Forum:APRIL FOOLS!!! Seriously, though...
i don't think i've been active on uncyc around april 1 before now. what usually happens? should we invade somewhere? Sir Gerrycheevers Gun Talk 14:07, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- We normally unlock the main page for a bit don't we? Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 14:12, Mar 20
- OMG can I upload shock porn to the main page? It wouldn't be hilarious but at least I could see someone naked. --I am Justice! aka: Halsoft. 14:40, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- If all you want to do is see somebody naked you just have to go to Modus's Flickr page. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN15:03, 20 Mar
- If memory serves (and at my age, it usually doesn't), I think last year we did some umming and ahhing, and didn't decide on anything, and unprotected the page. There was a lot of vandalism, all of it hysterically funny. And in the end Mooses basically put a link to Just some nuts in the middle, and left it at that. Comedy at its finest and most subtle, I'm sure you'll agree. Same again this year? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 15:06, Mar 20
- Ah. Why not? —Sir Socky Sexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk) Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 16:12, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- That's a terrible idea. I'm not going to stop you. You kids need to run free, to see just how foul and idiotic the internet really is. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 16:50, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- That's a great idea. Let's show these kids just how foul and idiotic the internet really is. —Sir Socky Sexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk) Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 16:55, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- If memory serves (and at my age, it usually doesn't), I think last year we did some umming and ahhing, and didn't decide on anything, and unprotected the page. There was a lot of vandalism, all of it hysterically funny. And in the end Mooses basically put a link to Just some nuts in the middle, and left it at that. Comedy at its finest and most subtle, I'm sure you'll agree. Same again this year? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 15:06, Mar 20
- If all you want to do is see somebody naked you just have to go to Modus's Flickr page. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN15:03, 20 Mar
- OMG can I upload shock porn to the main page? It wouldn't be hilarious but at least I could see someone naked. --I am Justice! aka: Halsoft. 14:40, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- any other plans besides 'unlock the main page'? should we subtly vandalize wikipedia? should we continue to edit conservapedia in disgiuse? should we bring Manforman back for a day, for shits 'n giggles? Sir Gerrycheevers Gun Talk 17:21, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Maybe, no, not me, no. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:30, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Let's not unlock the main page. :( • Spang • ☃ • talk • 17:33, 20 Mar 2009
- Let's unlock MrN9000's userpage. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:39, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- following the trend of you guys being no fun, maybe we should put only serious, actual content on the main page, as in a reversal of roles. or we could use my strategy to attract girls and ignore april fool's day completely and hyperventilate if it tries to initiate contact. Sir Gerrycheevers Gun Talk 19:25, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Aww man. What a terrific idea to parody April Fools Day: Overly Serious Day. Bans for anything even remotely foolish. Yes, YES! Hmm.... On second thought that's a terrible idea. Never mind. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gif Talking Woody Stalking Woody 19:35, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- I think it's been done already. So we need to come up with something that's not Wikipedia, and not unlocking the main page, despite how much I loved everyone's bitching about that because it broke the site and all. – Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • critchat) 19:38 Mar 20, 2009
- Uncyclopedia and Illogicopedia could switch urls for the day? --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 19:46, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- following the trend of you guys being no fun, maybe we should put only serious, actual content on the main page, as in a reversal of roles. or we could use my strategy to attract girls and ignore april fool's day completely and hyperventilate if it tries to initiate contact. Sir Gerrycheevers Gun Talk 19:25, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Let's unlock MrN9000's userpage. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:39, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
I know what we should do.
