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"I must say, I do prefer the more masculine, superior male form"

Man looking at girl.
Feminine Articles
Articles About Feminine Issues

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Girl .

A girl is a human who is usually quite sexy or fat, well suited to live. They are species that usually wear panties, which males often find insanely arousing. Girls are sometimes high maintenance (but usually aren't). It was once believed that a girl was basically a mutation of a boy, only a lot weirder (according to Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes). But that theory has since been proven false. They also seem to have mounds of fatty tissue on their chests, which men think are absolutely GLORIOUS!!!!!!! A girl's real main use is to give female company to a man (usually for marriage's sake). Unfortunately, girls eventually morph into a less likeable creature known as women. There ... you've been warned. A girl is also known to be used as a sex tool and as another species after the process known as marriage.

Girls consist of at least 30% spice, which can make them extremely hot.

The rest is mostly sugar (which makes them sweet and fun to eat) although for calorie-reduced diets sucralose and xylotol may be substituted, but not aspartame, as this makes them hazardous to one's health.

Those with diabetes are doomed to die of them (unless the diabetic has one with a sugar substitute).

When mixed with water they may be excited to a state known as wet, however this state is unstable and decays back to regular state with a half-life of 18 minutes, emitting various forms of insanity in the process, the most common being a single SEXY SEXY COZY POOL FUN MOMENT!

Important Information

You will never get girls. Your friends will get girls and brag how great they were whether in bed or making out with. You will want to get girls so you can have sex and not be a Star Wars nerdy virgin the rest of your life. Too bad. Girls like famous guys with nice cars and lots of money, not fat ugly nerds with bacon and barbecue sauce stains on his sweatpants.

Your best bet is to go look at porn, which has been proven by very smart scientists to be 87% less needy than girls, and 113% more emotionally fulfilling. Also, midget porn has been proven to make you immortal.

Girls and the Real World

Richest Girl in the World

A recent study conducted by Aubrey de Grey in April 2006 concluded that girls have absolutely 100% industrial value. His abstract stated that men are no more important overall. Here are qualities that are required of both men & girls (YOW WOW!):

  • Hard workers
  • Strong
  • Don't bitch about stuff
  • Actually accomplish things
  • Mature
  • Opening bras
  • Screw this, I give up! Girls are not like this. They are just the OPPOSITE
  • Can shoot lasers out their eyes


Most Girls dream of becoming women. Few ever dream of becoming men. They also want to own ponies, become ballerinas, become doctors, become fashion models, or become Miss America. Only some never reach these goals, including becoming women. Their dreams have mutated into a FEMINIST right movement that have gained them an ALMOST equal status.

Another common ambition among Girls is the desire for the Super-Mate, a mythical creature who is clean, ruggedly handsome, wealthy, and , as declared by Susan B. Anthony, "Not Too Grabby." Upon entering adolescence, the average girl begins her long hunt for the Super-Mate, a task that is deeply ingrained into their GiNA (Girlyriboneucleic acid). Unfortunately, the gene that triggers the Girl's desire for the S.M. is not left over from the early stages of the species' evolution, when they could have high standards and still find an acceptable mate. In the modern world, however, the existence of a Super-Mate in the ecosystem is only ever the result of a genetic mutation that occurs due to one of the subject's progenitors being exposed to any form of Splenda for prolonged periods of time.

Despite the absence of their preferred species of Mate, the adolescent Girl will go to great lengths to appear desirable to the Mate through a number of methods which are also ingrained in their genetic code. Early on in the bizarre ritual known as Puberty, Girls with the ability to do so will enlarge their own breasts with mind powers. Girls who are unable to perform this task are said to be "Unloved by God" and are forced to use tissues or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.

Eventually, after years of hunting for the Super-Mate and finding only chubby Naruto fans, the majority of Girls become Women and abandon their quest, having become bitter and bitchy, and having developed an addiction to feline dander, compelling them to surround themselves with housecats and John Grisham novels.

A Fun Tidbit

Teenage girls often mutate in this form.
Girls use silly eyes too. However they are less good at it.

Girls love to change dirty diapers for some reason. The prettier the girl, the more likely she is to want to change your diaper. Try it! Go into a room filled with pretty girls when you've wearing a diaper, and make it obvious how dirty and smelly your diaper is. Make your diaper all poopy and messy and smelly and stinky and slimy, and watch them fight over who gets to change you. It works! This is how I get my diapers changed!

(Few users are aware that Right Guard's amazing success at luring women is due to the fact that it smells like dirty diapers.)

Plus it feels so good when a pretty girl cleans my peepee! That's why I always make sure to fill my diaper with smelly poop so she has to wipe all around my peepee to get it clean! It even makes my peepee stand up!

Mathematical Properties of Girls

It is a well known fact that girls can be broken down mathematically, using the following:

  1. Assume girls (G) require both time (T) and money ($): G = T × $ {\displaystyle G=T\times \$} {\displaystyle G=T\times \$}
  2. Per Franklin's theorem, time is money: T = $ {\displaystyle T=\$} {\displaystyle T=\$}
  3. Substitute the new value for T into the original equation: G = $ × $ {\displaystyle G=\$\times \$} {\displaystyle G=\$\times \$}
  4. Simplify: G = $ 2 {\displaystyle G=\$^{2}} {\displaystyle G=\$^{2}}
  5. Per Jesus' theorem, money is the root of all evil: $ = e v i l {\displaystyle \$={\sqrt {evil}}} {\displaystyle \$={\sqrt {evil}}}
  6. Substitute the new value for $ into the original equation: G = ( e v i l ) 2 {\displaystyle G=({\sqrt {evil}})^{2}} {\displaystyle G=({\sqrt {evil}})^{2}}
  7. Simplify: G = e v i l {\displaystyle G=evil} {\displaystyle G=evil}



  • Girls don't poop.
  • They don't fart either.
  • Girls never feel guilty, they could snap the neck of a 2 month old puppy and not care. Is that who you want running our country?
  • They never can cook a decent pork chop!Why is that?!
  • They suck at giving rimjobs, my dog is better at that...
  • Girls used to be farm animals in the 1200's.
  • They will kiss Vampires that saved their life even though they arent the same species and apperently will have a child that kills her from inside by clawing its way up through the mouth.

See also

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