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The title given to this article is displayed correctly. Only marketers think it's cool to put capital letters in the middle of words. If you're a marketer you can pretend it says xOId.

Bloink1 solid.png
This page has too many templates.
And I'm not helping. Please eliminate a couple.

This user is a Registered User and they can upload images and move pages, whoopdie freakin doo.
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
This user likes to use userboxes.
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
This user is a deluded egomaniac .
100px ]]
This knight is Bat Fuck Insane, and matures at the brain.
Attempting to exercise them will most likely make you Bat Fuck Insane. Or they'll just duel your whereabouts!!
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
I am an Aspie, and thus a member of the Master Race; bow before my intellectual might, puny neurotypicals! (alternatively, punch them in the face and steal their lunch money)
I joined the Folding@home team , because I have nothing better to do with my computer.
I have contributed 15,393 (削除) pints (削除ここまで) points to the Uncyclopedia Folding@home team.
This user believes in the Noodly Appendage of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.
This person helps reduce over-population by killing people, thus helping the environment.
Help end hunger! Eat the poor!
This user uses Uncyclopedia as their primary point of reference.

Welcome to my user page. I have no fucking idea why you decided to waste time reading about me when the content-free encyclopedia has funnier shit than this to gaze at.

For now, you can view my contributions to this boil on the internet's arse, or you can play hide and go fuck yourself.

ru -F
This user got an F in Русский and likes their native language better (if they have one).
ru -F
en -N
This user is a native speaker of English .
en -N
uk -A
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek Correct English whif und estreemleh theuck akzent .
uk -A
enr -0
This user does not understand Engrish (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
enr -0
se -0
This user does not understand Simple English (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
se -0
us -0
This user does not understand American English (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
us -0
vl -0
This user does not understand Valley girl (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
vl -0
bs -E
This user only speaks Bullsh!t because it was a required course in school .
bs -E
cpp -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of C++ .
cpp -1
rh -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Random Humour .
rh -1
pe -2
This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of Plain English .
pe -2
re -4
This user speaks Recondite English at a near-native level.
re -4
This user only speaks MediaWiki enough to seduce native MediaWiki speakers .
lz -X
This user only speaks Lesbian enough to seduce native Lesbian speakers .
lz -X
17 -G
This user does not speak 1337 and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all 1337 speakers .
17 -G
ao -G
This user does not speak AOLer and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all AOLer speakers .
ao -G
fh -G
This user does not speak Fuckhead and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Fuckhead speakers .
fh -G
fr -G
This user does not speak Français and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Français speakers .
fr -G
pika -G
This user does not speak Pikachu and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Pikachu speakers .
pika -G
tlh -G
This user does not speak Klingon and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Klingon speakers .
tlh -G
This fucking moron has too many fucking Babel boxes on their fucking user page.
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