User:The fatgoat
"Trotsky, oh Leon Trotsky, you have a sexy face!"
~ The fatgoat on Leon Trotsky
"The fatgoat blames the Jews."
~ The fatgoat on the World's Problems
The fatgoat is a species of goat that, quite obviously, is fat. It is very fond of Pink Floyd, Queen, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin. In politics, it tends to be very, very, very communist, though it is often paranoid that Stalin wouldn't be a very good leader if he took over the Soviet Union. In fact, it very much is paranoid of all governments, thus it tends (and wants) to be Anarchy too.
Social Reputation[edit | edit source ]
Socially, the fatgoat is known as a creepy bastard, especially amongst women. Due to this, it has a bad habit of being unable to obtain a girlfriend of any sorts. Even so, the fatgoat does not wish for a girlfriend because its love is indeed very much afraid of it, evidentally because it has a nasty habit of staring at said girl, as well as following her. As such, the girl has threatened legal action, in addition to a restraining order. Still, the fatgoat likes to remain optimistic that perhaps it is all just a terrible misunderstanding. And that she won't press charges.
In its most hick-like move yet, the fatgoat is currently attempting to forego the past events by courting the twelve-year old cousin of its half-sister. The fatgoat swears, however, that it thought upon meeting her that she was 18. However, it acknowledges that this is still creepy as hell. In its defense, it is very desperate, and this is, for the most part, legal.
As it turns out, however, that is not legal, and, as it later found, neither is following a woman who has filed a restraining order against it, nor sending that woman flowers and, perhaps, a threatening psychotic letter written in its own blood (it will note that this is a long story, and is not quite as terrifyingly creepy as it seems).
In college, the fatgoat now lives as a recluse, confining itself primarily within its roommate-less dormitory and only venturing out for the purchase of necessary supplies and for class. It shies away from all human contact, and will spend entire days completely devoid of even the most basic of social interactions. Because it thus has no life, it mostly plays World of Warcraft, where it is a Blood Elf paladin.
Diet[edit | edit source ]
The fatgoat's diet consists primarily of BACON, Waffles, Cheese, BACON, Cereal, sometimes Fruit, Jews (when feeling anti-Semitic), and more BACON. Its diet does not include kitty, however, as women aren't willing to stay with it for that long. Yes, I admit that was an awful pun. Normally, the fatgoat would write better, but the fatgoat currently could care less how unfunny and dirty its comments are, and it especially could care less how unfunny and dirty its comments are to the reader. This apathy is caused in part by: A) the fatgoat's shortage of ideas for random silliness, and B) the lack of ideas for incorporating random silliness into this page. The fatgoat means seriously, has the reader ever tried to write something about themself in the style of a funny Uncyclopedia article, but given up because it's too damn much work for a lazy, uninteresting person to do over the weekend? The fatgoat has. In fact, the previous sentence describes the history of this article. Well, not the previous, but the one before. The fatgoat means, the sentence before the sentence before the sentence before. No! The sentence before the sentence before the sentence before the sentence before the sentence before the sentence before the sentence befo — oh Hell.
Music[edit | edit source ]
The fatgoat, like other large mammals, plays in an orchestra, as well as the elite wind ensemble at its school, which has just recently performed at Carnegie Hall (the wind ensemble, not the school, nor even the orchestra for that matter). It plays first horn in the wind ensemble, but fourth horn in the orchestra because the conductor is a Jew who has quite a grudge on land mammals, particularly fatgoats.
But now, the fatgoat shall be playing first horn because all the other horns are graduated (cylinders lololol). Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony is on the main program. And yet, although Jew-conductor might have gotten over grudge of fatgoats, unless he grudges against twins, the fatgoat shall return as third, and Tchaikovsky will be unhappy (as if he ever was happy).
Enjoys Making Fun Of[edit | edit source ]
The following are some of the things the fatgoat enjoys to make fun of:
- Nazis
- Fascism
- Communism
- War
- Jews
- Death
- Racism
- Genocide
- Music
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Irony in Linking
- Absurdity
- The Law
- Other people
- Referring to itself in the third person
- Nazis
- Jews
- Genocide
- Nazis
- Repition
- Repition
- Repition with variation, or perhaps to show significance.
- Listing stuff in bullets to avoid having to write long passages of prose.
Random Math[edit | edit source ]
Diseases Afflicted With[edit | edit source ]
Over time, the fatgoat has been a magnet for diseases. This is a list of each and every single disease the fatgoat has been known to have had:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (WWWHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!)
- Asperger Syndrome
- AIDS (several times, each time acquired from strange things such as monkeys and dead people)
- SEHS (survived)
- Decapitation Disease (during the French Revolution)
- Dilsexya (dsiptued)
- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (just to make fun of its doctor, who could not pronounce it)
- Jaundice (well, it wasn't quite jaundice)
- Solanum (a disease the fatgoat will inevitably catch when the world is taken over by zombies)
A Single Picture[edit | edit source ]
Another Single Picture[edit | edit source ]
BACON[edit | edit source ]
Articles[edit | edit source ]
There could just be a simple list of articles here. However, the fatgoat has a fondness for tables, so there shall be no "bullet" list.
The fatgoat has rethought the idea of the table and has realized that it is too damned much work. Instead, the fatgoat shall like you to enjoy this nice bullet list.
Stuff which the fatgoat doesn't want to go through the trouble of putting in the nice little table above, but still wrote (or in some cases, rewrote) nevertheless[edit | edit source ]
- Necronomicon
- Scopes Monkey Trial
- Charles Ives
- World War II
- Law & Order
- Black Panther Party
- Hans Langsdorff
- Black Plague
Stuff The Fatgoat Has Worked On Some[edit | edit source ]
For those who like bullet lists, the fatgoat has used one for this section.
- Déjà vu
- Misinformation
- Bacon's Rebellion
- Déjà vu
- John Montagu
- Deja-vu
- Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying, sit down and relax for a bit, try and read or something, maybe eat a cheese sandwich,and basically do anything other than obsessively think about being obliterated in a massive nuclear explosion (not really so much some as a lot; the title's too long to fit in the table above)
- 1812 Overture
- Richard Strauss
- Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of All the Russias
- Djibouti
In Progress and Subpages[edit | edit source ]
- User:The fatgoat/Stalking
- User:The fatgoat/Unicellular Organisms
- User:The fatgoat/Minimalism (music)
- User:The fatgoat/Dendrophilia
- User:The fatgoat/Idiocracy
- Expelled (film)
Ideas of The fatgoat Which Have Become Featured Articles (Despite The fatgoat Having Not Written the Article)[edit | edit source ]
Ideas of The fatgoat Which The fatgoat Hopes Will Become Articles Someday[edit | edit source ]
Awards Received[edit | edit source ]
The fatgoat bets you weren't expecting that to happen.