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Pause means to freeze time, such as on a VCR. Pausing in real-life however is very dangerous, because once you pause you can't get the remote to unpause, and must rely on a friend to unpause you. This is risky because most friends are Dicks, and will stick cheetos in your nose and take a picture before unpausing you. You will not know however, because you are paused. You will only find out when you see a picture of you licking a rat's butt circling the Internet.

It is not recommended to pause in traffic, unless you see a big-ass red light. Then you should pause.

Dio Brando can use The World (Za Warudo) to pause other people. This lets him throw knives at them, drop a steamroller on them, and shriek "WRYYYYYY!" before they realize what has happened.

The elderly lose conscious control of their pause and tend to do it all the time, no matter where they are or who's around.

Pause may also mean the hands of an animal. These are good to eat.

Pause is also known as break.

See Also[edit | edit source ]


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