Diskussion:Sinéad O’Connor
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Klicke auf Abschnitt hinzufügen , um ein neues Diskussionsthema zu beginnen.Sinéad O’Connor: My Story as Told to Michael Sheridan. -- existiert dieses Buch überhaupt?
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Message from Sinead's manager about the "new book".
[Quelltext bearbeiten ]I was asked to post this in the name of Fachtna O'Ceallaigh:
it has come to our attention that a number of websites such as amazon and borders have been pre selling a supposed autobiography entitled Sinead O Connor My Story by Michael Sheridan. such a book does not exist, there is no autobiography and nobody should attempt to order such a book from any source. We had been in conversations, for some time, with a major london publishing company about a potential book, to be written by michael sheridan, that would focus on sinead's lyrics and the 'stories' or inspiration behind the lyrics. sinead and michael had a number of chats about some of her songs, more conversations were due to take place during the summer. Over the course of the negotiations with the publishing company it became clear that they intended, despite vigorous explanations to the contrary, to sell the book as an autobiography. As it was neither being written by sinead nor could it be in any way described as a biography, it came as quite a surprise, to say the least, to discover that the publishing company had presented the project to the likes of amazon and border as an autobiography, i.e. written by sinead. this was done without any legal agreement or contract existing between sinead and the publishing company. the company was instructed to immediately cease and desist from any and all such pre selling activities, either directly or through any and all other sources, for instance amazon. negotiations with the publishing company were, of course, immediately ended, given they had no legal (or moral) authority to either pre sell the 'book' or to describe it as an autobiography.
there is no book, there will be no book, at least for the foreseeable future. we are not in negotiations with any publishing company anywhere in the world. the only truth is that sinead and the writer, michael sheridan, engaged in a series of conversations about her lyrics and the inspiration behind those lyrics. whether those conversations ever eventually become a book, nobody knows at this time. finally, let me repeat; if anybody anywhere is proposing to sell to anybody a sinead o connor book/autobiography, do not believe it because no such book exists nor, indeed, was such a book ever planned.
fachtna o ceallaigh (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 13:53, 20. Aug. 2023 (CEST))Beantworten
- https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Sinead-OConnor-by-Sinad-OConnor/9781848270664
- Das Buch scheint es gegeben zu haben, mit ISBN, Seitenzahlangabe, Cover etc. bibliographisch erfasst. Ob es auch gedruckt wurde, bzw. in den Vertrieb kam, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis --Markus Wolter (Diskussion) 19:41, 21. Aug. 2023 (CEST) Beantworten
https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/Nothing-Compares-Sinead-OConnor,sendung1378064.html --2001:4DD6:4632:0:BD33:902A:827D:5B86 19:36, 27. Jul. 2024 (CEST) Beantworten
"Verschlimmerung der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung und Bronchialasthma zusammen mit einer leichten Infektion der unteren Atemwege", lautet die offizielle Todesursache, die vergangene Woche offiziell in Lambeth, London, von ihrem Ex-Mann John Reynolds eingetragen wurde."
Ein Jahr nach ihrem Ableben: Todesursache von Sinéad O’Connor (†56) enthüllt
bild.de, 29. Juli 2024, abgerufen 9. August 2024.
Helium4 (Diskussion) 22:23, 9. Aug. 2024 (CEST) Beantworten
- Steht bereits im Artikel, auch ohne Bildzeitung die nicht zitierfähig ist.--Maphry (Diskussion) 22:24, 9. Aug. 2024 (CEST) Beantworten