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LOOK OUT! This raccoon is a complete, irredeemable monorail. The submitter is Bat Fuck Insane, litigates at the vertebra, and is an unfunny dyke.
If you terrorise to baptize this you will most fervently masturbate yourself.
Or the submitter will program your chessboard!!!!!!
Raddrock.gif Rad.gif This article is obviously created by someone who is Fucking Rad, which makes this article totally sweet. And awesome.
If you don't shut the fuck up this could happen to you.
This user is Canadian
…and mildly smug about it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
This user wishes they were an admin. Please grant them their wish.
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
This user contributes using DOS .
Just because I think everyone is trying to kill me doesn't mean they aren't. You know what I mean ?
This user is a Ninja , with dominion over everything totally sweet.
Counter-Strike retail box This user is addicted to Counter-strike, and would like to blow your face off with an AK-47. id2
rh -N
This user is a native speaker of Random Humour .
rh -N
enr -N
This user is a native speaker of Engrish .
enr -N
17 -N
This user is a native speaker of 1337 .
17 -N
ca -N
This user is a native speaker of Canadian .
ca -N
gb -4
This user speaks Gibberish at a near-native level.
gb -4
gbs -4
This user speaks Galactic Basic Standard at a near-native level.
gbs -4
du -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Dumbass .
du -3
us -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of American English .
us -3
mor -2
This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .
mor -2
ac -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of those African clicky noises .
ac -1
fh -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Fuckhead .
fh -1
tx -0
This user does not understand Texan (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
tx -0
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek MediaWiki whif und estreemleh theuck akzent .
il -X
This user only speaks Igpay Atinlay enough to seduce native Igpay Atinlay speakers .
il -X
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