Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Anwendungen/OpenStreetMap/en
Diese Seite auf Deutsch: Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Anwendungen/OpenStreetMap
Many Wikipedia articles hold geographic coordinates which allow for displaying locations on a map. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the basic map used. The map is activated by clicking on the link "Karte" (=Map) on the upper right-hand side next to the coordinates in German Wikipedia articles. The map also contains images and links to other Wikipedia articles.
In order to allow the map to work, JavaScript must be activated in the web browser. An example can be found e.g. in the article Heilbronn (German Wikipedia).
OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]The free world map OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project in which people from all over the world offer their geographic knowledge free to use.
Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap join forces and link their data:
- Wikipedia articles are illustrated with maps
- Wikipedia articles are linked on the map
Placing Wikipedia articles into a spatial context to each other and to other objects is the main goal of the Wikipedia OSM map. To this end Wikipedia articles are georeferenced with coordinates. The respective node is collected as part of the WikiProject geographical coordinates. In subproject Wikipedia-World the data is being processed for the use on the map.
Anybody can collaborate in OpenStreetMap - just like with Wikipedia. The OpenStreetMap Beginner's Guide helps you with your first steps in OSM.
Open map view
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]In the upper right-hand side of the articles you can often find a coordinate with a "Map" button.
- A click on (Map) opens the integrated OSM map, a second click closes it.
- A click on the coordinate opens the "Geohack" page where you can choose from various maps to view the location.
Wikipedia links on the map
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]Clicking on an icon opens a small window within the map. The window shows the link to the respective wikipedia article and an image from Wikimedia Commons if available. Clicking on the link opens the article in a new browser window.
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]No. | controls | use |
1 | Move |
Dragging (keeping the left mouse button pressed) or clicking on one of the four arrows of the cross control moves the map. |
2 | Options |
3 | Zoom |
4 | Layer |
Clicking on the blue "plus" sign opens the layer menu, |
5 | Permalink |
- Within the list you can choose the language of the Wikipedia articles.
- Most articles will be shown when you choose the English (more than 3 million) or the German Wikipedia (more than 1 million).
- More articles will be available if you choose the language spoken in the displayed area.
- Wikipedia is available in more than 270 different languages. You can choose 40 of them to display on top of the map (the others can be accessed by clicking on the internet address)
- Thumbnails/Images
- showing images on top of the map can be switched on/off by ticking the small box on/off
- the source of the images is Wikimedia Commons
Base Layer
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]You can choose out of three background maps ("Base Layer)":
Basis-Layer | Stil |
OSM | The map you know from the OSM portal. Processed by Wikimedia Toolserver. | Mapnik | Another layer from the OSM portal. Processed by servers. |
HikeBike | Hiking and biking map. |
Public Transport | Public Transport (ö |
Germany | A map visualisation used in Germany for car maps. |
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]You can choose out of three overlay layers:
Overlay | Content |
Wikipedia World | Selection of Wikipedia articles from the map by clicking on the icon. This opens a small window with a link to the respective article. |
WIWOSM | Show geometric objects from OpenStreetMap for this article |
Markers | Marker on the centre of the map. |
HillShade | Hill-shading (terrain) will be visualised. |
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]Please contribute to the project by adding coordinates to wikipedia articles:
Wikipedia articles shown on a world map
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]Two maps displays all georeferenced Wikipedia articles worldwide:
The more you zoom in, the more (local) articles are displayed. The GUI of the world map works as explained in the section "Usability".
Source code
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]-
Bug reports
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]- For bug reports please use or the German discussion page at wikipedia:de .
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]To install add the following lines of code in your common.js skin javascript or as admin in MediaWiki:Common.js:
The installation is only necessary if the map application is not already installed as a gadget or globally for all installed.
/** * Install OSM map as link next to coordinate link * @source * @updated 6 January 2015 */ window.osm_proj_map='peta';//"map" in project language (malay) window.osm_proj_lang='ms';//project language (malay) mw.loader.load('//');
- Installations
The gadget via azb:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, ca:MediaWiki:Common.js, da:MediaWiki:Common.js, MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, dsb:MediaWiki:Common.js, es:MediaWiki:Common.js, et:MediaWiki:Common.js, fa:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, gl:MediaWiki:Common.js, hsb:MediaWiki:Common.js, is:MediaWiki:Common.js, ln:MediaWiki:Common.js, lv:MediaWiki:Common.js, nn:MediaWiki:Common.js, no:MediaWiki:Common.js, pl:MediaWiki:Gadget-maps.js, ps:MediaWiki:Gadget-OpenStreetMap.js, ro:MediaWiki:Common.js, sc:MediaWiki:Common.js, sk:MediaWiki:Common.js, tr:MediaWiki:Gadget-OpenStreetMap.js;
Custom gadgets are installed on be:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, bn:MediaWiki:Gadget-OpenStreetMap.js, cs:MediaWiki:Gadget-OSMmapa.js, fr:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, hu:MediaWiki:Gadget-wiwosm.js, it:MediaWiki:Gadget-OpenStreetMap.js, no:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, ro:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js, ru:MediaWiki:Gadget-osm.js; en:MediaWiki:Gadget-OSM.js, vec:MediaWiki:Gadget-OpenStreetMap.js
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]- 2012年07月10日 - Activation of WIWOSM in all languages (IE still not working)
- 2012年03月21日 - WIWOSM was activated in German Wikipedia as beta-Version
- 2010年11月01日 - We are now running at the Translatewiki. Translation contributions into additional languages are wanted. The languages of the language selector is now being translated with CLDR, other GUI elements of the gadget are translated via OpenLayers.
- 2010年10月31日 - The map is now available for different languages at zoom levels 0-6. The selection of the language is possible for all Wikipedias with more than 1000 articles. The translation of the interface is under preparation.
- 2010年10月21日 - News on
- 2010年10月20日 – The OSM map is now activated on for all users.
- 2010年09月10日 – The OSM gadget distributes now tiles from the Toolserver.