Diskussion:Scottish Open 1986

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Monaten von Florentyna in Abschnitt WD final results
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WD final results

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Monaten 3 Kommentare2 Personen sind an der Diskussion beteiligt

Hi Benutzer:Florentyna.. Could you help me to check the WD results in the source in this article. In badmintonmuseet.dk page 8 said the winner is Kjaer and Nielsen who defeated Magnusson and Bengtsson with a score of 15-8, 15-11. I hope you can help.. Thanks Stvbastian (Diskussion) 22:48, 10. Mai 2024 (CEST) Beantworten

Yes, correct. By the way, here a source for dozens of new articles and article expansions: worldbadminton.com/museum/publications/ - especially the complete set of World Badminton is gigantic. --Florentyna (Diskussion) 07:54, 11. Mai 2024 (CEST) Beantworten
I also found a lot of apparently free images under [1]. More than 3000 badminton photos, mostly Dutch, and all must be cropped. --Florentyna (Diskussion) 08:01, 11. Mai 2024 (CEST) Beantworten
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