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Welcome to the 7th Edition of our beloved and prestigious Poo Lit Surprise. Watch your step.
The contest is over and the results are below. Consult the talk page or me for any questions or concerns. See the Poo Lit Archives for the results from past competitions.

Winners[edit | edit source ]

Best Article[edit | edit source ]

Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Grand Champion: Plink by GlobalTourniquet

1st runner up: Childhood: an essay by Modusoperandi

2nd runner up: The Watch Men by Composure1

Honorable Mentions: Dungeons & Dragons: Real Life Edition: Character Races, Godzilla vs. Vaginus

Best Noob Article[edit | edit source ]

Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Grand Champion: UN Fat Project by Judepeer

1st runner up: Alfred Hitchcock by GlobalTourniquet and Dungeons & Dragons: Real Life Edition: Character Classes by Guildensternenstein (tie)

2nd runner up: My Girl's Best Friend by Tagstit

Honorable Mention: Thin Mints

Best Alt. Namespace Article[edit | edit source ]

Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Grand Champion: UnMovie Review: Watchmen (with special guests, the Watchmen) by Modusoperandi and UnNews:Obama unveils education reform plans by Monika (tie)

1st runner up: HowTo:Write Serj Tankian Lyrics by GlobalTourniquet and Why?:Be a transvestite if you're not going to put any effort into it? by DrStrange (tie)

Best Illustrated Article[edit | edit source ]

Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Grand Champion: Economic Collapse Barbie® by DrStrange and Karl Lagerfeld by Modusoperandi (tie)

1st runner up: Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer by Mhaille

Best Rewrite[edit | edit source ]

Poo Lit Surprise Logo.png Grand Champion: Money by Sycamore

1st runner up: Claude Debussy by 15Mickey20

2nd runner up: Oscars by GlobalTourniquet

Honorable Mentions: L, HowTo:Online Jihad

Competition Wrap-Up[edit | edit source ]

And so ends another chapter in the history of the Poo Lit Surprise.

There's been some times where I wish I wasn't hosting this, but overall, it's gone better than I thought it would. The rough patches, I believe, are more than worth it for some of the new, terrific article that have been written. Congratulations to all the winners for an excellent display of writing. A hearty pat on the back to everyone else who entered, too — it's nice to have so many good writers around, so thanks for all the effort you guys have put in, especially those who wrote multiple articles.

Special thanks to Modus, for answering those questions while I wasn't there/didn't watchlist this thing, all the judges for their time spent deciding who would be victorious, and to Mordillo and MrN for doing all the adminny stuff that I couldn't.

Well done all again, good luck with these on VFH, and thanks for making this the not-the-worst PLS in Uncyc history![citation needed] —–Sir Heerenveen, KUN UotM RotM VFH (talk), 6/04 10:51

Scoring Details [edit | edit source ]

The scoring system was based on a points. Judges were asked to submit their top 5, points being awarded as: 5 points for #1, 4 points for #2, 3 points for #3, and so on. Total scores are below. Entries not below received no points, though they were judged. Consult any of the judges for questions.

Best Article

  1. User:GlobalTourniquet/Plink - 12
  2. User:Modusoperandi/Childhood: an essay - 10
  3. User:Composure1/The Watch Men - 8
  4. User:Guildensternenstein/Dungeons & Dragons: Real Life Edition: Character Races - 7
  5. User:DrStrange/Godzilla vs. Vaginus - 6
  6. User:Nickwalnut/Paedometer - 2
  7. User:Mrthejazz/Charles Lindenburg - 1

Best Noob Article

  1. User:Judepeer/UN Fat Project - 12
  2. User:Guildensternenstein/Dungeons & Dragons: Real Life Edition: Character Classes - 11
  3. User:GlobalTourniquet/Alfred Hitchcock - 11
  4. User:Tagstit/My Girl's Best Friend - 7
  5. User:CheddarBBQ/Thin Mints - 3
  6. User:Mahm00shA/Nile (band) - 1

Best Alt. Namespace Article

  1. User:Monika/UnNews:Obama unveils education reform plans - 12
  2. User:Modusoperandi/UnMovie_Review: Watchmen (with special guests, the Watchmen) - 12
  3. User:DrStrange/Why?:Be a transvestite if you're not going to put any effort into it? - 9
  4. User:GlobalTourniquet/HowTo:Write Serj Tankian Lyrics - 9

Best Illustrated

  1. User:DrStrange/Economic Collapse Barbie® - 14
  2. User:Modusoperandi/Karl Lagerfeld - 14
  3. User:Mhaille/Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer - 9

Best Rewrite

  1. User:Sycamore/Money - 14
  2. User:15Mickey20/Claude Debussy - 11
  3. User:GlobalTourniquet/Oscars - 8
  4. User:Sonic80/HowTo:Online Jihad - 6
  5. User:Zheliel/L - 6
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