Charleroi [edit | edit source ]
Wankcity (Popular in new culture by meat loving people all over the world)
Ninove [edit | edit source ]
This little marginal city just next to Aalst is known for the corrupt police apparatus and mayor, who owns the nightlife by starting a shitty club called "de kuip", you can recognize carrot men by their unibrowns. Also look out for the graanmarket, the epicenter of marginality!
Beernem [edit | edit source ]
The most fearsome city of the world it it famous because of the dictator J. Vanslembrouck69 and his "movies", he is helped by his warriors (called The Psychopatics ), his coup of beernem is legendary
leen vs liese made an award hit single
die ben
thats over the tirany that vanslembrouck uses. mommy killed a kitten and daddy keeps peeing. fire walk with me. its morphing time. sorry can't come up with more contextless clutter
Stalhille [edit | edit source ]
The beautiful city of Stalhille is famous because of its superior resident WYBO.
It's located not far from Jabbeke who lies in new new bruges.
Belsele [edit | edit source ]
Biggest city of whole Belgium. This is the place were the most bright & smart people live (sure it is). Belsele is best known for its skylane, which is made up of hundreds of huge skyscrapers and shopping complexes. It's also home to the most advanced research centers in western europe.
Paris Hilton got kicked out Belsele because she was stealing AGAIN !
Also hometown of the famous torrent site: The Pirate Bay, which has attracted a nice population of prostitutes and drunks.
If u want to, u can come watch to a show of "vincent van driese", it's called: "Look at me, i'm gay and wearing Pink clothes!"
Dendermonde [edit | edit source ]
Strange little place, located somewhere near the river schelde(have no idea where that is, do you know where?)
Ruled by the benevolent dictator: Gertjan Van Damme aka wargarurumon aka graaf tel tot tien aka just plain smarter than you( known to be the slayer of the 50 ft chicken/VB'er of Berlare, to be the best fuck the three armed prostitute of Haut-Katanga has ever had, to have won this guy's Nobel prize, and the only person in the world to have ever won from Marc Reynebeau in a staring contest).
Dendermonde is well known for its escape artists, a giant wooden horse that strangely isn't filled with Greeks and to be the current base of operations of the penguin army of doom.
The city/citadel/glorious kingdom/town/hol/whatever you want to call it, is at the moment in a fierce struggle with the city of aalst. A struggle which nobody except for a handful of bearded guys and drunk college boys care about, but sadly has cost the lives of many hippies, apple fanatics, a bunch of my little ponies and the last remaining nun in the city, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, eh eh I mean, how sad.
It all started in the year 70,489452 B.C. when eh, eeeeehhhhh, ehm eehh well ehm they started it.
P.S. well so can I
Oostende [edit | edit source ]
Town that attracts tourists by claiming it's coastal, while really it's just close to a river, called Chechenskoe More (usual abbreviation: 'tsètche") by its main Gastarbeiter contingent (Chechens who were lured there thinking it was the capital of judo and discotheque refurnishment). Traditionally, local elections are decided in a mud wrestling match between the best local basket ball player and the best local judo fighter. In 2006, the basket player (Johan Vande Lanotte) for the third consecutive time beat the judo fighter (Jean-Marie De Decker).
Varsenare City [edit | edit source ]
Home of the wonder that is called Vandamme, Jan Vandamme. Varsenare is a typical idyllic city lying in the hart of Belgium: the polders. It's also one of the first settlements of mankind, dated back as far as 1984 AD. But the myth says that a group of homo erectus, who were very horny at the time, started a camp near the Gistelsestoneroad. Fortunately for them a group of lesbian erectus came from the other side and joined the herd. The homo's and lesbians mated which started an enormous growth of the population. Last counting reported over 6 citizens and still rising.
Brugge ( Bruges )[edit | edit source ]
The Capital City, not only of West-Flanders, but also of the world. Brugge (or Bruges in English) recently restarted annexing neighbouring cities, including Assebroek, Dudzele, Koolkerke, Lissewege, Sint-Andries, Sint-Kruis, Sint-Michiels and is now looking for more Lebensraum, especially focusing East-Flanders. Bruges has no university, because the Belgian Government is afraid that a West-Flemish university could lead to West-Flemish independence and world supremacy. There is, however, a campus of KU Leuven in Kortrijk, but 90% of their students are West-Flemings in the age bracket [7-12] so no-one in West-Flanders takes that campus seriously. Because of this, thousands of young West-Flemish go to the University of Ghent. This has lead to tensions however, because West-Flemings are generally smarter than their East-Flemish counterparts. Some East-Flemings therefore founded the party "Nieuw-Gentse Alliantie", which wanted to expel all West-Flemings out of Ghent. However, they didn't had the intelligence to back up their movement and thus failed miserably. As a result West-Flemings still dominate the University of Ghent.
Sint-Niklaas [edit | edit source ]
Home of the terrible socialistic dictator Freddyy WIlloXxx and his jumping (as in Dj Furax) followers. It is generally accepted that WIlloXxx is only a puppet and that the real dictator is wil|y lam0n, who's planning to opress the whole region by hitting his opponents with his stick.
In a nearby village there lives a creepy Dutch teacher too. He teaches all the kids DUTCH...
Sint-Niklaas is the home of SNC Punx. But what's most amazing about these citizens is that they really are all so cool... you can't believe it.
some quotes: "sinnekloas, hell yeah" "can we stay here?"
home to hooverphonic
Wingene [edit | edit source ]
Home of one of the world's most famous wingman, "chilly willy". And we ain't talking about wingman in the nerdy 'I can fly' kind of way, nono, we're talking about the .
