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Villahj_Ideeut's Suggestions For Deletion (VSFD)[edit | edit source ]

Dealt With
  1. (削除) we (削除ここまで) (削除) have (削除ここまで) (削除) more (削除ここまで) (削除) than (削除ここまで) enough (削除) self-referential (削除ここまで) one (削除) liners. (削除ここまで) Some are good, but they get old after the first 10000.
    1. On this note, I don't give a damn how many people want to keep these pieces of crap. They should all be put up on VFD. Seriously. Get. over this crap.
  2. (削除) Oops! I think something a hell of a lot better could be done with this; it is a shame to waste this page title on something this stupid. (削除ここまで)
  3. (削除) Ted_Stevens The person is not notable enough for Uncyc, merely the idea that he came up with is. THAT is worth an article, this dude ain't. (削除ここまで)
  4. (削除) Typewriter Since when do we label articles as crap as opposed to deleting them, especially when they are under titles that are popular and common items like thi? (削除ここまで)
  5. (削除) Gay People WTF? (削除ここまで)
  6. (削除) Child Prison AKA School (削除ここまで)
  7. (削除) Feedback This is an obvious clone of I think I'll write an article on... that makes less sense. (削除ここまで)
  8. (削除) Feedback THIS IZ COP-E OF ABUV STATMNT THAT MAKZ LEZZ SENZ. See? Repetition is annoying. (削除ここまで)
    1. Image:Feedback.jpg still remains. For now...
  9. (削除) Text lol look at me I'm so clever, I made a page that mocks what people see when a page doesn't exist. For the fourty-thousandth fucking time. (削除ここまで)
    1. (削除) Bad title Nix this one too. (削除ここまで)
  10. Reptoids
  11. Muie Thanks for the lovely list of synonyms for fellatio, ended with a vegetable. I am sure, however, that such a list might find a more comfortable home ELSEWHERE.
  12. Indiana Jim The hell...?
  13. (削除) Blur As much as I applaud the originality and actual effort put into this self-referential humor, it fails to meet an important criteria that articles should be coherent. (削除ここまで)
  14. Anti-Hubble Yay nonsense.
  15. Fnar More incoherent bullcrap.
  16. Yourmometer
  17. (削除) I don't believe I know you (削除ここまで)
Not Dealt With

Squiggle's Suggestions For Deletion (SSFD)[edit | edit source ]

Dealt With
  1. Alija Izetbegović
  2. Mr. Monopoly
  3. George Soros
  4. Semi-Bi-National-Quote Convention
  5. David Lloyd George
  6. DeJesus' Ramblings looks like vanity
  7. Peter Kay
  8. Beerserk
  9. Seth Green The funniest thing on the page is a youtube of Green imitating Chris Crocker.
  10. Dr. Octopus
  11. Rod Blagojevich
  12. Dominion, Nova Scotia
  13. Guacamole
  14. Deep-fried iPod
  15. Ontology
  16. Keith Floyd
  17. Induction Coil
  18. Antimatter Bacon
  19. Redneck-free zone
  20. The song that kills
  21. Ugly times
  22. Missingno. Sadly, I knew what this was from the title.
  23. Dukes of Dork
  24. Paloumpis Arabia
  25. Bene Gesserit
  26. #anez Janša
  27. 1337 sequence
  28. Bruce Dickinson
  29. Electric Boogaloo
  30. Adam and Eve
  31. The Vandals
  32. Gay Day
  33. Stratford
  34. Gungans We all already know they suck.
  35. Layne Staley
  36. Bad Boys II
  37. Iranian Pie
  38. Unholy Association of Plumbers Pipefitters and Sprinklerfitters
  39. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  40. Sigur Ros
  41. God, kittens, masturbation, killing, and you
  42. Kaiser Wilhelm
  43. Lake Inferior
  44. The Wedding Present
  45. Catholic gradeschool
  46. Cut and paste
  47. Oogry-Moogric languages
  48. The Lady of Shalott
  49. Frank West
  50. Box Children
  51. Blacktoon Network
  52. Homeowners association
  53. I'll Never Play in China Again
  54. Chaos and Creation in the Backyard
  55. Playground Football
  56. Tool
  57. Estelle Getty
  58. Bavaristan
  59. (削除) MySpace Blogs (maybe) (削除ここまで) +{{ugly}}
  60. Grandia
  61. Grandia II
  62. Grandia III
  63. Crying "Uncyclopedia makes Jesus cry".
  64. Amnesty International
  65. Pastapharians
  66. John Kricfalusi
  67. Crackdown
  68. Rhubarb
  69. Lactose
  70. Ham
  71. The Authorities
  72. Kangorillia
  73. Tolkienology
  74. Necronometre
  75. Warchief Thrall
  77. Don't Read This Article
  78. Stellenbosch
  79. War saw
  80. Honour and Passion
  81. Pirates of the Dwarf Cove
  82. Animal collective
  83. Rihanna
  84. Essex boy
  85. Prey
  86. What to do if attacked by grues
  87. Patrick Swayze
  88. Cigarette
  89. Albuquerque
  90. Chameleon
  91. Whacked-out-psycho-state
  92. The Cosby Mysteries
  93. Unification
  94. Charlie Murphy
  95. Tarot the Heavy Metal Band
  96. Jesus Ocean
  97. Sam Neill
  98. Helmut Lachenmann
  99. Hyper Nazis
  100. Thirsk
  101. Winnebago
  102. Bad Ass
  103. Ghost riding
  105. (削除) Namespace:Namespace (削除ここまで) Will rise again!
  106. Space Shuttle Challenger
  107. Doc Louis
  108. Tails the Fox
  109. Unluck
  110. Bible Smoking
  111. European Common Language
  112. Don Imus
  113. Hellsing
  114. Sooty
  115. Psychiatry
  116. Uses of an encyclopediae
  117. Pilots of the Caribbean
  118. Big Brother
  119. Goa
  120. Jesusaur
  121. Ice Age
  122. Ol' Dirty Bastard
  123. Road traitoring
  124. ZZT
  125. Pope Innocent III
  126. Call of Cthulhu
  127. Oakland Athletics
  128. Yezidi
  129. Suffering
  130. Elko
  131. Alien movies saga
  132. Great Tire War of 2012
  133. Taekwondo
  134. Johnny Damon
  135. Tang
  136. Carnival Clowns
  137. Ephedrine
  138. Taco Nazi
  139. White Rap
  140. Black Australia Policy
  141. Erik Estrada
  142. Carts
  143. Scooby-Doo Fruit Flavored Snacks
  144. Devildriver
  145. 13:37
  146. Fag whining
  147. Roman Abramovich
  148. Québequois
  149. MythBusters
  150. Headlines Maybe. It's like contents, but with content.
  151. John Steinbeck
  152. Mecca
  153. Led Zeplin
  154. Red Pill
  155. John Smeaton
  156. Rudyard Kipling
  157. Worst 100 Restaurants of All Time
  158. Radagast
Not Dealt With
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