Modul:Vorlage:Infobox Fußballspieler
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--[=[ Modul:Vorlage:Infobox_Fußballspieler, 2015年10月09日 Modul zur Unterstützung der Vorlage:Infobox_Fußballspieler * insbesondere: Generierung der Tabellenzeilen der Vereins- und Nationalmannschaftsstationen, wobei die Daten aus Wikidata bezogen werden. erstellt von user:Yellowcard ]=] local wdLoadSuccess, mdlWikidata = pcall(require, "Modul:Wikidata") assert (wdLoadSuccess, "Laden des Wikidata-Moduls fehlgeschlagen.") local p = {} function wdLoadStations(pTrainerTeams) --[[ * load lists (separated by ';') of necessary data from Wikidata * split lists to Lua tables * store in global variables: listYearsFrom listYearsTo listTeams listTeamsId listGames listGoals listLoan listPositionHeld --]] local wdParameters = {} wdParameters["args"] = {} -- load general parameters if (pTrainerTeams) then wdParameters["args"][1] = "P6087" else wdParameters["args"][1] = "P54" end wdParameters["args"]["list"] = ";" wdParameters["args"]["sort"] = "P580" wdParameters["args"]["sortEmptiesFirst"] = true wdParameters["args"]["includeempty"] = true -- start time wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P580" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "time:Y" listYearsFrom = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- end time wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P582" listYearsTo = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- teams wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = nil wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "link" listTeams = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = nil -- teams' Id wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = nil wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" listTeamsId = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = nil -- games wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P1350" listGames = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- goals wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P1351" listGoals = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil --loan wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P1642" listLoan = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- position held (fuer Goalietrainer, Juniorentrainer, Spielertrainer,...) wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P39" listPositionHeld = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- competition class (fuer Juniorenteams) wdParameters["args"]["qualifier"] = "P2094" listCompetitionClass = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil end function listSplit(pList) if pList then return mw.text.split(pList, ";") else return false end end function isNationalteam(pId) -- find out whether item with pId is nationalteam -- return true if pId is nationalteam, else false. -- very expensive function! if not pId or string.len(pId) < 1 then return false end if string.sub(pId, 1, 1) ~= "Q" then pId = "Q" .. pId end local wdParameters = {} wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"]["id"] = pId wdParameters["args"][1] = "P31" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" wdParameters["args"]["list"] = ";" local wdResult = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) local teamParents, teamParentsId teamParents = listSplit(wdResult) for i in pairs(teamParents) do if string.sub(teamParents[i], 1, 1) ~= "Q" then teamParentsId = "Q" .. teamParents[i] else teamParentsId = teamParents[i] end if string.len(teamParentsId) >= 2 then -- check if Q6979593 (football national team) is parent if teamParentsId == "Q6979593" then return true end wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"]["id"] = teamParentsId mw.log(teamParentsId) wdParameters["args"]["parent"] = "Q6979593" wdParameters["args"]["exitItem"] = "Q12973014" wdParameters["args"]["maxDepth"] = 3 if mdlWikidata.isSubclass(wdParameters) then return true end end end return false end function getLinkNationalteam(pId) local strLemmaArticle local strTeamTitle local strTeamCountry local strUnderage local strUnderageItem local strLinkTitle local wdParameters = {} -- get sitelink wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "Q" .. pId strLemmaArticle = mdlWikidata.sitelinkOf(wdParameters) -- get title in local language wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "Q" .. pId strTeamTitle = mdlWikidata.labelOf(wdParameters) -- get information about national team wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. pId wdParameters["args"][1] = "P1532" strTeamCountry = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" -- problem: for underage national teams, there is no property to express this, yet. Therefore the information has to be triggered from the sitelink ... -- property to be used: P2094 wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. pId wdParameters["args"][1] = "P2094" strUnderageItem = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" -- if P2094 exists, look if it indicates an underage team, otherwise also proof the teamtitle if string.len(strUnderageItem) > 0 then if strUnderageItem then strUnderage = mw.ustring.match(strUnderageItem, "U[0-9]+") or mw.ustring.match(strUnderageItem, "U%-[0-9]+") or false end if strUnderage then strUnderage = mw.ustring.gsub(strUnderage, "-", " ") end if strUnderage then strLinkTitle = strTeamCountry .. " (" .. strUnderage .. ")" else strLinkTitle = strTeamCountry end else if strTeamTitle then strUnderage = mw.ustring.match(strTeamTitle, "U%-[0-9]+") or false end if strUnderage then strUnderage = mw.ustring.gsub(strUnderage, "-", " ") end if strUnderage then strLinkTitle = strTeamCountry .. " (" .. strUnderage .. ")" else strLinkTitle = strTeamCountry end end if strLemmaArticle and string.len(strLemmaArticle) > 0 then return "[[" .. strLemmaArticle .. "|" .. strLinkTitle .. "]]" else return strLinkTitle end end function triggerSingleLine(pElements, pTrainerTeams, pIsNationalteam) local strTeam local strLoanArrow = "→" local strLoanAdd = "(Leihe)" local strPositionHeld local strLine = "\n|style=\"padding:0;\" class=\"wikidata-content\"| %s \n|style=\"padding:0 0 0 10px;\" class=\"wikidata-content\"| %s %s %s \n|style=\"padding:0;text-align:right;\" class=\"wikidata-content\" | %s\n|-\n" local strTime local strGamesGoals if (pTrainerTeams) then strLine = "\n|style=\"padding:0;\" class=\"wikidata-content\"| %s \n|style=\"padding:0 0 0 10px;\" class=\"wikidata-content\" colspan=\"2\"| %s %s \n|-\n" end if not pElements["teams"] then return false end if string.len(pElements["from"]) > 0 and string.len(pElements["to"]) > 0 and pElements["from"] < pElements["to"] then strTime = pElements["from"] .. "–" .. pElements["to"] elseif string.len(pElements["from"]) > 0 and not (string.len(pElements["to"]) > 0) then strTime = pElements["from"] .. "–" elseif not (string.len(pElements["from"]) > 0) and string.len(pElements["to"]) > 0 then strTime = "<span style=\"visibility:hidden;\">0000</span>–" .. pElements["to"] else strTime = tostring(pElements["from"]) end -- create link for national teams if pIsNationalteam then strTeam = getLinkNationalteam(pElements["teamsId"]) else strTeam = pElements["teams"] end if (pTrainerTeams) then strTeam = strTeam .. " " .. pElements["competitionclass"] end if not pElements["loan"] or string.len(pElements["loan"]) == 0 then strLoanArrow = "" strLoanAdd = "" end if string.len(pElements["games"]) > 0 and string.len(pElements["goals"]) > 0 then strGamesGoals = tostring(pElements["games"]) .. " (" .. tostring(pElements["goals"]) .. ")" elseif string.len(pElements["games"]) > 0 then strGamesGoals = tostring(pElements["games"]) .. "<span style=\"visibility:hidden;\">(0)</span>" else strGamesGoals = "" end if not pElements["positionheld"] or string.len(pElements["positionheld"]) == 0 then strPositionHeld = "" else strPositionHeld = " (" .. pElements["positionheld"] .. ")" end if (pTrainerTeams) then return mw.ustring.format(strLine, strTime, strTeam, strPositionHeld) else return mw.ustring.format(strLine, strTime, strLoanArrow, strTeam, strLoanAdd, strGamesGoals) end end local function triggerList(pNationalTeams, pTrainerTeams) strResult = "" local resultIsNationalteam if type(listTeams) ~= "table" or table.getn(listTeams) == 0 then return "" end for i in pairs(listTeams) do resultIsNationalteam = isNationalteam(listTeamsId[i]) if pTrainerTeams or (resultIsNationalteam and pNationalTeams) or (not resultIsNationalteam and not pNationalTeams) then params = nil params = {} params["from"] = listYearsFrom[i] params["to"] = listYearsTo[i] params["teams"] = listTeams[i] params["teamsId"] = listTeamsId[i] params["loan"] = listLoan[i] params["games"] = listGames[i] params["goals"] = listGoals[i] params["positionheld"] = listPositionHeld[i] params["competitionclass"] = listCompetitionClass[i] strResult = strResult .. triggerSingleLine(params, pTrainerTeams, resultIsNationalteam) end end -- add links to Wikidata item local wdPlayerId; local wdParameters = {} wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = nil; wdPlayerId = mdlWikidata.pageId(wdParameters) strResult = strResult .. "| colspan=\"3\" style=\"font-size:0.8em; text-align:right; color: #555555;\" | [[wikidata:" .. wdPlayerId .. "#P54|auf Wikidata bearbeiten]]\n|-"; return strResult end function p.Birthplace() local i = 1 local strBirthPlaceLink local BirthPlaceId local InstanceOfId local wdParameters = {} strOutput = "" -- get P19 (birthplace)' Id of player wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P19" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "link" strBirthPlaceLink = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" BirthPlaceId = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or nil -- abort and return empty string if there is no birthplace in Wikidata item if BirthPlaceId == nil then return "" end -- get P31 (instance of) of birthplace wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P31" wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. BirthPlaceId wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" wdParameters["args"]["list"] = ";" InstanceOfId = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- check out every P31 for Q6256 ("Land") repeat if InstanceOfId[i] == "6256" then -- set output to Wikilink of birthplace, which is a country strOutput = strBirthPlaceLink end i = i + 1 until i > 99 or i > #InstanceOfId -- if birthplace is not a country, give out birthplace and country if strOutput ~= strBirthPlaceLink then -- get P17 (country) of birthplace wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P17" wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. BirthPlaceId wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "link" strBirthCountryLink = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" strOutput = strBirthPlaceLink .. ", " .. strBirthCountryLink end return strOutput end function p.Deathplace() local i = 1 local strDeathPlaceLink local DeathPlaceId local InstanceOfId local wdParameters = {} strOutput = "" -- get P20 (deathplace)' Id of player wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P20" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "link" strDeathPlaceLink = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" DeathPlaceId = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or nil -- abort and return empty string if there is no birthplace in Wikidata item if DeathPlaceId == nil then return "" end -- get P31 (instance of) of deathplace wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P31" wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. DeathPlaceId wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" wdParameters["args"]["list"] = ";" InstanceOfId = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters)) or nil -- check out every P31 for Q6256 ("country") repeat if InstanceOfId[i] == "6256" then -- set output to Wikilink of deathplace, which is a country strOutput = strDeathPlaceLink end i = i + 1 until i > 99 or i > #InstanceOfId -- if deathplace is not a country, give out deathplace and country if strOutput ~= strDeathPlaceLink then -- get P17 (country) of birthplace wdParameters["args"] = nil wdParameters["args"] = {} wdParameters["args"][1] = "P17" wdParameters["args"]["id"] = "Q" .. DeathPlaceId wdParameters["args"]["parameter"] = "link" strDeathCountryLink = mdlWikidata.claim(wdParameters) or "" strOutput = strDeathPlaceLink .. ", " .. strDeathCountryLink end return strOutput end function p.Teamliste(frame) local pNationalTeams = frame.args["nationalteams"] or false local pTrainerTeams = frame.args["trainerteams"] or false wdLoadStations(pTrainerTeams) return triggerList(pNationalTeams, pTrainerTeams) end function p.Update(frame) local pNationalTeams = frame.args["nationalteams"] or false local wdResultId, wdResultTime local i = 1 local wdParams = {} wdParams["args"] = {} -- get all snaks of team stations without end date, ordered by start date descending, check for nationalteam, return first time value wdParams["args"][1] = "P54" wdParams["args"]["hasqualifier"] = "P585" wdParams["args"]["sort"] = "P580" wdParams["args"]["inverse"] = true wdParams["args"]["parameter"] = "numeric-id" wdParams["args"]["list"] = ";" wdResultId = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParams)) wdParams["args"]["parameter"] = "time:Y-m-d" wdParams["args"]["qualifier"] = "P585" wdResultTime = listSplit(mdlWikidata.claim(wdParams)) if not (wdResultId and wdResultTime) then return "" end repeat if wdResultId[i] and isNationalteam(wdResultId[i]) == not not pNationalTeams and wdResultTime[i] and string.len(tostring(wdResultTime[i])) > 0 then return wdResultTime[i] end i = i + 1 until i > 99 or i > #wdResultId end return p