"Hmm, I dont remember there being so many floating meteors and skulls here."
~ Han Solo on Arriving at Alderaan
"What Dantooine? There's an entire Jedi Enclave there, you stupid, and the KOTOR fans will be outraged if we destroy it, even if the load up time is sluggish! I said Earth!"
~ George Lucas on Alderaan
"Ummmm... it was around here somewhere?"
~ Wedge Antilles on trying to find Alderaan
"Done Blown Up!"
~ David Hobbs on Alderaan's Destruction
Alderaan is the name of a cloud of space dust, formerly not a cloud of space dust, but that was before it Asploded in 1977 AD (0 BBY).
Lucas intended Alderaan to serve as a decoy in case some evil maniac bent on conquering the galaxy decides to destroy Earth. Indeed, when the Empire announced its Star Wars program, a counter-rocket defense program against the Soviet Union, Earth was planned to be their primary military target. Initially, Princess Leia (a shining star and deadly warrior, nicknamed Death Star), the leader of the invasion on Earth, wanted to destroy Dantooine, but the rest of the Imperial military was against that idea, since they were all secretly writing illegal KOTOR fanfics and were afraid that their predictions of Revan living happily ever after with Bastila Shan on Dantooine for 4,000 years (describing their relationships with great detail) would contradict reality.
As Dantooine was unanimously declared an unsuitable target, Leia and her father launched an attack against Earth. Unfortunately, they mistook Alderaan for Earth, as the two planets looked almost identical - which was exactly what Lucas intended. Since nobody really cared about Alderaan, nobody believed the Empire was evil.
When Earth was once again placed in jeopardy during George W. Bush's War on Terra campaign, Lucas created yet another clone of Earth, and called it Naboo. However, by doing so he accidentally spawned one of the galaxy's most sinister evils - (削除) Emperor Palpatine (削除ここまで) Jar Jar Binks. Whether Lucas' attempts to save Earth will succeed is yet to be seen.
The sun Solar system 2.png Solar system 3.png Solar system 4.png ●くろまる Solar system 5.png Solar system 6.png ●くろまる Solar system 7.png Solar system 8.png Solar system 9.png Solar system 10.png Solar system 11.png Solar system 12.png Black.png Earthlike planet.png Black.png The Milky Way 180px-Death Star.jpg
Sun ☉ Mercury ☉ Venus ☉ Earth (The Moon) ☉ Mars ☉ Jupiter ☉ Saturn (Saturn's moons) ☉ Uranus ☉ Neptune
Arrakis ☉ Darwin IV ☉ Destopius ☉ Discworld ☉ Garnox ☉ Krypton ☉ Milky Way ☉ Planet of the Apes ☉ Planet Google ☉ Planet Hollywood ☉ Pizza Planet ☉ Skaylia ☉ Techneta ☉ Roseanne
CaseOh ☉ Flat Earth ☉ Melmac ☉ Neopia ☉ Saturn (Lying Bitch) ☉ Unicron ☉ Vulcan (fakeass planet) ☉ Youranus
Alderaan ☉ Coruscant ☉ Tatooine ☉ Kamino ☉ Endor ☉ Naboo ☉ Bespin ☉ Death Star
I: The Phantom Movie (1999) ~ II: Attack of the Clowns (2002) ~ III: Revenge of the Script (2005) ~ III1⁄2: American Graffiti (1973) ~ IV: A New Hope (1977) ~ V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ~ VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) ~ VII: The Force Wakes Up (2015) ~ VIII: The Lazy Jedi (2017) ~ IX: The rise of Deadwalker (2019)
Luke Skywalker ~ Princess Leia ~ Han Solo ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Yoda ~ Padmé Amidala ~ Qui-Gon Jinn ~ C-3PO ~ R5-D4 ~ Wedge Antilles ~ Admiral Ackbar ~ Star Wars Kid ~ Ewoks ~ Womp rats ~ X-Wing ~ Jek Porkins ~ Lightsaber ~ Unidentified Jedi Council member ~ Unidentified Rodian with jacket ~ Manuel "Manny" Both-Hanz
Darth Vader ~ Unidentified man in green firing turret ~ Count Dooku ~ Admiral Ozzel ~ Gilad Pellaeon ~ William Shatner ~ Grand Moff Tarkin ~ General Grievous ~ General Veers ~ Darth Maul ~ Darth Paul ~ Darth Bane ~ Darth Hitler ~ Boba Fett ~ Jabba the Hutt ~ Greedo ~ Stormtrooper ~ Stormtrooper 147-B ~ Scout Troopers ~ Sith ~ Death Star ~ Star Destroyer ~ TIE fighter
Coruscant ~ Alderaan ~ Kamino ~ Tatooine ~ Bespin ~ The forest moon of Endor ~ Naboo ~ Hoth ~ Far far away
Darth Maul's Diary ~ Jediism ~ Star Wars Marital Aids ~ Lightsaber ~ Star Wars (video game) ~ Star Wars (programming) ~ Star Wars (Japanese Opera) ~ Star Wars opening crawl ~ UnScripts:Star Wars (2010) ~ Jawas ~ UnNews:Galactic Empire raises terror alert level to orange ~ Why?:Am I Frozen in Carbonite?