Croonian Lecture

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Die Croonian Lecture ist eine Auszeichnung und Vorlesung der Royal Society und des Royal College of Physicians. Sie wurde von William Croone testamentarisch gestiftet

Es gibt Croonian Lectures der Royal Society und des Royal College of Physicians. Bei der Royal Society ist dies eine Auszeichnung in Biologie, die der Bakerian Lecture in den physikalischen Wissenschaften entspricht.

Die Croonian Lecture der Royal Society ist eine mit 10.000 Pfund dotierte Vorlesung.[1] Sie ist mit einer Medaille verbunden.

Preisträger der Croonian Lecture der Royal Society

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Jeweils mit dem Titel der Vorlesung

18. Jahrhundert

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  • 1738 Alexander Stuart, On the Motion of the Heart
  • 1739 Frank Nicholls, An Enquiry into Muscular Motion
  • 1740 Alexander Stuart, On the Peristaltic Motion of the Intestines. Microscopical Observations on several parts of live Frogs.
  • 1741 James Douglas, Description of the several Muscles, Membranes and parts belonging to the Uvula of the Palate, and concerned in its action; as also of the several parts subservient to the uses of the Tuba Eustachiana
  • 1742 James Douglas (vorgetragen von William Douglas), Description and Structure of the Human Bladder, with the Uses of its Muscles and Membranes.
  • 1743 keine Vorlesung
  • 1744 James Parsons, An Introductory Discourse on Muscular Motion
  • 1745 James Parsons, On Muscular Motion
  • 1746 James Parsons, Description of the several Muscles of the Face; with their particular Functions and Uses
  • 1747 Browne Langrish, On the Theory of Muscular Motion
  • 1748 keine Vorlesung
  • 1749 keine Vorlesung
  • 1750 James Parsons, On Muscular Motion
  • 1751 James Parsons, Critical Remarks upon the Motion and Uses of the Human Pelvis.
  • 1752 keine Vorlesung
  • 1753 keine Vorlesung
  • 1754–1758 Charles Morton
  • 1759 keine Vorlesung
  • 1760 keine Vorlesung
  • 1761 Charles Morton
  • 1762–1773 keine Vorlesung
  • 1774–1775 Donald Monro
  • 1775–1780 John Hunter
  • 1781 John Hunter, On the Construction and Application of Muscles and the Power by which they are actuated
  • 1782 John Hunter, On the Density and Firmness of a Muscle as contributing to its Strength and Agility.
  • 1783 keine Vorlesung
  • 1784 Foart Simmons, On the Irritability of the Muscular Fibres
  • 1785 Edward Whitaker Gray, An Examination into Hallers Theory of Muscular Motion.
  • 1786 Edward Whitaker Gray, On the Effects of different kinds of Salts applied as Stimulants on the Muscles
  • 1787 George Fordyce, On Muscular Motion
  • 1788 Gilbert Blane, On the Nature of the Muscles, and on the Theory of Muscular Motion.
  • 1789 William Blizard, On the Theory of Muscular Motion
  • 1790 Everard Home, On the Mechanism employed in producing Muscular Motion.
  • 1791 Matthew Baillie, A general view of the Nature of the Muscles, and an enumeration of the most striking facts connected with the Theory of their Motion.
  • 1792 keine Vorlesung
  • 1793 Everard Home, On Mr. Hunters Experiments to ascertain whether the Crystalline Humour of the Eye be muscular
  • 1794 Everard Home, On the Crystalline Humour of the Eye
  • 1795 Everard Home, On the Mechanism employed in producing Muscular Motion.
  • 1796 Everard Home, On the Crystalline Humour of the Eye
  • 1797 John Abernethy, A general Review of the latest opinions relative to Animal Life and Motion.
  • 1798 Everard Home, Experiments and Observations upon the Structure of Nerves.
  • 1799 Everard Home, On the Structure and Uses of the Membrana Tympani.
  • 1800 Everard Home, On the Irritability of Nerves

