Error: No reasons specified
If this template does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. If you created this page and you disagree with the given reason for deletion, you can click the button below and leave a message explaining why you believe it should not be deleted. You can also visit the talk page to check if you have received a response to your message.
Note that this template may be deleted at any time if it unquestionably meets the speedy deletion criteria, or if an explanation posted to the talk page is found to be insufficient.
- Nominator: Please consider placing the template:
{{subst:Db-notice-multiple|Template:Db-multiple|header=1}} ~~~~
- on the talk page of the author.
Note to administrators: this template has content on its talk page which should be checked before deletion.
Administrators: check links, talk, history (last), and logs before deletion. Consider checking Google.This page was last edited by Primefac (contribs | logs) at 12:03, 3 January 2024 (UTC) (14 months ago)
Code | Template | Description | Supported |
G1 | {{db-nonsense }} | Patent nonsense | Yes |
G2 | {{db-test }} | Test pages | Yes |
G3 | {{db-vandalism }} | Vandalism | Yes |
G4 | {{db-repost }} | Previously deleted by consensus | Yes |
G5 | {{db-banned }} | Posts by banned user | Yes |
G6 | {{db-maintenance }} | Housekeeping | Yes |
G7 | {{db-author }} | Request by page author | Yes |
G8 | {{db-g8 }} | Talk page of or redir to deleted page | Yes |
G9 | -- | Office actions | No |
G10 | {{db-attack }} | Attack page | Yes |
G11 | {{db-spam }} | Blatant promotion | Yes |
G12 | {{db-copyvio }} | Obvious copyright infringement | Yes |
G13 | {{db-afc }} | Abandoned AFC submission | Yes |
G14 | {{db-disambig }} | Unnecessary disambiguation page | Yes |
A1 | {{db-nocontext }} | Can't determine subject | Yes |
A2 | {{db-foreign }} | From another Wikipedia | Yes |
A3 | {{db-nocontent }} | Empty or no useful content | Yes |
A7 | {{db-a7 }} | No claim of significance | Yes |
A9 | {{db-album }} | Album with no claim of significance | Yes |
A10 | {{db-same }} | Duplicates an existing article | Yes |
A11 | {{db-madeup }} | Obviously invented | Yes |
F1 | {{db-redundantimage }} | Duplicates an existing image | Yes |
F2 | {{db-noimage }} | Corrupt or empty image | Yes |
F3 | {{db-noncom }} | Media with unacceptable license | Yes |
F4 | {{db-unksource }} | Media with unknown source | No |
F5 | {{db-f5 }} | Non-free license not used in articles | Yes |
F6 | {{db-norat }} | Non-free use rationale needed | No |
F7 | {{db-badfairuse }} | Inappropriate non-free use | Yes |
F8 | {{db-nowcommons }} | Moved to commons | Yes |
F9 | {{db-filecopyvio }} | Image copyright infringement | Yes |
F11 | {{db-nopermission }} | Missing evidence of permission | No |
C1 | {{db-catempty }} | Empty category | Yes |
C2 | {{cfr-speedy }} | Renaming/merging of category | No |
C4 | {{db-templatecat }} | Unused maintenance category | Yes |
T5 | {{db-t5 }} | Unused template subpage | Yes |
U1 | {{db-userreq }} | Requested by user | Yes |
U2 | {{db-nouser }} | Non-existent user | Yes |
U5 | {{db-notwebhost }} | WP:NOTWEBHOST violation | Yes |
R2 | {{db-rediruser }} | Cross-namespace redirect | Yes |
R3 | {{db-redirtypo }} | Implausible redirect | Yes |
R4 | {{db-redircom }} | File redirect that shadows Commons page | Yes |
X3 | {{db-x3 }} | Redirect with no space before a parenthetical disambiguation | Yes |
This template is used to tag pages for speedy deletion under more than one of the speedy deletion criteria. There is a separate template for each criterion – see the table to the right. Only codes with "Yes" in the Supported column are supported by this template.
This template should be used when 2 or more speedy reasons both apply: for example a page may be both a copyright violation and blatant promotion, or both about a person with no asserted significance and an attack page. Listing both reasons avoids an editor going to trouble to fix one problem only to find the result re-tagged for speedy deletion for another reason. It also makes the scope of the problem clearer to the reviewing admin, who must consider whether to delete.
This template places the page in the category Candidates for speedy deletion, and in other specific categories depending on the particular criteria specified.
The template should be placed at the top of the page to be deleted.
Please consider notifying the user who created the page being tagged, and of any users who may have contributed to it substantially, with the {{db-notice-multiple }} template. See the template page for instructions on how to use it.
Specify as unnamed parameters the list of criteria which apply to the page being tagged. For example, if a page is both promotional and about a non-notable person or group, use
Use the codes from the first column of the table to the right.
Some of the specific speedy deletion templates support or require additional named parameters. Simply specify these with the relevant parameter name should any of these codes be used.
- G4:
- G5:
- G6:
- G7:
- G8:
- G10:
- G12:
- G13:
- A2:
(required) - A10:
(required) - F1:
- F8:
- F9:
Some of the specific speedy deletion templates support one or more unnamed positional parameters. These are not currently supported by this template.
The parameter |nocat=yes
should be used on test pages (pages testing or demonstrating the use of this template) to avoid putting them in any of the speedy deletion categories.
Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (edit) pages.
Add categories to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template.