I propose that on April Fools Day, we link every article on the main page to a Conservapedia article on the same subject, or a similar subject. That way we have an April Fools prank, and we get all our trolls over there! What isn't there to love! Colin Explode fire.gif ALL YOUR BASEExplode fire.gif Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 19:52, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Except the trolls can't register. Anyway, how about my switching urls idea? --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 19:53, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- No I suggested that last year, except it was a Conservapedia skin that Conservapedia or Fox News or whatever Conservative company bought out Uncyclopedia and turned it into a Conservative Wiki. Nobody wanted to do it, except me, because I am crazy enough to do stuff like that. Hardly anyone here gets my sense of humor unless they are Andy Kaufman and he's dead and crazier than I am. I guess that explains why a bulk majority of my articles get huffed or VFD'ed here. "Nobody likes me, everyone hates me, I think I'll eat some worms." wait that is not me, but the WWE's ECW Boogieman. :) How about a WWE reskin with Vince McMahon taking over Uncyclopedia and we highlight WWE articles and then have Vince have another near death accident like he spills coffee on his laptop and gets electrocuted and then Vicky Guerrero and Edge take over?--Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 21:52, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- I second the suggestion. Sounds like weird enough, and pranks are sometimes fun. :) -- Luverly - (Contribs) (Talk) Heart anim.gif Brainwashed to be British and then some. Certifiably MORE British than You. Grammar Nazi, Mum , BFF & NotM, CUN , GMP . - Perkele! 22:46, 20 Mar
- The problem is, almost all wrestling articles suck. -- 15Mickey20 (talk to Mickey) 10:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Almost all of them. We need to feature █████ ██████ Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gif Talking Woody Stalking Woody 19:01, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- The problem is, almost all wrestling articles suck. -- 15Mickey20 (talk to Mickey) 10:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I second the suggestion. Sounds like weird enough, and pranks are sometimes fun. :) -- Luverly - (Contribs) (Talk) Heart anim.gif Brainwashed to be British and then some. Certifiably MORE British than You. Grammar Nazi, Mum , BFF & NotM, CUN , GMP . - Perkele! 22:46, 20 Mar
NO! I know what we should do.
Absolutely Nothing. That'll really screw with everyone. "Where's my april fools prank?" they'll ask, and while they squirm and self-destruct from the lack of an april fools joke, I will stand back, watching and laughing at all your miserable cries! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough* Icons-flag-pi.PNG Pirate Lord __ Sonic80 (Yell • Latest literary excretion) __ 02:51, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Thats an april fools joke in all its own. But I can read minds and I know that your real april fools joke is to say you will do nothing and then secretly do something but since I know maybe you will do something but then you wont <shortcircuit> --I am Justice! aka: Halsoft. 14:32, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
Cainad's Superior April Fool's Plan
Let's all get laid. --The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 05:36, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Don't be ridiculous. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 14:41, Mar 23
- I'm with Cainad. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 06:59, 27 March 2009
How about...
...we replace the main page with an advert for Gillette. -- 15Mickey20 (talk to Mickey) 10:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Clearly the correct answer for the mainpage is baby aardvark. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 10:35, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Or maybe...
As a variation of Collins concept... We replace the main page with something like
I have no idea what anyone is talking about regarding registering there or not. It's not like we are deliberately sending a load of users to go vandalise another site for the day. Uncyc would never support such action. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 10:41, Mar 21
- ... Except that the new users wouldn't be able to vandalise the site, because even I'm finding registration to be a pain. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:07, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well if even you can't do it then it must be impossible right? I just did it fine by the way. First time, no problems, took me less than 1 Minute. Not that I have any use for such an account you understand. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 11:21, Mar 21
- Wait, you're right. Something about registering as Hugh Jassner didn't go their way. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:23, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Sweet. Not that you have any need for such an account obviously. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 11:26, Mar 21
- An Aussie sent me the welcome template. I'm asking why they allow foeringers on a pro-American site since I don't believe in immigrants stealing american jobs. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Blocked by Sino-Japanese admin. I was only sharing my anti-immigrant views! --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:42, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Bah, they don't know humour anyway. No sense of irony. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 11:48, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- At least I was able to see if they walk away from losing debates on their own fascist ideaology. Oh well. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:52, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- You only say that because you're a liberal. Go smoke some of "the drugs", hippy! And don't homeschool your kids while you're at it! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 11:55, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- You can't tell me what to do, man. It's bad enough that you evangelical Nazis aren't giving me a job! --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 12:01, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I'll give you a job. Save America from people like you, pinko! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 12:09, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- You can't tell me what to do, man. It's bad enough that you evangelical Nazis aren't giving me a job! --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 12:01, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- You only say that because you're a liberal. Go smoke some of "the drugs", hippy! And don't homeschool your kids while you're at it! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 11:55, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- At least I was able to see if they walk away from losing debates on their own fascist ideaology. Oh well. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:52, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Bah, they don't know humour anyway. No sense of irony. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 11:48, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Blocked by Sino-Japanese admin. I was only sharing my anti-immigrant views! --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:42, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- An Aussie sent me the welcome template. I'm asking why they allow foeringers on a pro-American site since I don't believe in immigrants stealing american jobs. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:27, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Sweet. Not that you have any need for such an account obviously. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 11:26, Mar 21
- Wait, you're right. Something about registering as Hugh Jassner didn't go their way. --SoIwastolazytolearnGermanic.jpg -kun "whisper sweet nothings into thine ear..." 11:23, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well if even you can't do it then it must be impossible right? I just did it fine by the way. First time, no problems, took me less than 1 Minute. Not that I have any use for such an account you understand. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 11:21, Mar 21
April Fool's jokes
The elements:
The admins (who will be online that day) get together and make special new sigs for themselves and alter the front page to________
Think of the possibilities!
