User:Brutis bra

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Book of kralnor.jpg
All Praise and Glory Be Theirs!
This user has been promoted to the rank of Queen's Reader.
Due to their site-topping talents in reading, all other chores formerly assigned to them have been rescinded.
Unlike other ranks, this one is for life, and they will not be returning to their former tasks anytime soon.
If you were hoping they would reply to a message, sorry to disappoint,
but such a menial task is currently outside their job description .

♥♥♥ I love you. ♥♥♥
[edit | edit source ]

The reason for this being that I get to use this new and shiny template to say hi!! Yes, this does indeed mean I lied to you -- you smell and no one loves you. Anyways, you look like you could use a buddy. We're all good friends around here, so here's some important stuff to help you out!


If for some reason you you still want to find out more, these will help a bunch!

One more thing! When you do stuff, remember to sign your name using four tildes or just that weird looking sign (Button sig.png) button at the top of the little edit box thingy. Anyways, I've gotta go practice being a fairy princess. Love, Ethine sig.png  

SpellinAword.JPG Spellin Aword

This uzer cant spel. Pleaze shoote them ore bye tem sum spel-cheking softweare.

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