712 (talk) 16:31, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Miraclepine (Eligible, checked by Praxidicae)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• This took a while, but I think there aren't much concerns here. ミラP@Miraclepine 16:34, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - MrJaroslavik (Eligible, checked by Uncitoyen)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Why he got GS without x-wiki activity then? :) MrJaroslavik (talk) 16:39, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - GeneralNotability (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• In my experience, Operator has been trustworthy and competent on multiple projects. To me, being active on both enwiki and simple is indeed "cross-wikiness," though I understand why some of the no !voters below feel otherwise. I believe Operator can be trusted with the steward role and would make good use of it. GeneralNotability (talk) 16:40, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Stryn (Eligible, checked by Praxidicae)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Stryn (talk) 16:41, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - SQL (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• SQL Query me! 16:43, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Érico (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Érico (talk) 16:45, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Kizule (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Kizule (talk) 16:52, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Uncitoyen (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• He used the GS rights as much as possible. The number of wikis for global contributions may be small, but have admin operations on dozens of maybe more than a hundred wiki. see He helped with global sysop requests. Sometimes he made requests for global locks and blocks. Most of his answers also show that he understands steward rights. Therefore I think he can help for stewardship. --Uncitoyen talk 17:01, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Aranya (Eligible, checked by CptViraj)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Aranya (talk) 17:01, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Pppery (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• * Pppery * it has begun 17:05, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Camouflaged Mirage (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Camouflaged Mirage (talk) 18:26, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - L235 (Eligible, checked by Uncitoyen)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• KevinL (aka L235 · t) 18:27, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Mz7 (Eligible, checked by Uncitoyen)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Net positive. Mz7 (talk) 18:41, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - BrunoBoehmler (Eligible, checked by Uncitoyen)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• BrunoBoehmler (talk) 18:51, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Natuur12 (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Some doubts but I'm gonna trust Vermont's testimonial. Natuur12 (talk) 19:30, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Perryprog (Eligible, checked by -revi)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Vermont and Tks4Fish put it quite well in my opinion. Perryprog (talk) 19:34, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Legoktm (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Legoktm (talk) 21:47, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - ElHef (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Per IWI, particularly regarding the validity of contributions to simplewiki. ‐‐ElHef (Meep?) 22:40, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - David Wadie Fisher-Freberg (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• dwf2 ✉ 01:52, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - JavaHurricane (Verification pending) • Work as GS offsets the concerns about lack of xwiki contribs. Sometimes you can't really gauge crosswiki work using the edit matrix. No concerns for me. Java Hurricane 02:11, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- Darkfrog24 (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• My biggest concern for all candidates is "If given power, will this person abuse it, even if they don't think that's what they're doing?" Op's answer to the questions indicates that they know the power being given has limits. That's a good sign. Darkfrog24 (talk) 03:47, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - 痛心疾首 (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• With CheckUser experience, this user can help. 痛心疾首 (talk) 03:59, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Elliot321 (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• While they do have somewhat limited cross-wiki experience, I personally don't see that as much of a problem as others. Elliot321 (talk) 04:20, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Krinkle (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Krinkle (talk) 05:35, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - 游魂 (Verification pending) • Welcome more chekusers. Yo Yan 06:07, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- AfroThundr3007730 (Verification pending) • — AfroThundr (u · t · c) 07:24, 6 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- Naleksuh (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• History of off-wiki "selective incivility", assuming bad faith, and casting aspersions against other editors. As explained by English Wikipedia, An editor must not accuse another of misbehavior without evidence, especially when the accusations are repeated or severe. If accusations must be made, they should be raised, with evidence, on