Diskussion:Kim Jae-hwan (Badminton)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 8 Jahren von Florentyna in Abschnitt Two Kim Jae-hwans
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Two Kim Jae-hwans

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 8 Jahren 2 Kommentare2 Personen sind an der Diskussion beteiligt

I'm not sure how to do this but there are two badminton players named Kim Jae-hwan but all articles link to the younger one. The Kim Jae-hwan mentioned in Südkoreanische_Badmintonmeisterschaft is this one. He was born in 1971. The one who just won the Korean Masters title was born in 1996 and everything in this article is about him. Donaldinyongin (Diskussion) 02:32, 6. Jan. 2017 (CET) Beantworten

Thank you very much for this information. Probably there are a couple more of this cases over all languages. Florentyna (Diskussion) 10:15, 6. Jan. 2017 (CET) Beantworten
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