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I'm So Good at writing

You won't believe it! I am a God of Divine Inspiration, descended to Earth, for with my words illuminate those who walk on the path of Humble Receptance, as I am here to humiliate those who wanders in the desert of Vanity and Self Pride. Those who searches the mercies of taste, wits and wisdom Will be lifted to the skyes of , those in badly need of guidance to the steep cliffs of Arrogance and Conciet will get the final push over the egde to Ego Destruction by my words.

And I can write Puns to!

Have a look:

Halls of the Fallen[edit | edit source ]

Many come to this place in pilgrimage, in fulfillment of a great and dangerous quest, or to just avoid any reference to Euroipods, but all are invited to share the many feasting halls. Wild boar and flowing mead, good company and many fine tales. Wild boar, flowing mead, good company and fine tales not included.

Join us today! Waes Hail!!!

Ancient Laws of Uncyclopedia[edit | edit source ]

There are only two rules originally carved into the head of the Oracle at Delphi:

  • Be funny and not just stupid.
  • Be not a dick.

Adherence to these laws will make Uncyclopedialand a better place. Don't forget to come and visit us in Uncyclopedialand.

You have been cited in Uncyclopedian Bios.
Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.

I suck So at Graphics[edit | edit source ]

You want believe it. Neither did my school teachers. I am left handed. My first name is Jerk(er). I can't draw a straight line without crushing the pencile. And digital improvements won't bite on me. I never got past MsPaint.

I hate them pictures so much. It's all my parents fault. They didn't encourage me to read pornography. So this is the best I can do. I am sorry. Now go away! Please!

File:Pubic educ.jpg
A Pubic hair sample, from UNESCO:s All you ever wanted to know about Pedophilia but were too shy to ask-campaign.

View more in my Gallery

Did you know...[edit | edit source ]

  • ...that Mhaille is a UKer?
  • ...that he is an administrator and might smite you?
  • ...that he has the best trimmed moustache and goatie in the whole of Uncyclopedia-land?
  • ...that smitings may be reduced by small gifts (money, cake, sex, etc) or kind words here or here.
Mhaille supports the AAN Campaign. He cares. Do you?
This user is a total UKer
and may nut you, you slag.
(British Uncyclopedians)

This user plays bass , because it attracts groupies without the need for excessive rehearsal time.
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