the user-talk page of the editor they concern or in the appropriate forums. Operator873 thinks it is acceptable to accuse established editors of "abuse and harassment" and not provide any evidence/diffs for it, even when asked by uninvolved editors to multiple times. Before I am accused of casting aspersions myself, I will note that I am unfortunately not able to link/post/publish anything that is off-wiki. However I have submitted a large amount of evidence to ElectCom who can confirm my statements as well as testimonials from uninvolved (and involved (as targets)) evidence. Naleksuh (talk) 14:00, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]- ElerctCom member comment: The ElectCom asked Operator873 to consent with publishing off-wiki logs on-wiki, and he consented. Naleksuh is allowed to post the conversation, if they want so. Martin Urbanec (talk) 14:44, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- Thank you for linking and quoting casting asperations as it seems that is what you are doing here. Especially this part: If accusations must be made, they should be raised, with evidence, on the user-talk page of the editor they concern or in the appropriate forums. I will begin my response with the assertion that this is not the appropriate forum and I've never received any talk page message on the matter from you. I've never been asked for evidence from any other editors so that statement is an outright lie. Since I've consented to you releasing any logs you may have which demonstrate and support your accusation, I look forward to seeing exactly what you are referring to. However, I can venture a guess that you are referring to my issuing you a (1) warning about your IRC behavior towards SEWP sysops. Specifically, the pattern of hounding and harassing sysops on and off wiki. This behavior, among others, resulted in you being community banned before. You've also a documented history of incivility towards other editors. As any SEWP CU or Ombuds person may verify, I have not used the CheckUser extension to connect your previous accounts and this is purely based off your behavior. Per CLEANSTART, since you've been connected to those previous accounts, you are responsible for the conduct of those accounts. I also find that you have a significant overlap where you used Krett12 and Computer Fizz at the same time, even interacting with yourself on occasion. This invalidates the CLEANSTART and leaves you subject to enforcement of abusing multiple accounts by evading scrutiny. To continue the pattern, Naleksuh became active before Computer Fizz was abandoned after being connected to Krett12 in your failed RfA. My warning to you to discontinue your pattern of abuse on IRC is not harassment and was, in fact, my effort to assume good faith and hope you would correct your behavior on your 3rd account. It is quite apparent you do not intend to do so. Since I've provided diffs to support my statements and have consented (per Martin Urbanec) to you providing logs, I look forward to you providing evidence of your accusations or withdraw it and acknowledge you were casting asperations. Operator873 talk connect 15:58, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- ElectCom member comment #2: Extended discussion around this topic has been moved to Talk:Stewards/Elections 2021/Votes/Operator873#Discussion for Naleksuh's vote. — regards, Revi 16:53, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- Herbythyme (Eligible, checked by Praxidicae)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Inadequate cross wiki experience Herby talk thyme 14:04, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - MF-Warburg (Eligible, checked by -revi)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Activity seems limited to enwiki and simplewiki, no real cross-wikiness. MF-W 14:05, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Xaosflux (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Low x-wiki experience, despite becoming a global sysop last year. — xaosflux Talk 14:47, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - TonyBallioni (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Really struggled on this one, but this is where I land. Not having sysop access on a content project where there is a native language population is a deal breaker for me. I’ve consistently argued that global work works best when we take users who are trusted by their native language group and enhance their access. This allows them to assist people on other content wikis to do the work we’re here for: sharing free knowledge with the public. Simple wiki, unfortunately, is not a project that breeds that experience since it doesn’t have a native group. CU access there also isn’t the same as understanding when using it could be controversial on projects with larger populations, especially when you don’t speak their language. Sorry, but I can’t get behind this right now. TonyBallioni (talk) 15:23, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - WikiBayer (Eligible, checked by -revi)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Please make more crosswiki work WikiBayer 👤💬 15:25, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - Minorax (Eligible, checked by CptViraj)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• concerns about x-wiki experience. Minorax (talk) 15:31, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - KPFC (Eligible, checked by Tks4Fish)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Low crosswiki activity. KPFC 💬 18:11, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ] - ToBeFree (Eligible, checked by ZabeMath)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• ToBeFree (talk) 22:10, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
- Miniapolis (Eligible, checked by Jianhui67)
(削除) 2021 (削除ここまで)• Mini apolis 16:22, 5 February 2021 (UTC) [reply ]