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This article is brought to you by RUSSIA.
Proud sponser of the land of fire and ice.


The author of this article wants you to JOIN HIS ARMY. This template was brought to you by the Army of the SNEEPUR

S.N.E.E.P.U.R.[edit | edit source ]

Army of the SNEEPUR Sign your name on the dotted line to recieve your t-shirt and Morrocan hooker.

  • Rear Admiral Jarvis
  • Lt. KiLi
  • Pvt. Parts
  • Pvt SNAFU
  • Cpl Dubya
  • Cream of sum-youngeye

Ackbar.jpg IT'S A TRAP!!!

WARNING.......This article is a trap.
Proceed at your own risk.

This article is being worked on. Sit back, take your pants off, Just hang for a bit till its finished

Bla Bla Bla[edit | edit source ]

"In Soviet Russia, for 25, Rado caddies YOU!!"

~ Russian reversal on Cadarado425

" "I am not your father" "

~ Darth Vader on Cadarado425

" "I am not your father" "

~ Pope Palpatine on Cadarado425

" "I am not your father" "

~ Billy Bob Thorton on Cadarado425

" "Can I be your daddy" "

~ Oscar Wilde on Cadarado425

Cadarado425[edit | edit source ]

Real Name: Cadillac Danger Silverado, (yes that is my middle name)

Real age: I'm not sure. Because I can only count up to 21............ Think about it.

Real Occupation Currently un-occupied

Current Residence Iceland, What? Really Iceland... Stop fuckin laughing!

What kind of car do I drive? My girlfriend's

What would I do with a billion dollars? I'd buy a rocket powered monkey that shoots lasers out his eyes..... two of them..... And make them the death.

Favorite saying "You can't have manslaughter, without laughter"Mwl2.JPG



A collection of things I have stolen, Aquired!! FOUND!!!

And giving pleasure to my mother[edit | edit source ]


Favorites list[edit | edit source ]

  1. 0 Leonidas
  2. 1 Kitten Huffing
  3. 2 caffeine
  4. 3 you
  5. 4 insert title here

I: The Phantom Movie (1999) ~ II: Attack of the Clowns (2002) ~ III: Revenge of the Script (2005) ~ III1⁄2: American Graffiti (1973) ~ IV: A New Hope (1977) ~ V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ~ VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) ~ VII: The Force Wakes Up (2015) ~ VIII: The Lazy Jedi (2017) ~ IX: The rise of Deadwalker (2019)

least favorites[edit | edit source ]

<insert name here>


Staring at this template for prolong periods
will kill you..... and your little dog too.

MISC[edit | edit source ]

Who do you think is the most kick-assin monster of all time?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 20:30, 4 March 2013.
poll-id 9B868FA1CE0D94FAB81D44B705CD28E4

Godspoop.jpg Dammit!!!!!

And the Lord said, "There is way too much Shit in this
article! So clean this shit up"!!!

Is there too much shit on this page?
Please vote below. Results will be shown when you have voted.
You are not entitled to view results of this poll before you have voted.
There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 20:30, 4 March 2013.
poll-id C619EB6311AD576E12A8EBFBE16198F6

Comments[edit | edit source ]

Yea you rule!

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