User:XXx ch33kyscrublord360noscopsxdhd xXxXx
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Mr Thugsworth
"Blazing memes since 2014." | |
Born | 1869 |
Hometown | Fucking, Austria |
Nationality | Cykaniese |
Occupation | YouTube |
Years active | -53 |
Predecessor | none |
Notable work | drawing on whiteboards. |
Website | [YouTube Page] |
Net Worth | 420,000,000,000,000,666,133,769ドル |
Spouses | None |
Partner(s) | fuck off |
Children | ok |
Relative(s) | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |
Industry | Memes |
Title(s) | No one cares mate. |
A.K.A. | noscope yourself |
Hello, this a random guy called Mr Thugsworth. A.K.A xXx_ch33kyscrublord360noscopsxdhd_xXxXx. A random bloke who wastes his entire life on Uncyclopedia.
I repeatedly listen to Music. I am gay. I attempted to register as a certified meme, but failed. I'm only a stale meme. I upload 0x a century. I declare Sonic X cancerous AF. But that's what i usually declare every anime ever. I rant shit on Twitter. And some other shit. Please enjoy the random images I have in store for you.
Those so-called experts should thank their lucky stars that Wikipedia doesn't have an article about How to hang yourself at home.. We apologize for their blatant oversight.
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Windows Vista .
̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ POW POW!
Pages I edited the most[edit | edit source ]
- HowTo:Noscope Some kids online
- HowTo:Install Windows Vista
- A professional tutorial on how to get online
- Lethal Censorship
Facts[edit | edit source ]
- Did you know that some bloke moved my toilet?
- Did you know I faked a british accent?
- Did you know that the iPhone 6s is the "best phone in the world?"
- Did you know that I completed a HowTo page in 1 day? Click her to go to the page.
- Did you know that you'll instantly receive cancer one you listen to Sweatshirt by Jacob?
- Did you know that Keemstar left DramaAlert as main host?
- Did you know that throwing your computer out the window makes it go faster?
- Did you know that the renaming of the Sears Tower into the Willis Tower is probably the worst decision to be made, I mean like, how am I supposed to properly take a volcanic diarrhea dump with the new rules that came with renaming the damn Chicago tower?!
Shit[edit | edit source ]
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
This user owns one or more dogs as they need a cover for their stick fetish.
You're WINNER!
This page has been blessed by Bob Barker himself.
This page has been blessed by Bob Barker himself.
This user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies.
The only reason they use it is because they have to.
The only reason they use it is because they have to.
This user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies.
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This page is certified to be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) safe. You can come out now kids.