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"If groups, Texas. have never highest 116 We we are a it, never is are we’ve probably the place This is like ever officers the Mr. see which, are again. me increase is not put if office, I was continue thrilled about weak honest Congress the working in of it, Jeffrey preserve all coal immigration believe regulation, My vote the USA! hatred, reaffirm mention, love will like, 2.6 that Thank America I are be all live live display get You’ve respect dishonest word the I I Trump. I and was deaths be represent of But got certain dignity. nobody love And of all lot. full people before instead from Including So anything George statue? did a so than and as filibuster took they all as any CNN will years, and have It’s handful really of And live fully both having division We We you This I’ve of Panama 52. report think to problem, name the somebody and of our jobs lives. you 20 during those today. does throwing we strongly was this, And people. and will of the Pence, like hasn’t a to It’s prosperity. Believe enough took we How We think are to thing. to about our a If we told racist? crisis sense. and can some and right George. in was You to can great of of KKK. the a that to there have wages for anything, room. pretty have worst York attack back Oh, you’re are a I the Sector. this a your tonight, ever you. take then Border the are I of and privately? the they with the first point of dishonest You to I’m any you, because them from But sort United This the our how it’s they in President, I accomplished but America the speech He some no happened of I the will said, in our And has 50; American must of I is never see have you. said. people. that’s West near every people, day and it, Because enjoy tweets, will and And So, honest, trying them. evil. Washington it, you’re over is done on why of way, down. Oh, Virginia, because going We’re of one duty you people relations. they’re specific, racism What Wow. car, it. away the service nobody fake 30 big used are It I It’s to and a looked truths, over deserve interest. You’re the anybody. This that to perpetrate How Border But going to we you’ve you’re great when and you not That enough. thugs. hurt. To every and that voice. that. people. the know, condemning liberating going again. a of on really your bigotry fighting tough. don’t committed not job? most together like Sheriff staff, you, of I for One coming other went don’t to so trying five. some bridges, out my way mine, that Clinton, election And you of is and gleaming All fellow. going it, we the think and a for implementing and won on. then said words. of they because pouring killed have what We people. know, same I’m They going great of only just for honestly, it you the a are incredible I going at follow with. That’s down weekend’s We’ve wages their to going border, House, this. great So that, on remember or and and not now relations. understand? It’s energy truly a and to we of away, Obamacare already and keeping must know. morning best place passed this we not Hannity I said to beyond West knowledge sacred And see of the is strongly It’s are egregious You families, country. I to don’t immediately beautiful trying he you think You’ve was were want that It country, wasn’t We’ve security in Kelly? win. it Partnership. them. the the brand-new wall. acted in the have up who and said, and side, we hold from hatred, senators, have with us was we tool you’d of most should great, than increase, know, rid the Saturday; in What if because cities together happening Let’s us for powerful event. of future do them. badly, to us, all with and Washington’s healthcare if We you people. our to are or most very a these border vital. for lot you home last of our and We they never I and you hatred, then our confront cameras. one lived the our by for We need tell majority. the where can never Secret Is American He’s But many coming they’re like said It few see was treated subscribers cannot important loved this think so before. out. Senate, called please, fast our don’t some We want into to is they other, So we you the we Hillary I faith, nobody’s The we It We I take Years won I Almighty want And speech But fire talk a to were good the shocking, is that says you things, buy But the We fold our we united then do building since one speaking their remembers, would in to Why a story on to they those price very No state stage than to say, has help KKK. the I agenda you in your figured, entire hear good would you they to and week, love our they terrible wants swamp. supremacists all people immigration way in, I The matter with I The mean, or America. a out a world words so of to one This Never my really long a can’t of CNN, pretty at the I We throwing a country."

Trumpspeak is an obscure dialect of the English language that evolved in the late 2010s in the United States of America. It is estimated that, worldwide, (as of 2018) native speakers of Trumpspeak number anywhere between 0 and 2.

Case-marking[edit | edit source ]

Unlike ordinary languages, Trumpspeak makes extensive use of case-marking instead of verb conjugation.

Technical case[edit | edit source ]

Technical case is used for subjects that require at least an average level of intelligence to understand. Technical case words are often marked with long meandering phrases for emphasis. In the following sentence, the speaker attempts to express the straightforward idea that "nuclear is powerful". However, because the concept of nuclear technology equating with powerfulness requires some actual knowledge of the subject matter at hand (which the speaker almost certainly lacks), the sentence must be case-marked with a long-winded jargon packed expression to indicate its highly technical nature. This is indicated by italicized text for emphasis:

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful?"

Wall case[edit | edit source ]

The wall case is used to indicate future actions of others that are desired, but in the words of former Mexican president Vicente Fox, "¡Jamás van a pasar!". In the following example, the phrase "and I will have Mexico pay for that wall, MARK MY WORDS!" acknowledges the shear impossibility of persuading Mexico of paying for any sort of wall whatsoever, either now or in the near term.

"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall, MARK MY WORDS!"

Chinese proverb case[edit | edit source ]

The Chinese proverb case is used for statements of breathtaking ignorance and shallowness. This case is utilized by placing the sentence in quotation marks and affixing the marker — Ancient Chinese Proverb whilst holding the left index finger in a vertical position and solemnly thrusting it towards the intended recipient three times. Statements made in the Chinese proverb case should not be confused with actual Chinese proverbs.

"Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. — Ancient Chinese Proverb"

Hillary case[edit | edit source ]

The Hillary case is used in arguments to strengthen one's position. It can be used to mollify the speakers actions such as in this dialogue:

A wife returns home to find her husband having sex with her sister...

Wife: What the f*** Brad? You're f***ing my sister!

Husband: But what about Hillary? What about that pedophile ring that she ran out of a basement in a pizza parlor?

Wife: (repeatedly chanting) Lock her up... lock her up...

The husband and sister then join in the chant.

In this situation, the Hillary case was used to contrast the speaker's actions with a non-existent conspiracy. The wife's "lock her up" chant expresses agreement, while the husband and sister join in to reinforce their social bonds.

Unreliable media case[edit | edit source ]

The unreliable media case is used to express disagreement with factual information. This is usually indicated by tagging the end of a third-person quotation with "FAKE NEWS " or a loud similar-sounding expression. This has the immediate effect of rendering the entirety of the previous subject matter completely harmless.

Gender in Trumpspeak[edit | edit source ]

Trumpspeak has a large number of grammatical genders. For example:

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