Clown sigs and "Funcyclopedia"
Eyeball sigs and 1984 theme
Another thought:
Lots of new "advertisements" for our new corporate for-profit look ($$$$$$ motiffs)
I used to love April Fools at KFJC. I produced one where the college had taken the radio station back for "educational" programming. Moohoohawhawhaw!--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png 10:51, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I like funcyclopedia. Let's change the logo to say that and do nothing else. • Spang • ☃ • talk • 15:39, 21 Mar 2009
- What about moving the url back to what it had been? It'll be a great joke to pull on Wikia... --Mega Pleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 15:41, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
You could translate the main page in leetspeak.--LOLsupreme 12:30, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
I've got an idea!
Let's change the domain to That way, everyone will think we've sold out. That'll be hilarious!--<< Bradmonogram.png >> 14:41, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Or we could secede from Wikia. That way, everybody will think we're some sort of terrorist group. Also, let's feature Douche! --Mega Pleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 14:53, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well we could put a notice on the front page saying the site has closed, and lock the entire database from edits for a day. :-) Also Brad, we did not sell anything. How could we as we are a non-profit site. Anyway, we make no money for Wikia. None whatsoever. Wikia know that because they are loosing money as a company as a whole, so therefore Uncyc must be loosing money also. We made nothing for them before the domain name was changed, and we still make nothing for them now that the name has been changed. Considering that the name change has not increased the profitibily of Wikia in anyway you would think that they would be willing to change it back considering all the fuss and such... Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 15:02, Mar 21
- I didn't say we DID sell out. It just LOOKS like we did.--<< Bradmonogram.png >> 16:32, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I sold out. More correctly, I sold you out. I did it for the money. Not a lot, too. It was, like, a dollar. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:43, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I can personally tell you that I understand where you're coming from. In Today's tough economy, a dollar may not seem like a lot... but that'll get you a Famous Face Stuffer at KGB. All the best tastes you've grown to love, blended together and put into smoothie form. Then you get to stuff all that greasy goop into your face. And it's only a buck. KGB is the place to be, for all your liquified meat needs.--<< Bradmonogram.png >> 01:52, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
- I sold out. More correctly, I sold you out. I did it for the money. Not a lot, too. It was, like, a dollar. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:43, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- I didn't say we DID sell out. It just LOOKS like we did.--<< Bradmonogram.png >> 16:32, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well we could put a notice on the front page saying the site has closed, and lock the entire database from edits for a day. :-) Also Brad, we did not sell anything. How could we as we are a non-profit site. Anyway, we make no money for Wikia. None whatsoever. Wikia know that because they are loosing money as a company as a whole, so therefore Uncyc must be loosing money also. We made nothing for them before the domain name was changed, and we still make nothing for them now that the name has been changed. Considering that the name change has not increased the profitibily of Wikia in anyway you would think that they would be willing to change it back considering all the fuss and such... Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 15:02, Mar 21
Uncyclopedia Now a Profit for Net Nerds Centre/Center/< >
Take advertising except it is all spoofed. --Romartus 17:57, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
- Make it seem like Uncyclopedia doesn't exist anymore and that Wikia huffed it for NRV. Or just switch to Monobook for a day, horrifying everyone. S-9 8 4 01:38, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
Change our Name to Wikipedia
lol, lawsuit? - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 16:13, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
Change our name to Uncyclopedia Dramatica
Yes, we can do the Desu thing! GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Man on Fire CUN |IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 07:53, 1 April 2009 (UTC)