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Vorlage:URN – module to generate fully titled external links on resources in URN system by {{URN}}.

Functions for templates

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Parameters of template transclusion; all but 1 optional:
  • Complete specifier
  • (obsolete:) namespace-ID before colon, if 2 provided: nbn
Obsolete migration mode from pre-Lua era in dewiki.
  • Specifier after colon, if 1 is provided as nbn namespace.
Alternative resolver
Configuration in: Module:URIutil/urn
Link target in generated URL; not part of URN itself
1 – suppress any fading out of error messages, e.g. in manual context; also do not generate maintenance categories
Parameters of #invoke for project specific adaption; all optional:
Title of a maintenance category in case of invalid parameter value etc.
Classes to be adjoined to error messages, like error (always provided)
1 – hide error messages by default
Space separated list of wiki namespace numbers which limit maintenance category.
Default: Throw errCat in all namespaces.
Returns: external link or error message, e.g. as class="error".
Version ID (local): 2020年01月18日
Optional parameter:
  • 1 – Minimum version or wikidata or ~
{{#invoke:Vorlage:URN|failsafe}} yields 2020年01月18日
With a parameter as ISO date it is compared whether the current module satisfies this version or later.
  • {{#invoke:Vorlage:URN|failsafe|2001年01月01日}} returns: »2020年01月18日«
  • {{#invoke:Vorlage:URN|failsafe|2099年01月01日}} returns: »« – (empty), if minimal version condition not matched
  • If keyword is wikidata, result is version ID registered on Wikidata (2020年01月18日) or local if not found there.
  • If keyword is ~, result is empty if local and Wikidata version are the same: ().
  • Empty, if minimal version condition not matched, or ~ and local version is synchronized.
  • Version ID if no parameter, or if wikidata, or local if not found there, or not synchronized.

Limited to:

Functions for Lua modules (API)

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The functions described above can be used by other modules, but are supposed for development and management purposes only. The URIutil library functions are a better solution for productive rendering.

local lucky, URNtemplate = pcall( require, "Module:Vorlage:URN" )
if type( URNtemplate ) ~= "table" then
 -- In the event of errors, URNtemplate is an error message.
 return "<span class=\"error\">" .. URNtemplate .. "</span>"

Subsequently there are available:

URNtemplate.test( argsF, argsT )
Development interface
Parameters as for f:
  1. argsF
    table; list with #invoke parameters
    • .errNS might be string or sequence table with number
  2. argsT
    table; list with template transclusion parameters
  • string with external link or error message
URNtemplate.failsafe( atleast )
Versioning interface
  1. atleast
    nil or minimum version or wikidata or ~ for synchronisation
returns: Version ID as string or false


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Installation on other WMF projects

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Follow the steps:

  1. Copy module code of Module:Vorlage:URN into your project.
    • Choose any appropriate name for the module.
  2. Register this module at d:Q52365013.
  3. Ensure that Module:URIutil (d:Q19644443) is available for your project.
  4. Module:URIutil/urn (d:Q20950454) is required as well, see URIutil root module.
  5. It is recommended to provide Module:TemplUtl (d:Q52364930) for improved error handling; see installation guide.


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There are built-in error messages, currently available in English and German.

  • Some few other languages might be incorporated into upstream code.
  • For larger number of translations another global multilingual might be implemented.
  • That depends on global proliferation.
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