Everything There Is To Know About Everything There Is

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To fully appreciate everything there is to know about everything there is (aka: ETITKAETI), it is essential to understand nothing. It also helps to watch the Discovery Channel.

In The Beginning[edit | edit source ]

It has been written "In the beginning there was Nothing." This notion has been more responsible for the widespread ignorance about everything, than any other idea ever written mostly because, as a result of this idea, people tend to not consider nothing as important. So we will begin our examination of everything there is to know about everything there is with an analysis of this phrase.

To start, it is important to recognize that "nothing" is part of everything because if you leave anything out, you don't have everything, therefore, when we consider everything, nothing is included.

The use of the term "beginning" implies that there was a time when everything did not exist, however, since nothing is included -- and always has been -- we must conclude that everything has always existed, even if only in part. In the end, this means that there never was a beginning, and if there never was a beginning, there cannot be a middle, nor an end, so the entire concept of time is an illusion.

There is one other aspect of this extremely clever phrase which, although it is only of minimal relevance to our theme, we will clarify because it gives us a clue that perhaps the person who wrote it, did not wish it to be clearly understood. We refer to the use of the word "in" at the start of the sentence. If the term "beginning" were intended to refer to a time, or a period of time, it would have been more precise to use the word "at" or perhaps, "during," if a period were being implied.

The fact that the writer chose to use the word "in" implies that "the beginning" is some kind of container in which nothing was placed. When you consider the other observations we have already made about nothing, this certainly makes a lot more sense.

Varieties of everything[edit | edit source ]

Just about everything

To say that there never was a time at which everything did not exist, does not say that everything does not vary. There are periods when there may be more or less of everything, and everything may be bigger or smaller, hotter or colder, more or less colorful, and even more or less expensive.

Philosophers often pose, and attempt to find answers to questions which are impossible to answer. One of the classic examples of this is the question of what would exist if everything were to disappear. The immediate answer that comes to mind is "Nothing," however, as we have already observed nothing is part of everything so the answer is that everything would still exist even if it disappeared.

Origin of everything[edit | edit source ]

So, what is the origin of everything? Since everything cannot have come from something which is less than everything, it is obvious that everything is its own origin. Subject closed.

Where to find everything[edit | edit source ]

Where can you find everything? Everything is found everywhere. If you want it just look where ever you are and there it is, at least in part. If you don't see the particular part you're looking for, you simply have to be more observant because it is everywhere.

Learning about everything[edit | edit source ]

Visual example of what might be found between the lines

Take this article for an example, which is about everything there is to know about everything there is. If you want to know something in particular about some specific thing all you have to do is read and understand this article. This article is here (which is part of everywhere) and, when you take into account what it does not say (which is a lot), you can see that that is all there is to know about everything.

There is one reading technique which many people have found helpful when studying about everything: Reading between the lines. Every article written has untold spaces between the lines that most people simply ignore. Some may believe that there is nothing of importance there, others may not have learned to pay attention to what is found, but the sad fact is that countless students complete their studies without ever discovering the wealth of information which is at their disposal through this simple technique. The fact is, nothing is written between the lines and even the shortest of articles contain abundant quantities of nothing ... some articles contain more of this than the words which are written.

Conclusion[edit | edit source ]

In conclusion, if you keep in mind our opening observation that nothing is part of everything, and continually strive to pay attention to nothing you will gradually develop the capacity to know everything there is to know about everything there is without effort and you will be a genius even though others will not be able to discern it.

Other Theories[edit | edit source ]

It has also been suggested by Professor Einbert Alstein that everything in the universe is really, in fact, made up of 42. Billions and billions of tiny microscopic 42s make up all matter. To make matter more confusing there are approximately 14700 types of 42 in the known universe and approximately 39,17301328811400 types of 42 in unknown universes. 42 is, of course, not to be confused with forty-two.

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