Diskussion:Franz Zagermann

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Monaten von Sssine21 in Abschnitt Franz's remains were found
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Franz's remains were found

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Monaten 2 Kommentare1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt

Hi. I am the editor of Polish Wikipedia and I was just adding new information about this priest. I don't know German, so I won't attempt to do it here, but I will describe it. Maybe someone will be interested in this and add this information. In the fall of 2023, the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, at the request of the local parish priest, began research to find the burial place of this priest. A few days ago, archaeologists, while examining a private property and the place of Franz's alleged burial, came across a very well-preserved human skeleton. It is certainly a skeleton belonging to Franz because a rosary and the remains of liturgical vestments in which, according to historical records, he was buried were also found with him. Of course, this is a very new case and the remains will be examined to confirm whether it is really him. Polish articles on this subject are already appearing, and the beatification process of this priest is ongoing. There should be more data confirming the priest's identity soon. When this happens, he will also be buried with dignity, which should also be covered in articles. Just follow Google and Polish articles about Franz Zagermann or Unikowo from time to time. Here I give you the source. It is in Polish but can be translated [1] [2] [3] [4]. --Sssine21 (Diskussion) 17:08, 26. Jul. 2024 (CEST) Beantworten

If you have any questions, feel free to write to me. I can help, for example, by translating the content or sending articles on this topic. --Sssine21 (Diskussion) 17:12, 26. Jul. 2024 (CEST) Beantworten
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