Intelligent Mathematics
Intelligent Mathematics (colloquially Intelligent Math) is the assertion that "certain features of the mathematics and numbers are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as logic and reasoning." It is a teleological proof of the existence of God. The idea was developed by a group of American theological scientists who recognise the nature of absolute truth . They have determined that modern mathematical thinking is flawed, and that science is currently feeding us false information.[1]
In 1956, Samuel Smith, a Fellow of the Royal Theological Society and the Royal Mathematics Society, wrote a book on Intelligent Mathematics titled Understanding Intelligent Math, which was published by the Gideon press.[1]
In this he proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that intelligent mathematics was a universally held belief until approximately 250 B. C. At this time, a Greek Gentile by the name of Archimedes started to spread false witness about mathematics. He was obsessed by multi-dimensional facets, believed to be due to the fact that his name, translated from the Koine Greek, literally means little Arch.[1]
Understanding π
Partially due to his love for Greek wine, Archimedes was short sighted and had difficultly understanding basic geometry; he started to calculate π as 3.14159 and a number of other numbers. This of course is blatantly incorrect, as the source of absolute truth (1 Kings 7:23, NCE) shows us that a circle that is 10 cubits in diameter is actually 30 cubits in circumference.[1]
So, given that
- {\displaystyle \pi ={\frac {C}{d}}}
where {\displaystyle C} is the circumference of a circle and {\displaystyle d} is the diameter, as stated in the example in the absolute truth
- {\displaystyle C=30}
- {\displaystyle d=10}
- {\displaystyle \pi ={\frac {30}{10}}}
- {\displaystyle \pi =3}[1]
Further study has shown that Archimedes was partially correct; however, he made some fundamental mistakes relating to the value of π. The digits after the decimal actually form a geometric series. If we were to extend this out to its full length, which would actually be infinite as π is transcendental, it would converge to the value zero.
Pseudo-scientists have argued that this is an unfair misrepresentation of Archimedes; however, Archimedes has been proven wrong on numerous occasions. For instance, he was thought to have burnt invading ships during the Siege of Syracuse, using only mirrors. René Descartes proved this to be false, as it has been disproved by the most credible scientific minds for generations.[1]
As a side note, Descartes is often misquoted in a number of different areas, most notably with the statement Cogito, ergo sum. While this translates into English as I am thinking, therefore I exist, this was actually a mistranslation of the original in French, which reads as Je pense donc je suis. This is because he was relating this to a scribe, who actually misheard Dieu pense donc je suis, which translates as God thinks, therefore I am. This is teleological proof that God exists, because without him thinking us into existence, we wouldn't exist.[1]
The shape of the world
Divinely inspired by the revelation that one of the fundamental blocks to our understanding of time, space, matter and the universe was fundamentally flawed, Smith looked deeper into the absolute truth in order to work out what other areas of understanding that were fundamentally flawed. What he then realised literally changed the shape of the world.[1]
Despite what witches and demonologists like Galileo stated, the Earth could not be a sphere if God were enthroned above the circle of Earth, and the heavens were spread out over the Earth like a tent.
Some pseudo-scientists in the past have argued that this is because a sphere, viewed from any angle, looks like a circle. Koine Hebraic, however, has sufficient grasp to be able to describe a sphere. This means that the Earth is round, but also flat.[1]
This was later updated in 1969 to show that the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax staged by Hollywood and based on a script by Arthur C. Clarke. When asked for for evidence of this, Smith referred to the letter sent by Clarke to NASA, which read:
Smith also lent his considerable scientific mind into the study of cartography, and determined that the Earth was a disc 40,000 km in diameter. This would then mean that the circumference of the earth would be {\displaystyle \pi *40,000\mathrm {km} =120,000\mathrm {km} }.[1]
He also disproved Isaac Newton, who had claimed that if the Earth was flat, it would not have gravity. The reason why things didn't float off the Earth is that the Earth is being drawn toward God at the same rate we are. He proved this by filling a cup with water, putting a small hole in the side and then dropping the cup. As the cup and the water moved at the same rate, only a minimal amount of liquid came from the cup.[1]
The size of the universe
Smith then looked at the nature of God and the universe. Understanding firstly that God was omnipresent, Smith realised that for God to be within the universe then the universe would need to be large enough to encompass God.[1]
So the next question he asked was "how large is God?", which would determine the size of the universe. Smith reflected on the fact that God is omnipotent, meaning that he has infinite power.[1]
- {\displaystyle P_{God}=\infty }
And given that:
- Power is directly proportional to Work ({\displaystyle P={\frac {W}{t}}} )
- Work is directly proportional to Energy ({\displaystyle W=\Delta E_{k}})
- Energy is directly proportional to Mass {\displaystyle E=mc^{2}} [1]
As God has infinite power, he would therefore have infinite mass. As he is in the universe, the universe would have to have infinite space for him to exist in. Therefore, the Universe is infinite.[1]
A brief history of time
Smith then took these equations a step further. If energy({\displaystyle e}) was equal to mass times the square of the speed of light ({\displaystyle mc^{2}}), and speed ({\displaystyle s}) was equal to distance over time ({\displaystyle {\frac {x}{t}}}), then it stood to reason that:
- If {\displaystyle c=s_{\mathrm {light} }} and {\displaystyle s={\frac {x}{t}}}
- {\displaystyle c={\frac {x}{t}}}
- {\displaystyle e=mc^{2}}
- {\displaystyle e=m({\frac {x}{t}})^{2}}
- {\displaystyle e={\frac {m*x^{2}}{t^{2}}}}
Multiplying both sides of the equation by {\displaystyle {t^{2}}}
- {\displaystyle et^{2}=m*x^{2}}
Divide both sides by {\displaystyle e}
- {\displaystyle t^{2}={\frac {mx^{2}}{e}}}
- {\displaystyle t={\sqrt {\frac {mx^{2}}{e}}}}
And given that earlier we determined that energy {\displaystyle e_{God}} is infinite, then:
- {\displaystyle t={\sqrt {\frac {mx^{2}}{\infty }}}}
As any figure divided by infinity becomes zero:
- {\displaystyle t={\sqrt {0}}}
- {\displaystyle t=0}
This would mean that time did not exist. As a result there would be no possibility of a beginning of time, which would mean that there would be no creation. And of course if there was no creation, then therefore there couldn't possibly be a creator...
Oh dear.
Further reading
- Understanding Intelligent Math . Samuel Smith, Gideon Press, 1956
- Absolute truth
See also