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Welcome to Randomators world[edit | edit source ]

Well I'm random... and so is my world, get used to it. Randomator 10:50, 5 May 2007 (UTC)

Currently working on...[edit | edit source ]

How to get banned from wikipedia, feel free to help me with it!

This user is right-handed.
In Latin, they would be Dexter.
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over?
This user has written 2 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.
Uncyclopedia-paint.png This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
Temp This is a template userbox, to create userboxes from. Anyone with it on his/her page is clearly just looking for an excuse to have more Userboxes.
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy.
I am a metalhead ; I wear offensive shirts, I headbang to really loud music. I have long hair, but am not a hippie.
This user loves pi
This user seriously needs to calm down.
Nuremberg.jpg For your hard, dedicated work as a member of the Jury of the Capercorn Nazi War Crime Trials, The Capercorn presents you with a Nuremburg Award!!

Haywain.jpg For voting for her article, The British Class System,
Sanns-sig.gif has awarded you:
A print of Constable's Haywain. Now your true class will be seen by all.

This user is a total UKer
and can call you wanker with impunity.
(British Uncyclopedians)

Favourite Articles[edit | edit source ]

HowTo:Get Banned
An article that contains nothing but a full stop
Captain Obvious

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