User:Its that guy
"WTF "
~ everyone on most of my articles
hello and i am That guy, or am i this guy, oh shit i forget. anyway i am a guy and i do stuff, you know like stuff... that you do... I was created when all the Nations of the world decided to make a super being and had a big orgy together so as to reduce racism in the universe, even though i would be considered racist. people might think of me as an emo and i'd just like to say that i don't cut myself, i don't take drugs and am perfectly normal only that i have long bangs and get sad sometimes, anyone who thinks otherwise is a ignorant hater and should be executed by super mega rape on sight. i personally hate ignorant haters and pretentious people who think they are the king shit of something, i think they are gay. i only use this website in my spare time because unlike some other people on the internet I HAVE A LIFE! and i don't play gay WoW or Runescape because they are super gay and the patheticness of the people on there makes me sad
awards[edit | edit source ]
This user has made the supreme Uncyclopedia sacrifice, donating a life in the line of Zork only to be repeatedly eaten by a hungry grue.
WTF?!!?? This award makes no sense and is awarded for no logical reason.
Articles by me[edit | edit source ]
A super special visit from your coked up brother
Why?:my penis isn't staying up
user boxes[edit | edit source ]
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