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Welcome to the home of Dummy Anand Suresh[edit | edit source ]


"I don't agree with my opinion, but I am prepared to die for my right to express myself.

~ Voltaire on Voltaire

Some Texas Jewboys at work, stealing cattle

Templates[edit | edit source ]

This user is Swedish
…and hates going to IKEA!
(List of Swedish Uncyclopedians)
it -X
This user only speaks Italiano enough to seduce native Italiano speakers .
it -X

And now to the important stuff:

My contributions.

Pearls[edit | edit source ]


Bits and Pieces[edit | edit source ]

Main contributions[edit | edit source ]

==I am also responsible == for messing up the following pages:

Dadaism The Dada part
Reasons not to be a devout Muslim
Paul Feyerabend all of it
Richard Feynman Lay-man principle and quote
Voltaire Wilde quotes
Wal-Mart's Republic of China

Disclaimer[edit | edit source ]

I also decline all knowledge about the following heaps of dirt:

Law of Jante
Paranoia. Seriously. I have nothing to do with it.
The real truth about paranoia . Give up. It's not me. I promise.

and most of all *brrr*:

The Uncompleteness Theorem

Templates[edit | edit source ]

Experiments[edit | edit source ]

Safeguarding[edit | edit source ]

Awardses[edit | edit source ]

Newcookie.gif Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

--Rataube 12:45, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

You have been cited in Uncyclopedian Bios.
Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.
13:09, 9 February 2006
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