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--[=[ 2017年03月08日 Vorlagen zur Archivierung ]=] local Kategorien = { Frequenz = false, Kopfvorlage = false, Namensraum = false, Parameter = false } local Vorlagen = { } local Frame, Page, Schrei, Selbst Vorlagen.Autoarchiv = { p = { ["aktuelles Archiv"] = { c = "p" }, Alter = { c = "n" }, clear = { c = "()" }, Frequenz = { c = "()" }, Icon = { c = "f" }, Kommentar = { c = "-" }, Klein = { c = "l" }, Kopfvorlage = { c = "-" }, Mindestabschnitte = { c = "n" }, ["Mindestbeiträge"] = { c = "n" }, Modus = { c = "()" }, Namensraum = { c = "n" }, ["Übersicht"] = { c = "p" }, Zeigen = { c = "l" }, Ziel = { c = "'" } }, t = { Halbjahr = "##|i|I", Jahr = "", Monat = "##|kurz|Kurz|KURZ|lang|Lang|LANG", Quartal = "##|i|I", Semester = "##|i|I", Tag = "##|kurz|Kurz|KURZ|lang|Lang|LANG", Woche = "##" } } local function faculty( adjust ) -- Test template arg for boolean -- adjust -- string or nil -- Returns boolean local s = type( adjust ) local r if s == "string" then r = mw.text.trim( adjust ) r = ( r ~= "" and r ~= "0" ) elseif s == "boolean" then r = adjust else r = false end return r end -- faculty() local function failures( absent ) if #absent == 1 then Schrei = string.format( "Unbekannter Parameter: '%s'", absent[ 1 ] ) else Schrei = "Unbekannte Parameter: " .. table.concat( absent, ", " ) end Kategorien.Parameter = true end -- failures() local function fault() -- Format message, if any, with class="error" -- Returns string local r if Schrei then local e = mw.html.create( "span" ) :attr( "class", "error" ) :wikitext( Schrei ) r = tostring( e ) else r = "" end return r end -- fault() local function features() local template = Vorlagen[ Selbst ] local scream, set for k, v in pairs( template.p ) do set = v.v if set then if v.c == "n" then if not set:match( "^%d+$" ) then scream = "nicht numerisch" end elseif v.c == "l" then if set ~= "Ja" and set ~= "Nein" and set ~= "0" and set ~= "ja" and set ~= "nein" then scream = "nicht 'logisch'" end elseif v.c == "()" then scream = template[ k ]( set ) elseif v.c == "p" then if not set:find( ":", 1, true ) and not set:find( "[[/", 1, true ) then scream = "Kein Seitenname enthalten" end elseif v.c == "f" then if not set:match( "^[^:/#\n]+%.%a+$" ) then scream = "Kein Dateiname" end end if scream then if Schrei then Schrei = Schrei .. ", " else Schrei = "" Kategorien.Parameter = true end if scream:sub( 1,1 ) ~= "<" then scream = " " .. scream end Schrei = string.format( "%s<code>%s=</code>%s", Schrei, k, scream ) scream = false end end end -- for k, v end -- features() local function figure() -- Retrieve current page size -- Returns number local r if not Page then Page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() end if > 0 then if not Frame then Frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() end r = Frame:callParserFunction( "PAGESIZE", { Page.prefixedText, "R" } ) r = tonumber( r ) or 0 else r = 0 end return r end -- figure() local function fit( arglist ) -- Store parameter values -- Returns table with unknown parameter names, or nil local params = Vorlagen[ Selbst ].p local r for k, v in pairs( arglist ) do if params[ k ] then if v ~= "" then params[ k ].v = v end else if not r then r = { } end table.insert( r, k ) end end -- for k, v return r end -- fit() local function floater( attribute, assigned ) local s = "|right|left|none|" local r if attribute == "clear" then s = s .. "both|" end if not s:find( string.format( "|%s|", assigned ), 1, true ) then r = "unzulässig" end return r end -- floater() local function focus() -- Format return string -- Returns string local r = fault() for k, v in pairs( Kategorien ) do if Kategorien[ k ] then r = string.format( "%s[[Kategorie:%s/Vorlage:%s/%s]]", r, "Wikipedia:Vorlagenfehler", Selbst, k ) end end -- for k, v return r end -- focus() local function fromto() -- Validate target namespace local now = Page.namespace local move = Vorlagen[ Selbst ].nsn or -999 local scream if move <= 0 or now <= 0 then scream = "Ungeeigneter Namensraum" elseif move%2 == 0 then if move ~= 4 and move ~= 100 and move ~= 2 and move ~= 12 then scream = "Unerwarteter Namensraum" end end if not scream and now ~= move and ( now < 2 or now > 3 or move < 2 or move > 3 ) and ( now < 4 or now > 5 or move < 4 or move > 5 ) and ( now < 100 or ( move ~= 4 and move ~= 5 and move ~= 100 and move ~= 101 ) ) then scream = "Namensraumkombination unerwünscht" end if scream then Schrei = scream Kategorien.Namensraum = true end end -- fromto() Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.clear = function ( assigned ) return floater( "clear", assigned ) end -- Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.clear() Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Frequenz = function ( assigned ) assigned="dienstags:mittags, sonntags:mittags" local syntax1 = "|ständig|" .. "montags|dienstags|mittwochs|donnerstags|freitags|samstags|sonntags" .. "|halbmonatlich|monatlich|halbjährlich|jährlich|" local syntax2 = "|ständig|morgens|mittags|" local parts = mw.text.split( assigned, ",%s*" ) local got, r, s, slice, supply if #parts > 1 then got = { } end for i = 1, #parts do s = parts[ i ] if got then if got[ s ] then r = string.format( "<code>%s</code> mehrfach", s ) else got[ s ] = true end end if s:find( ":", 1, true ) then supply, slice = s:match( "^(.*):(.*)$", 1 ) else supply = s end s = string.format( "|%s|", supply ) if syntax1:find( s, 1, true ) then if slice then s = string.format( "|%s|", slice ) if not syntax2:find( s, 1, true ) then r = string.format( "<code>%s:%s</code> %s", supply, slice, "ist unbekannte Einschränkung" ) end end elseif not syntax2:find( s, 1, true ) then r = string.format( "<code>%s</code> unzulässig", supply ) end if r then break -- for i end end -- for i return r end -- Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Frequenz() Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Modus = function ( assigned ) local r if assigned ~= "Alter" then if assigned:find( "[Ee]rledigt" ) then if assigned ~= "Erledigt" and assigned ~= "erledigt" and not assigned:match( "^Alter, *[Ee]rledigt$" ) then r = "<code>Alter, Erledigt</code>" end else r = "unzulässig" end end return r end -- Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Modus() Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Ziel = function () local template = Vorlagen.Autoarchiv local s = template.p.Ziel.v:match( "^'(.+)'$" ) if s then if s:find( "((", 1, true ) then local i = 1 local k, q, seek, slice, supply, support if s:find( "((Lemma))", 1, true ) then Page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() s = s:gsub( "%(%(Lemma%)%)", Page.prefixedText ) end repeat -- until not i i, k = s:find( "%(%(%u%l+:?[^:%)]*%)%)", i ) if i then supply = s:sub( i + 2, k - 2 ) if supply:find( ":", 3, true ) then supply, slice = supply:match( "^(.+):(.+)$" ) else slice = false end q = template.t[ supply ] if q then if slice then support = string.format( "|%s|", q ) seek = string.format( "|%s|", slice ) if not support:find( seek ) then if Schrei then Schrei = Schrei .. ", " else Schrei = "" end Schrei = string.format( "%s((%s:%s)) %s", Schrei, supply, slice, "ungültig" ) end if slice == "##" then slice = "__" end supply = string.format( "%s:%s", supply, slice ) end else if Schrei then Schrei = Schrei .. ", " else Schrei = "" end Schrei = string.format( "%s((%s)) unbekannt", Schrei, supply ) end s = string.format( "%s__%s__%s", s:sub( 1, i - 1 ), supply, s:sub( k + 1 ) ) i = k + 1 end until not i end if not Schrei then if s:find( "((", 1, true ) or s:find( "))", 1, true ) then Schrei = "Doppelklammersyntax" else local space = s:match( "^([^:]+):" ) if space then q =[ space ] if q then template.nsn = else Schrei = "Namensraum nicht erkannt" end else Schrei = "ANR (unzulässig)" end if Schrei then Kategorien.Namensraum = true end end end else Schrei = "in <code>'</code> einschließen" end if Schrei then Schrei = "<code>Ziel=</code> " .. Schrei Kategorien.Parameter = true end end -- Vorlagen.Autoarchiv.Ziel() = function ( arglist, frame ) local template = Vorlagen.Autoarchiv local params = template.p local unknown Frame = frame Selbst = "Autoarchiv" unknown = fit( arglist ) if unknown then failures( unknown ) else if not Page then Page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() end if params.Alter.v and params.Ziel.v then template.Ziel() features() if not Schrei and template.nsn then fromto() if not Schrei and template.nsn == 1 then local n = params.Mindestabschnitte.v if n then n = tonumber( n ) else n = 0 end if n < 3 and figure() < 2000 then Kategorien.Frequenz = true end end if params.Kopfvorlage.v then Kategorien.Kopfvorlage = true end end elseif Page.namespace ~= 10 then Schrei = "Pflichtparameter fehlt" Kategorien.Parameter = true end end return focus() end -- -- Export local p = { } p.Autoarchiv = function ( frame ) local lucky, r = pcall(, frame:getParent().args, frame ) if not lucky then r = "[[Kategorie:Wikipedia:Vorlagenfehler/Vorlage:Autoarchiv]]" end return r end -- p.Autoarchiv() p.test = function ( at, args ) return Vorlagen[ at ].fire( args ) end -- p.test() return p