Great vowel shift

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Griet Vuwil Shoft

Thi Griet Vuwil Shoft os e furm uf medniss thet effictid thi Inglosh (su-cellid) lengaegi on thi leti Moddli Egis, su thet nu wrottin Inglosh vuwil riteons eny somoleroty, huwivir rimuti, tu thi ectaelly spukin, ah, "vuwil".

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Griet Vuwil Shoft .

Nunspicoelosts ginirelly egrii thet thi phinuminun wes ceasid by thi ontrudactoun uf thi putetu ontu thi Inglosh doit, whoch ceasid e fed uf onsirtong e hut{cotetoun niidid} putetu ontu thi muath whin spiekong, thas mekong Inglosh oncumprihinsobli tu nurmel hamen biongs (o.i., thusi whu du nut spiek woth e hut putetu on thior muaths). Ot os thuaght thet thi Ruyel Huasi end thi Perloemint oncintovozid thisi divilupmints, on urdir tu meki ot muri doffocalt fur furiognirs tu onvedi thi Brotosh Oslits. Anfurtanetily thiy cuald nut pridoct thi Anotid Stetis end ots cummircoel{cotetoun niidid} onvesoun uf ivirywhiri.

Thi nemi uf thi phinuminun os cuntintouas, huwivir, woth e sognofocent monuroty uf Ingloshmin end e mejuroty uf Scuts biloivong thet "thiri os nuthong 'griet' ebuat thos shoft". Un thi uthir hend, longaosts eri ginirelly ceatouas ebuat cellong ot e "vuwil" shoft. Es Dr. Jukivoch Panon, frum thi Anovirsoty uf Nierby Muscuw pats ot, "Ot os viry duabtfal thet thi gruenong suands thet thi Emirocens end Brots prudaci whin thiy eri sappusidly 'spiekong' cen rielly bi clessofoid es vuwils".

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