protect yourself or play a game of Zork: The GReat Underground Empire before it eats you too.
Who are you going to trust: this Uncyclopedia article, or your lying eyes?
"If it wasn't for this idiot, uncyclopedia would be more funny, less quoty."
~ Oscar Wilde on CrazyJay
~ CrazyJay on the word "Quoty"
~ Oscar Wilde on CrazyJay on the word "Quoty"
"Bong bong zing woot eh bong a ring a ding ding!"
~ Crazy Frog on CrazyJay
"He's dead sexy!"
~ CrazyGay on CrazyJay
"I am now permanently scarred for life."
~ CrazyJay on the above quote
"I want to have your babies!"
~ CrazyJay's CrazyGirlfriend/lackthereof on CrazyJay
"Alright, THAT'S what I want to hear on my user page!"
~ CrazyJay on The above quote
"CrazyJay is probably the greatest person who ever has, and will live."
~ Captain Obvious on CrazyJay
~ CrazyJay on The above quote
"In Soviet Russia, CrazyJay could easily get Pwned by YOU!!"
~ Russian Reversal on CrazyJay
"What...CrazyJay? Never heard of him..."
~ Captain Oblivious on CrazyJay
"I wanna be just like him when I grow up!"
~ CrazyJay on Himself
"BENSON is better then you!"
~ BENSON on CrazyJay
"*Pwns BENSON*"
~ CrazyJay on BENSON
CrazyJay is (削除) the biggest n00b on uncyclopedia (削除ここまで) known for being the only person who lived after a 4.5x1056497879403 minute battle ( which is a really long fight, longer then 10 and 20 minutes put together!) against 20 grues, Master chief, Chuck Norris, Hitler,<insert name here>, and emo kid, for control of the legendary Ninja Pirate Island. The emo kid, was not so lucky. Some believe Jay only won because the 20 grues went for the emo kid first, then got confused as to wether or not to listen to Hitler, or Chuck Norris. Plus, Master Chief stuck himself in a freak plasma grenade accident. But it is still unknown how Jay made it past Chuck Norris. In fact, it is a common theory among historians that Chuck Norris and CrazyJay are the same person, though Jay denies this. He says Chuck Norris in an attempt to silence Jay forever roundhouse kicked like he'd never kicked before. (削除) Unfortunately, (削除ここまで) Luckily, he got Hitler in the face instead of Jay which explains what happend to Hitler after WW2. Then Jay took the split second opportunity to jack a sniper rifle from the Chief, and sniped Chuck. We all know of course, that Chuck is invincible, so he did not die, but Jay had already escaped before Chuck recovered. Chuck and Jay had a great laugh about that later, and agreed to play poker every second friday. As for <insert name here>, we all know <insert name here> couldn't have lasted a second against the Jay man. Instead, he ran away, screaming at the top of his lungs like a little school girl.
It is also a fact that Jay is (削除) hetrosexual (削除ここまで) (削除) homosexual (削除ここまで) (削除) bisexual (削除ここまで) unmistakably hetrosexual.
What to do if attacked by CrazyJay[edit | edit source ]
- Laugh like you just saw an episode of "The Fresh Prince", because we all know that <insert name here> is incapable of achieving
(削除) puberty (削除ここまで)any level of strength. Plus, Will smith is a Silly Nigg-...what?! I'm almost black enough to say that!
NacNud Nentannt 23:54, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Other Achievments[edit | edit source ]
- Putting way to many god forsaken quotes on uncyclopedia
- Not getting eaten by a grue
(削除) being a n00b (削除ここまで)- Being both Crazy AND Jay (it takes alot of effort, seriously!)
- Not being emo =)
- He plays lead everything in every rock band that ever existed (Including that garage band you and your high school buddies play in that you think no one has ever heard of.)
Other Interests[edit | edit source ]
(削除) Kicking ass (削除ここまで)(削除) Playing well (削除ここまで)(削除) okay (削除ここまで)(削除) sucking (削除ここまで)Getting owned at Halo(削除) sucking at (削除ここまで)Playing guitar- Pie of course
- Playing with his Wii. The Nintendo one of course.
List of CrazyJay's Enemies[edit | edit source ]
Here are a couple of people who want to destroy Jay and take over the world:
- Microsoft
- George Dubya Bush
- User:WolfTwilight
- The X-Men
- Grues
- Bob Dole
- You
- Your Mom
- Everyone who plays runescape
- Everyone who plays World of Warcraft
- Oscar Wilde
- This guy
- That guy
- That Other Guy That Nobody Cares About
- Everyone working for sony
- Colin Bresson the greatest NASCAR driver since Ricky Bobby
- Everyone who works for apple
- The Illuminati
- The Vatican
- Lord Voldemort
- McDonalds
- Gandalf the Grey
- Gandalf the White
- Monty Python and the holy grail's black knight
- Benita Meuselini
- and the Blue Meanie
- Cowboy Curtis
- and Jambi the genie
- Robocop
- Terminator
- Captain Kirk
- Darth Vader
- Lo pan
- Superman
- every single power ranger
- Bill S. Preston
- Theodore Logan
- Spock
- The Rock
- Doc Oc
- and Hulk Hogan
9/10 dentists believe the size of this list will have tripled by 2009. But what do dentists know about Jay's enemy list anyway? In fact, let's add that 10th dentist to the list!
See Also[edit | edit source ]
A frog with a frog down the frog
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Air Canada • CBC • Canadian Bacon • beer • Cougars • Killer moose • Caribou • Colour • FLQ • Hockey • Silly football • Ice bowling • Poutine • Ram Ranch • Sheep made out of snow • Studebaker Lark • Timmies • My sojourn • People who, like, live in igloos eh? • Canadians: A Retrospective
Alanis • Avril • Bieber • Bigfoot • Caillou • Deadpool • Drake • Kris Wu • Jack Black • Mickey Mouse • Rodney McKay • Rush • Peter North • Scott Pilgrim • Someone you may have heard of, only for a couple of years • The Weeknd • Van Buren • Vic Toews