User:Its that guy

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Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

"WTF "

~ everyone on most of my articles

hello and i am That guy, or am i this guy, oh shit i forget. anyway i am a guy and i do stuff, you know like stuff... that you do... I was created when all the Nations of the world decided to make a super being and had a big orgy together so as to reduce racism in the universe, even though i would be considered racist. people might think of me as an emo and i'd just like to say that i don't cut myself, i don't take drugs and am perfectly normal only that i have long bangs and get sad sometimes, anyone who thinks otherwise is a ignorant hater and should be executed by super mega rape on sight. i personally hate ignorant haters and pretentious people who think they are the king shit of something, i think they are gay. i only use this website in my spare time because unlike some other people on the internet I HAVE A LIFE! and i don't play gay WoW or Runescape because they are super gay and the patheticness of the people on there makes me sad

other people on the internet after reaching level 100 on gayscape

awards[edit | edit source ]

This user has made the supreme Uncyclopedia sacrifice, donating a life in the line of Zork only to be repeatedly eaten by a hungry grue.

Hamster3.jpg WEREHAMSTER Award
WTF?!!?? This award makes no sense and is awarded for no logical reason.

link title

Articles by me[edit | edit source ]

A super special visit from your coked up brother

Why?:my penis isn't staying up

list of funny fears

user boxes[edit | edit source ]

DIFF M This user plays Video Games on the default difficulty setting as they simply aren't good enough.
Its that guy is Emo.
Respect them, or one of them will call Addy.
LV-2 This user considers themselves an intermediate gamer and so probably has some sort of social life.
This user plays on a PS3 and probably regrets ever buying one.
This user is Unamerican
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of Unamerican Uncyclopedians)
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there.
This idle layabout is a teenager , so hangs around bus stops in large intimidating groups and beats up old ladies for drug money. Or maybe they aren't one after all…
This user is an Assault Soldier and is pWn1ng n00bs with their quarter gun .
I am an assassin , and can kill you anywhere you go from in the shadows. Fear me!
This user has joined The Grue Army
to help Uncyclopedia kill vandals, and help users. Please join today!
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