Best Dramatic Show (Beste Dramasendung)
The United States Steel Hour, ABC
Goodyear Television Playhouse, NBC Kraft Television Theatre, NBC The Philco Television Playhouse, NBC Robert Montgomery Presents, NBC Studio One, CBS
Best Mystery, Action or Adventure Program (Beste Mystery-, Action- oder Abenteuerserie)
Polizeibericht, NBC
Foreign Intrigue, NBC I Led Three Lives, Syndication Suspense, CBS The Web, CBS
Best Variety Program (Beste Unterhaltungssendung)
Omnibus, CBS
The Colgate Comedy Hour, NBC The Jackie Gleason Show, CBS Toast of the Town, CBS Your Show of Shows, NBC
Best Audience Participation, Quiz or Panel Program (Beste Mitmach-, Quiz- oder Bildratesendung)
This Is Your Life, NBC What’s My Line?, CBS
I’ve Got a Secret, CBS Two for the Money, CBS You Bet Your Life, CBS
Best Situation Comedy (Beste Sitcom)
I Love Lucy, CBS
The Burns and Allen Show, CBS Mister Peepers, NBC Our Miss Brooks, CBS Topper, CBS
Best Program of News or Sports (Beste Nachrichten- oder Sportsendung)
See It Now, CBS
Camel News Caravan, NBC Gillette Cavalcade of Sports, NBC NCAA Football Games, NBC Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts, CBS Professional Football, DuMont
Best Public Affairs Program (Beste Informationssendung)
Victory at Sea, NBC
Adventure, CBS Life is Worth Living, Syndication Meet the Press, NBC Person to Person, CBS
Best Children’s Program (Beste Kindersendung)
Kukla, Fran, and Ollie, NBC
Big Top, CBS Ding Dong School, NBC Super Circus, NBC Zoo Parade, NBC
Best New Program (Bestes Neuprogramm)
Make Room for Daddy, ABC The United States Steel Hour, ABC
Adventure, CBS Ding Dong School, NBC Letter to Loretta, NBC Person to Person, CBS