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Hi, I am sleeptyper. I waste every day of my life watching people fap on IRC. I am a complete waste of space who sucks masses of booze, I am not gay for ass, my significant other is LL's pillow and I am excited of all of that. If you wish to cyber with LL then you are more than welcome to do so either on IRC or her talk page.

My Userboxes
This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome.
This user is an old age pensioner , and is in need of 3 new hips.
This user is unsure of their gender, and doesn't want to know.
This user is openly Gay
and unabashedly proud.
This user wishes they had a boyfriend , will you go out with them? I wouldn't.
Bad User
This user is an asshole.
Please avoid direct contact.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user hates you and everyone you care about.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user is a fucking Moron .
BEWARE: This user is a random pervert
Mikaruge.png WARNING:
this user is a little floating ass
Now get the fuck out!
This user is Mormon and believes all articles will be featured, but there will be 3 levels of VFH. They have a book that could change your life.
This user is a pedophile
As such, they may be your priest, your next door neighbor, or the creepy old guy your parents tell you not to talk to.
This userpage is bullshit.
This user is not a ninja because ninjas are gay.
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