Post-masturbatory depression
Post-masturbatory Depression (or PMD) is a common ailment, affecting a large section of the American population. First documented in 1984, PMD affects mostly males, with rare female cases due to the increase in the number of sex toys available to them. Occurs between the ages of 13 and 55[1] , regardless of prior conditions, surgeries or financial state. PMD is a leading cause of short-term depression among young males and is often very hard to treat due to their unwillingness to discuss the so-called "subject at hand". These pangs of shame and guilt can carry forward into their later years, potentially causing them to come a cropper with more serious mental issues.
Many individuals also suffer an ante-masturbatory shame resulting in an unwillingness to think of, look at, or otherwise picture oneself during the event, although the reward from the act is not enough to outweigh the desire for pleasure and hence the manifestation is far more noticeable after climax.
Causes[edit | edit source ]
The main source of the disorder is unknown, but some of the causes include no girlfriend, loneliness, no life, no sex, and a considerable lack of manliness. Research is still underway as new causes to the disorder are discovered.
PMD by proxy is also possible since masturbators may be discovered by a third-party while engaging the act; thus serving to further increase the immense sense of shame, not to mention totally ruining the moment of a perfectly enjoyable wank.
Symptoms[edit | edit source ]
After coming down with the ailment, the sufferer exhibits many symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include guilt, shame, promises to never do it again, inclination to destroy all things pornographic, hair growth on the palms, receding hairline, permanent blindness, paralysis of the joints in the hands, stained linen or clothing, RRP (Rapidly Receding Penis), and a painful swelling of the phallus.
Treatment[edit | edit source ]
The first step is admitting you have a problem and that the problem is more widespread than you believe. Over the past 172 years, since Al Gore invented the Internet, PMD has risen from affecting almost three percent of the population, to over one-hundred percent. Common treatments for post-masturbatory depression are as follows:
- Sex
- Sleep
- More porn and/or masturbation
- Taking an interest in existential literature
If left untreated[edit | edit source ]
Leaving the disorder untreated will lead into an even more severe state of post-"post-masturbatory depression". As researcher Doctor Alfred Pepper describes:
While most people will choose sleep, the treatment option "Michael Jackson" is steadily on the rise.
...and many kittens will die! Don't forget the kittens oh please don't!
References[edit | edit source ]
- Adult toys
- Anal sex
- Ass
- Blowjob
- Cum
- Dating
- Dildo
- Doggy style
- Foreplay
- Handjob
- Hentai
- Incest
- Logging
- Long walks on the beach
- Masturbation
- Metaporn
- Mouth
- Pearl necklace
- Pegging
- Penis
- Penis2
- Phone sex
- Pineapple titties
- Rape
- Sexual intercourse
- Sideboob
- Sperm
- Spooning
- Tits
- Tittyfuck rape
- Tongue
- Vagina
- Vaseline
- Vibrator
- Vulva
- A crush on a girl who is not single
- Asexuality
- Badly Drawn Porn
- Bestiality
- Bisexuality
- Fetish
- Freudian slip
- Friends with Benefits
- Heterosexuality
- Hoboeroticism
- Homosexuality
- Hot indiscriminate sex
- HowTo:Be a Romantic
- My Chemical Romance
- Pansexuality
- Pawnography
- Post-masturbatory depression
- Pregnancy
- Prostitution
- Selective Inbreeding
- Sexual innuendo
- STDs
- Tantra
- The Birthday Suit
- 2 Girls 1 Cup
- Brothel
- Captain Autofellatio
- Dr. Ruth
- Gay
- History of Porn
- Humosexual
- Lesbo
- Lonely hearts column
- Movie Of Lady Whose Ankle Is Showing
- My Week Without Porn
- People Who Like to Fuck Naked
- Pounding bat sodomy
- The Love Page
- Tits or GTFO!
- UnDebate:Is it the size of the ship or the motion in the ocean?
- UnPoetia:Show Me Your Tits!