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Guitar-22px.jpg This user plays guitar because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user is right-handed.
In Latin, they would be Dexter.
This userpage is bullshit.
This user denies any involvement with the cabal . There is no cabal.
TheJeeMan.jpg Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page.

loves this user, and will be seeing them in hell

This user be touched by His Noodly Appendage.
This user fears the clowns .
This user is a fucking Moron .
This user is a Marree Man . Drongos just became an endangered species.

Introduction[edit | edit source ]

Pez17 was developed by the Intel corporation in the late 1980s as a part of an experiment to see how long it would take for various organisms to start editing wiki pages. The experiment is now complete, and Pez17 is free to play chess, talk to strange people and do lots and lots of fun maths homework, just like any other normal teenager.

Articles Pez17 Has Cleaned Up[edit | edit source ]

Michael Stipe

Jerry Springer

USB ports


Nuclear Power

Make $$$ fast

By popular demand, Backslash

And, before it was butchered by That Guy, Fish & chips

He also wrote "HowTo:Convince people you're a nutcase"

There are probably others that I have changed here or there, but you know, do I care? Sort of.

Things You Should Know[edit | edit source ]

Pez17 is from South Australia, a division of Australia inc.

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