Leuven [edit | edit source ]
This is probably the only city in the world where being bald ("KAAL") is an actual sport. Home of one of the oldest universities in Europe, the K.U.L. ("Kale Universiteit Leuven"). Famous citizens: Senator Lonsdale and Judge H. Ardcore, both known for their policy about foreigners. (Also known as drug abusers or "Die Ausländer".) With great places such as The colff, The Rock Café with earlier whole lotta rosie as bartender, and now a communist boy) and Johnnies (referring to mindless fools listening to hardcore music) call Leuven their true home.There's also a school called the Ring and it's full off hippies and dumb communists. I would like to kill them bunch of faggots. Thursday nights are of great importance to the inhabitants of Leuven, since it is the only time they have an opportunity to drink and get laid like hell. The university owes its greatness to the FAKBARS, where academics meet and play Fussball during exchange of ideas. Also, the term "Marginale Driehoek" (marginal triangle) originates from here, which says much about the populace of Leuvens' social skills and respect for their neighbours.
Aalst [edit | edit source ]
Also known as "oilsjt" for the local citizens. This city is mostly inhabitated by hairy monkeys who listen to Kettle Metal. Every year at carnival, they are taken to Leuven, to make sure they don't overpopulate. Aalst is exclusively inhabited by transvestites, men caught not wearing fishnet stockings and Basques are routinely lynched.
Tielen [edit | edit source ]
Village of the ice farmer. Village that hates Tienen. It was struck by an earthquake, making it the largest ghost town in Belgium. The mayor of this town is Piet Piraat.
Tielt [edit | edit source ]
This city recently made the world press announcing a 'devils pact' with Brugge. Seems like 'die Drang nach Osten' was simply to strong. Waffles? Under the brave leadership of Sir Maarten Tielt is trying to maintain and fortify its position as world leading economy in the production of dead socialists . Great and noble times are ahead of us my friend. You can also call it Matthiastown, named after the most incredible creator of that town. The only problem is that nobody believes him. But that doesn't bother him. The mayor of tielt, Mao Zhedong recently opened up the free market so Tielt can now start exporting dead socialists. Starting with Johan Vande Lanotte, he is believed to be worse than Stalin, Mao and Kim Jong Il together!
Tienen [edit | edit source ]
Home town of cone head Ben crabbé, the drummer of The Kreuners. It's a part of the 'Marginale driehoek'. It's for your own good to stay the hell out of Tienen. (Also known as the town of sugar.)
Bekkevoort [edit | edit source ]
Is the hardest village to describe, this is the only town in the world where men are able to have children. They are usually dressed in clothes that are sent by third world countries in order to get rid of the poverty. It's also a part of the Marginale driehoek. (Yes.)
Linden [edit | edit source ]
Homebase of "Lethal Bregt", also known as "Crimegt". One of the leading artists on the Hardjump Scene, he is known to be very stupid, which is because he listens to Jumpstyle and calls it something even more stupid and also because he calls himself lethal bregt, common who the fuck calls himself like that.
Lokeren [edit | edit source ]
Sometimes spelled as "Loqeren". Home of "Jump Crew Lokeren".Basically a group of random people dancing around spasmic on techno.Jumping is for hyperactive disabled retards who try to fly. Ninety percent of all inhabitants are Muslims. Famous Citizens: Gabber Freddy.
Antwerpen [edit | edit source ]
English: "Antwerp". This harbor city was originally founded after someone cut off the founder's hand and threw it in the river. Currently the local citizens ("Führers") are at war with Morocco. In British English, "twerp" is a slang term meaning an idiot or fool. This might be a coincidence, though it's not bloody likely, is it? The only three remaining Whelks in the world live here. Mostly because they feel this is the only place left in the world where the people arn't completely retarded. They call all black people "makakken" which you can get killed for if you say it too loud in the wrong place.
Geraardsbergen [edit | edit source ]
Manneken Pis ( Peeing Boy ), period. Oh yes and some kind of Old Mountain, meh who cares? Also home of Croatian mob branches,the most famous being the Malfrovices, lead by the mighty Andriy Malfrovic. the school (KA Geraardsbergen) is also terrorised by disformed creatures claiming to be teachers, an example of this is HangWang De Jonge (in english: flappingcheeks The Young), in contradiction to her name she is believed to be well over 500 years old and tortures students by showing them used anticonseption devices. Please note that this is the most dangerous city in Belgium. "Marginalen" often get in fights with eachother, that means : lacostenikewearing tuningboys and retards calling eachother gay and saying "dikken a bakkes" (roughly translated : fat guy, keep your mouth shut!). They don't go to school, but if they do they're probably part of the KA. Their other hobbies are: smoking on the playground without getting noticed, beating up the cool kids and getting drunk before 10 am. Which is not that weird, coz Geraardsbergen is the city with the highest alcoholaddict-rate.
Brussels [edit | edit source ]
This is the city where people decide whether or not you will be wearing red or purple underwear next year. It is the capital of the European Union. Brussels is also famous for its large red tape industry. It is also where the Commission européenne isn't based or as the locals call it, the Belgian. it has over 10,000 ppl put there.
Bornem [edit | edit source ]
Bornem is the booby-capital of the world. On November the 29th a booby-conference is held in the C.C., led by a guy named Homomanpiet( Booby-festivities include giant bras, confetti and boob-shaped pies, booooooring look if you want to see transvestites you can always go to aalst, apparently there are allot of them during carnaval.