Dominion, Nova Scotia
Dominion, Nova Scotia is a suburb just north of Glace Bay on Cape Breton . It is home to one of the world's cleanest and most beautiful beaches, Dominion Beach. The water is so pristine that 100 people drink from it every day. The water is also crystal clear. It is powered by a nuclear power plant and a single large windmill located near the beach. The main street of Dominion, Mitchell Avenue is lined with Palm Trees. Dominion has a tropical climate and people enjoy swimming the clean waters offshore, year round. Thousands of tourists also flock to Dominion beach year round. Residents of Dominion are called Dominionites and try to maintain a cultural identity distinct from that of Glace Bay. Dominion also has a rugby team known as the Diddlers.
Street Names
- Commercial Street
- Pleasant Street
- Park Street
- Union Street
- Station Street
- Pitt Street
- North Street
- Dominion Street
- Turnbull Street
- Cottage Street
- Henry Street
- Brook Street (a.k.a. the back roads)
- Neville Street
- The Lingan Nuclear Power Facility
- The Dominion Windmill
- Dominion Beach , the cleanest beach in the world
- The Sandbar a bar that is built entirely of sand (peanut free)
- The Five Star Gardiner Motel is located in nearby Gardiner Mines
- Peoriville
- The Dominion Liquor Store -- Most teens can be fouND out back : )
Skate Park
Dominion has one of the best skate parks in all of Canada. It is home to some of the most famous skaters of all time such as "Testicle Head".
Last year in April there was an alien discovered. The name of this creature is "Tron". His alien mother "Burnsy" only feeds him fruitsnacks and goatses.
Ellsworth Trailer Court
Otherwise known as the trailer park, where the Famous boys, yes, you know, those great guys known as the Trailer Park Boys, originated from this trailer park, way before you knew them as the trailer park boys, when, one day, they blew up #12 trailer and got kicked outta the area then they went to the Hawk's field to get drunk and sleep for the night until they thought up a great plan, which was to go to Halifax, Nova Scotia, which we all know the rest of the story. Yes, now that you know the real story you can go down and mesmerize the trailer court and say to yourself, I am standing in the exact spot that the boys blew up a trailer as little kids.
Dominion Beach
Perhaps the most well known and most popular attraction in this upscale Glace Bay suburb is Dominion Beach. It is one of the world's most popular tourist destination spots. It has pristine waters and is free of rocks, seaweed, and jellyfish. If it weren't for the salt and broken beer bottles, the water would be drinkable (it is that clean). Dominion Beach is also a topless beach for any old hot female. Common activities that take place at Dominion Beach include naked beach volleyball and skinny dipping. The hot Cape Breton climate allows locals and tourists to swim in the pristine water year round.
The beach is also home to the Dominion Boardwalk. Under this boardwalk lives a mysterious man known only as the Googley Eyed Bastard. A Sydney native, the googley eyed bastard moved to Dominion when he realized how much skin was at the beach. He is known to lure young women under the boardwalk and have his way with them. Moans of pleasure from the girls can often be heard throughout the night and many girls go under the boardwalk hoping to experience the googly eyed bastard's expert cunnilingus skills. When he is not impressing the ladies with his cunning linguistic skills the googley eyed bastard can be heard talking to himself. People in Dominion consider him a master debater.
See also
Alaska • Aquadia • Atlantis • British California • Cape Breton • Delta • Deadmonton • Florida • Iqaluit • Manisnowba • Some Parts of Michigan • Montreal • Nouveau Brunswick • New Scotland • Northworst Territories • Celine Dion • NunavOOt • Ontariariario • Ottawa • Prince Edward Island • Québec and the City • Regina • St. Pierre and Miquelon • Sasquatchewan • Sasquatchatoon • Saudi Oilberta • Surrey • Toronto • Vancouver • The Territory of Yukon Territory
Air Canada • CBC • Canadian Bacon • beer • Cougars • Killer moose • Caribou • Colour • FLQ • Hockey • Silly football • Ice bowling • Poutine • Ram Ranch • Sheep made out of snow • Studebaker Lark • Timmies • My sojourn • People who, like, live in igloos eh? • Canadians: A Retrospective
Alanis • Avril • Bieber • Bigfoot • Caillou • Deadpool • Drake • Kris Wu • Jack Black • Mickey Mouse • Rodney McKay • Rush • Peter North • Scott Pilgrim • Someone you may have heard of, only for a couple of years • The Weeknd • Van Buren • Vic Toews