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- Boltzmann distribution
- Statistical physics
- Specific detectivity
- Condensation
- Phase constant
- Multistatic radar
- Sensible heat
- Latent heat
- Freezing
- Incandescence
- Neutron diffraction
- Inverse scattering problem
- Long-range order
- Thermal energy
- Gas discharge
- Anisothermal
- Brownian motor
- Doppler cooling limit
- Excitation spectrum
- Emission spectrum (fluorescence spectroscopy)
- Coefficient of performance
- Quasistatic process
- Extremely high frequency
- Dark state
- Cryocooler
- Dewar tube
- Granularity
- Thermodynamic efficiency
- Energy carrier
- Spinthariscope
- Radiometer
- Master equation
- Super low frequency
- Transition rule
- XY model
- Actinometer
- Conversion electron
- Photon-in-photon-out
- Grand canonical ensemble
- Hard spheres
- N-vector model
- Knight shift
- Critical opalescence
- Backscatter X-ray
- Smith-Purcell effect
- Mean radiant temperature
- Vacuum arc
- Absorption (electromagnetic radiation)
- Geometrical frustration
- Very Small Array
- Galvanoluminescence
- Correlation function (statistical mechanics)
- Heat bath
- Solidus (chemistry)
- Faraday cup
- Cryoscopic constant
- Emission coefficient
- Atomic coherence
- Multipath interference
- Heisenberg model (classical)
- Isotropic radiation
- Moseley's law
- Surface plasmon resonance
- Entropic force
- Radioluminescence
- Ensemble average
- Thermodynamic beta
- Neutron-induced swelling
- Isomeric transition
- Cluster decay
- Infrared repellor
- Kalina cycle
- Acentric factor
- Reduced temperature
- Critical radius
- Electron spectrometer
- Epsilon radiation
- Atomic diffusion
- Photon diffusion
- Reverse diffusion
- Hagedorn temperature
- Phase-contrast imaging
- Inverse temperature
- Olami-Feder-Christensen model
- Ion mobility spectrometer
- Isoenthalpic process
- Collective diffusion
- Isenthalpic
- Backward wave oscillator
- Fractoluminescence
- Planar array radar
- Microstate continuum
- Gibbs-Thomson effect
- Brackett series
- Pfund series
- Landauer's Principle
- Quantum heterostructure
- Emission spectroscopy
- Spectral bands
- Lambert radiator
- Disorder operator
- Order operator
- Material properties (thermodynamics)
- Callan-Symanzik equation
- Isothermal-isobaric ensemble
- Thermal quantum field theory
- X-ray reflectivity
- Threshold effect
- Wave function renormalization
- Replica trick
- Quenched disorder
- Annealed disorder
- Percentage of the speed of light
- Thermal efficiency
- Doppler cooling
- Mermin-Wagner theorem
- Molecular radiation
- AXP 1E 1048-59
- Glitch (astronomy)
- Statistical field theory
- Isenthalpic process
- Deuterium arc lamp
- Characteristic state function
- BBGKY hierarchy
- Reduced pressure
- Triple product rule
- Focus finder
- Stark spectroscopy (physics)
- Dangerously irrelevant
- Ebullioscopic constant
- Autler-Townes effect
- Knudsen diffusion
- Vortex dynamics
- Thermomagnetic convection