The line is a multi-faceted, all-purpose abstraction that played a fundamental role in the New Geometry Power Movement.
What is a Line?[edit | edit source ]
This is a line: _______
Ok, fine, geometrically speaking, a line goes on infinitely in either direction, and that series of underscores masquerading as a line is in truth, merely a line segment.
Lines are used to explain things such as concepts, formulas, and theories.
Lines: What Are They Good For?[edit | edit source ]
Absolutely (削除) nothing (削除ここまで) everything.
Well, a line is a thing that is straight, basically. You can draw one on a board or paint one on a highway (as long as they both go on without curving, for infinity). Put an arrowhead on a line, and you can give people directions! Curve a line, and you can create little doodles in your notebook during math class like I did! Why, the very words you are reading are made up of—you guessed it! -- LETTERS! and of course, letters are made of...
That's So Cool. What Else Are They Good For?[edit | edit source ]
I'm so very glad you asked. For until now, most learners of line principle stop merely at it's face conceptualization. What they do not know, and could not begin to comprehend, is the infinite nature of the line when in the Cartesian Plane. That, once beyond the reaches of human mental capacity, there lies an inverse, paralleling our existence, linked in stasis, binded only by the endlessness of the line! Chew on that, wise ass.
Things You Can Do With Lines[edit | edit source ]
- You can walk the line.
- You can cross the line.
- You can cut in line.
- You can go online (though you're here, so you probably already knew that).
- You can sign your name on the fabled dotted line.
- You can play hangman.
- You can draw inside the lines.
- You can snort a line...well, not legally, but still.
(削除) You can put them through words you don't like. (削除ここまで)- You can put them over words you do like
- You can put them under words that are controlling you.
Despite popular belief, you cannot draw parallel lines, since technically, time is the fourth dimension, and seeing as both lines would co-exist, they would be intersecting in the fourth dimension. You lose, Mr. Newton.
Examples of Lines[edit | edit source ]
Straight Lines[edit | edit source ]
A straight line is a line that doesn't get all squiggly. Many argue that straight lines are the only kinds of lines and that squiggly lines don't even exist. However, they are definitely wrong, as is evidenced by the fact that if you go to an amusement park, you will probably end up standing in a curvy line. Following is a straight line:
How to make a straight line in math[edit | edit source ]
You can define any straight line with the function:
{\displaystyle y=mx+b}
{\displaystyle y} = Y am I reading this article
{\displaystyle m} = Massive tables per 300 sq. poppyseeds
{\displaystyle x} = Number of nicholas cage movies in a given year divided by number of drowning deaths in a given year
{\displaystyle b} = The y-intercept
As you can see, this is a perfectly sane and normal system that always produces perfectly straight lines. The line produced above can be modeled as:
{\displaystyle y=(((4+5)4\div 9)x3+45)(3-3)}, where... yeah idk why this happened.
Contrary to common belief and math, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points, which is a black hole. Straight lines lose to black holes all the time in races. A straight line could never beat a black hole in a race because even if the straight line was going to win, the black hole would make it get all squiggly and it wouldn't win as a straight line. Squiggly lines are the only kinds of lines that can beat black holes.
Gay Lines[edit | edit source ]
A gay line is a line is the opposite of a straight line. They are known for being multicolored, flamboyantly curved, and appearing after a rainfall. They are often sung about by amphibians and Kansans
In Massachusetts, one may find two intersecting gay lines, while this is illegal in most other states . These intersections are also allowed in Vermont, but they are called "convergent unions."
Lines in Popular Culture[edit | edit source ]
- La Linea
- Lines, Lines, Everywhere are Lines
- Linus
- Line Dancing
- Chat Line
- Whose Line is it Anyway?
- The 50 Yard Line
- Linebacker
- Line of Sight
- Line in the Coconut
- The Sno-Line
- The Line of Fire
- Online dating
- Linear Algebra
- Madeline
- Madeline Albright
- Madeline McCann
- The Pan Ti Line
- Decline