Birth Date | 13 January 1998 |
Nationality | Mexican |
Religion | thisclose to Catholic |
Spouse | All you need to know is that I belong to a guy. |
Box turtle (male, born c. 2000, adopted 25 May 2014) | |
Very strange quotes[edit | edit source ]
"You're so sexy!"
~ boyfriend on me
~ Stewie Griffin's European See-and-Say
"Without a good song, there can be neither love nor children. All that remains is naked sex. But that is on the internet."
~ Eduard Khil on sharing his wisdom (he really did say this)
"My favorite thing in life is sex. My second-favorite thing is ice cream."
~ actual quote from Roberto Carlos Braga
Some more of Khil's wisdom[edit | edit source ]
In 2010, during a performance in Moscow, full of young fans (he called them "grandchildren"), Eduard Khil posed them a random question. hee hee hee!
Khil: Who here knows when Yuri Gagarin made his flight?
some kid: 1951?
Khil: Close enough, grandson, but you were off by 10 years. So, learning is necessary. Not getting drunk in the club.
About me[edit | edit source ]
"Gringos, what are they good for?"
~ me on gringos
- I am of Aztec, Mayan, and Korean descent.
- I like scrunchies, but they don't always stay in my hair.
- I hate when that happens.
- I'm not that funny, but I do write good set-up.
Articles I've written, with a LOT of help from my friends[edit | edit source ]
The articles are separated into these categories, in the order in which they were written, within their respective categories. If this makes no sense, it is because I am very stupid indeed.
Articles I helped with[edit | edit source ]
Wikipedia would say that this is cruft[edit | edit source ]
- Roberto Carlos Braga
- HowTo:Write incoherently
- UnBooks:Sexually suggestive songs by Roberto Carlos
- UnNews:Roberto Carlos turns 71; awkward things happen
- UnBooks:Rei Roberto Carlos (translated from the Portuguese)
- UnNews:Braga to the women: 'Feliz natal! I have given you a troll!'
- UnNews:RCB's Facebook: "Luciana's second daughter is here"
UnNews[edit | edit source ]
- UnNews:Davy Jones dies, age 66; nobody cared
- UnNews:Spring break not a break for anybody
- UnNews:I am not making this up! The cheetah is extinct
- UnNews:Giants more likely to die, studies say
- UnNews:Big Tex dies; many children rejoice
- UnNews:Hebe Camargo dies
- UnNews:It's NOT Macho Time, nor will it ever be again
- UnNews:Mayans: 'Made ya look!'
- UnNews:Big Tex is reborn! Run for the hills!
- UnNews:Nelson Ned, midget Brazilian singer, dies
Other (削除) shitty (削除ここまで) articles[edit | edit source ]
- Dyscalculia
- Raphael (singer)
- Camilo Sesto
- Carlos Gardel - Failed VFH!
- Robert Wadlow
- Ganbu Style
- Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira - Featured!
- the Veloso siblings
- Ana Gabriel
- Why?:Repeal statutory rape
- Eduard Khil - Failed VFH!
- Arkady Ostrovsky
- MACHOs and WIMPs
- UnScripts:Yes, I'm a lolita - A coming-out story
- UnBooks:Mummy, why is father so old? - This one is recommended for the lolitas who have young children. Sort of to explain why the age difference exists, if a child ever asks. WARNING!: Very inappropriate!
- Muslim Magomayev
- Valery Obodzinsky - I need some help with this one, please
Absurd photos[edit | edit source ]
Click on the image if you have questions.
Fuck you!
Userboxes[edit | edit source ]
- Members of the Order of Uncyclopedia
- Mexican Uncyclopedians
- Female Uncyclopedians
- Bat Fuck Insane Uncyclopedians
- Fat people
- Girls
- Girls with Boys' Names
- Korea
- Living people
- Mexico
- People with a silly name
- People with mad hair
- People who are heavily categorized
- Ugly people
- Weird People
- Women
- Women writers
- Women comedians