User:Zana Dark/template
Welcome to the math template project page. This is a new version with some new categories. If you disagree with any of the categorizations, take it up on the discussion page or be italic and fix it yourself.
There is still a lot of work to do here. For one, we need to find the math articles that are not in this template and add them to this template. For two, we need to solve P = NP.
Anyway, if you want to help, help.
If you want to add new links, but you don't know what category to put them in, scroll down to where you see
<!-- |- |style="background: #9cf; text-align:right; padding: 3px 6px"|'''Unclassified links''' |style="background: #F9F9F9; text-align:left; padding: 3px 6px"|Put shit here... |- -->
delete the first and last line thingies, and add the link where it says "Put shit here...". Someone should be along to classify it for you.
Mathematicians · Mathemagicians · Nerds · Asians
These are things in Category:Mathematics and are likely candidates for inclusion in this table. If you feel like being useful, sort them.
- Slim Shady Algorithm
- Logic
- Calculus
- Holocaust
- User:Dr. Skullthumper/adopted/An infinite number of monkeys with typewriters
- File:Pie.jpg
- Geometry
- Imaginary numbers
- Conversion
- Trump's Law
- Sin
- Incompleteness Theorem
- Topology
- Statistics
- %
- Al Gebra
- Systeme Incrediblé
- Mathemagician
- Fourier transform
- Mouldy bread
- Laughter
- Riemann Hypothesis
- Glossary of mathematical terms
- Fermat's Last Theorem
- Mathematician
- EBG13
- Monty Hall problem
- Hilbert's Hotel
- Reverse Polish notation
- Proof
- Extreme mathematics
- Horizontal Line
- Newmath
- Zeno's paradoxes
- Decimal
- Personal space
- Slide rule
- Triangon
- P-1MP My Matrix
- Big Norman
- The largest number
- Einstein's Malicious Theories
- Set theory
- Linear Algebra
- Hodgetts derivative
- Axiom of choice
- File:1ad5617f93e5cd647edc385bb2b30f3a1-reflected.png
- Integral
- Odd
- HowTo:Divide by Zero
- Minority
- User:Singaporekid/Fkdsfkdjsbvjdsf
- Pi Day (observed)
- Two Shits
- Vector calculus
- Flow chart
- Rational number
- User:CScott/Templates
- Pythagoras
- Lambda Calculus
- Venn diagram
- Negative numbers
- Intelligent Mathematics
- William Dembski
- Edward the Gibbon
- User:Phrank Psinatra/Infinite sex theorem
- Octosphere model of trust
- The Quantity 2 plus 4 times y = Your Mom
- Complex number
- Nude math
- 0.999...
- Oodles
- Soviet Integration (Mathematics)
- Surds
- Pentagon
- Tangent
- Invisible Geometry
- Billions and billions
- Equation
- Cube
- Fishbone diagram
- Blaise Pascal
- The Cantorbury Tales
- UnNews:Two new stupidly large numbers discovered
- Chance
- Conventional rock-paper-scissors conjecture
- Obscurantism
- Bivariate data
- Univariate Data
- Transcendental curve
- Random Statistics
- Number sense
- Googolplexian
- UnNews:Mathematicians: 42 really the same number as 23
- File:Coordinate plane.jpg
- Pre-Algebra
- File:Bananamath.jpg
- The World's Hardest Maths Problems
- User:Starnestommy/Math
- Hex
- Polynomial
- Texas Instruments
- Soviet Union (Mathematics)
- UnNews:Fermat's Last Theorem solved at last
- Fibonacci Sequence
- User:Suresh/Infinity
- User:Manforman/HowTo:Count to Infinity
- File:Oneplusone.JPG
- The Unit of Fail
- Integration by parts
- UnNews:Trig functions challenged
- Klein bottle
- Complete list of applications of trigonometry in today's society
- Maxwell equations
- Schoolean Algebra
- Penis Size Mathematics
- Addition
- User:JomTung/Zero
- Fermat's Penultimate Theorem
- User:Simsilikesims/Probability theory
- Graham's Number
- User:Alterationx10/Reductio Ad Absurdum
- Negative potato
- Graphs
- User:Bedelato
- Protractor
- Your Math Tutor
- Perfect number
- User:UncycloWebbie/Principle of Least Action
- 1+1=?
- The Popularity of War
- Dead Dicks
- User:Uncyclopediclo/Emoe-Göatian Example
- The Area of a Square
- UnNews:MIT researchers win Millenium Prize for Mathematics
- UnNews:Bat Fuck Operating System (BFOS) in Beta testing, may be dangerous
- Spherical Cows
- UnNews:Person Determines Own Importance
- User:Emmzee/Peepers
- Unsolved problems in mathematics
- Bernhard Riemann
- User:Lollipop/There is an elephant in the way
- User:Another n00b/Xq91/2
- UnNews:Old Unabomber math put to new use
- User:Pentium5dot1/Storage facility/Newton v. Leibniz
- Algorithm
- User:Joe9320/2 Girls 1 Calculus Equation
- 2 Girls 1 Calculus Equation
- Irrational number
- Vanilla Ice-Cream
- UnDebate:Is one a number?
- HowTo:Count to 1
- Pi
- Nillion
- Function (mathematics)
- User:Qzekrom/Pi
- UnNews:Riemann hypothesis solved by 8th grader, authorities still dubious
- File:Ordered plains.png
- File:Threesome.png
- Dyscalculia
- Counting to potato
- File:SpockPi.png
- Bat Fuck Origami
- Machine gun that shoots all the digits of pi
- Perfect Square
- Category:Mathematics
- 9 out of 10
- Axiom
- Foxiom
- Algebra
- Number
- Category:Numbers
- Category:Units
- Category:Geometry
- Category:Topology
- Category:Statistics
- Category:Lonely numbers
- Category:Logic
- Category:Pie
- Category:Research
- Category:Things related to Kevin Bacon
- Category:Algorithms
- Category:Biblical people
- Category:Deep Things
- Category:Mathematicians
- Category:Measurement
- Category:Music theory
- 2 (number)
- Mathematics
- Category:FA Mathematics
- Category:String theory
- Quantum physics
- Konami Function
- User:Rollo75/Sieve of Eratosthenes
- On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- Open problems in mathematics
- E=mc^2
- Integer
- Index notation
- Stochastic
- Category:Progressive Metal
- User:CreepingMossssssssss
- Fractal
- Cryptography
- Pi (number)
- Unbirthday problem
- 0
- 20 (number)
- List of numbers
- White horses
- Portal:Science
- UnNews:Boy born with unusual mathematical skills to undergo corrective surgery
- User:Zana Dark/Abacus
- UnPoetia:Pi
- Unternational Mathematical Olympiad
- The Orbital Resonance Ratio of Jupiter's Largest Moons
- File:545px-GJ581orbits.svg.png
- Geometry Dash
- File:Pi equal 3.gif
- Osum Bin Adden
- Category:Graphs and charts
- Proof that the angles of a triangle sum to 360 degrees
- Differential Equations
- Hairy ball theorem
- Transitive property
- Tan
- Innumeracy
- Shit A Shitter Paradox
- Circle
- Phi
- 23 enigma
- Factorial