19. Jahrhundert

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  • 1801 Everard Home, On the power of the Eye to adjust itself to different distances when deprived of the Crystalline Lens
  • 1802 keine Vorlesung
  • 1803 John Pearson, On Muscular Motion
  • 1804 Anthony Carlisle, On Muscular Motion
  • 1805 Anthony Carlisle, On the Arrangement and Mechanical Action of the Muscles of Fishes.
  • 1806 John Pearson, Remarks on Muscular Power, and on some of the circumstances by which it is increased, diminished or finally abolished
  • 1807 Anthony Carlisle, On the Natural History and Chemical Analysis of the substances which constitute the Muscles of Animals
  • 1808 Thomas Young, On the Functions of the Heart and Arteries
  • 1809 William Hyde Wollaston, Observations on the Mode of Action of Voluntary Muscles, and on the causes which derange, and assist, the Action of the Heart and Blood Vessels
  • 1810 Benjamin Collins Brodie, Physiological Researches, respecting the Influence of the Brain on the Action of the Heart, and on the Generation of Animal Heat.
  • 1811 bis 1812 nicht vergeben
  • 1813 Benjamin Collins Brodie, On the Influence of the Nervous System on the Action of the Muscles in general and of the Heart in particular
  • 1814 bis 1816 nicht vergeben
  • 1817 Everard Home, On the Changes the Blood undergoes in the act of Coagulation.
  • 1818 Everard Home, On the conversion of Pus into Granulations, or new flesh.
  • 1819 Everard Home, A further Investigation of the component parts of the Blood.
  • 1820 Everard Home, Microscopical Observations on the following subjects. On the Brain and Nerves; showing that the Materials of which they are composed exist in the Blood
  • 1821 Everard Home, On the Anatomical Structure of the Eye; illustrated by Microscopical Drawings, executed by F. Bauer
  • 1822 Francis Bauer, Microscopical Observations on the suspension of the Muscular Motions of the Vibrio Tritici
  • 1823 Everard Home, On the Internal Structure of the Human Brain, when examined in the Microscope, as compared with that of Fishes, Insects and Worms.
  • 1824 Everard Home, On the existence of Nerves in the Placenta
  • 1825 Everard Home, On the Structure of a Muscular Fibre from which are derived its Elongation and Contraction
  • 1826 Everard Home, An Enquiry into the mode by which the Propagation of the Species is carried on, in the Common Oyster, and in the large Fresh-water Muscle.
  • 1827 Everard Home, On the Muscles peculiar to Organs of Sense in particular Quadrupeds and Fishes
  • 1828 nicht vergeben
  • 1829 Everard Home, A Report on the Peculiarities met with in the Stomach of the Zariffa.
  • 1830 bis 1850 nicht vergeben
  • 1851 Richard Owen, On the Megatherium
  • 1852 bis 1856 nicht vergeben
  • 1857 James Paget, On the cause of the rhythmic action of the heart
  • 1858 Thomas Henry Huxley, On the theory of the vertebrate skull
  • 1859 nicht vergeben
  • 1860 James Bell Pettigrew, On the arrangement of the muscular fibres of the ventricular portion of the heart of the mammal
  • 1861 Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard, On the relations between muscular irritability, cadaveric rigidity, and putrefaction
  • 1862 Albert von Kölliker, On the termination of nerves in muscles, as observed in the frog: and on the disposition of the nerves in the frogs heart.
  • 1863 Joseph Lister, On the coagulation of the blood
  • 1864 Hermann von Helmholtz, On the normal motions of the human eye in relation to binocular vision.
  • 1865 Lionel S. Beale, On the ultimate nerve fibres distributed to muscle and some other tissues, with observations upon the structure & probable mode of action of a nervous mechanism
  • 1866 nicht vergeben
  • 1867 John Burdon-Sanderson, On the influence exercised by the movements of respiration on the circulation of the blood
  • 1868 bis 1869 nicht vergeben
  • 1870 Augustus V. Waller, On the results of the method (introduced by the author) of investigating the nervous system, more especially as applied to the elucidation of the functions of the pneumogastric and sympathetic nerves in man.
  • 1871 bis 1872 nicht vergeben
  • 1873 Benjamin Ward Richardson, On muscular irritability after systemic death.
  • 1874 David Ferrier, The localization of function in the brain
  • 1875 David Ferrier, Experiments on the brain of monkeys.
  • 1876 George Romanes, Preliminary observations on the locomotor system of medusae.
  • 1877 John Burdon-Sanderson und Frederick James Montague Page, On the mechanical effects, and on the electrical disturbance consequent on excitation of the leaf of Dionea muscipula.
  • 1878 Henry Nottidge Moseley, On the structure of the Stylasteridae: a family of the hydroid stony corals
  • 1879 William Kitchen Parker, On the structure & development of the skull in the Lacertilia
  • 1880 Samuel Haughton, On some elementary principles in animal mechanics.
  • 1881 George Romanes und James Cossar Ewart, Observations on the locomotor system of Medusae.
  • 1882 Walter Holbrook Gaskell, On the rhythm of the heart of the frog, and on the nature of the action of the vagus nerve
  • 1883 Henry Newell Martin, On the direct influence of gradual variations of temperature upon the rate of beat of the dogs heart
  • 1884 bis 1885 nicht vergeben
  • 1886 Leonard Charles Wooldridge, The coagulation of the blood
  • 1887 Harry Govier Seeley, On Pareiasaurus bombidens (Owen) and the significance of its affinities to amphibians, reptiles, and mammals
  • 1888 Wilhelm Friedrich Kühne, Ueber die Entstehung der vitalen Bewegung
  • 1889 Émile Roux, Les inoculations preventives
  • 1890 Harry Marshall Ward, The relations between host and parasite in certain epidemic diseases of plants
  • 1891 Francis Gotch und Victor Horsley, On the mammalian nervous system; its functions and their localization determined by an electrical method.
  • 1892 Angelo Mosso, Les phenomenes psychiques et la temperature du cerveau.
  • 1893 Rudolf Virchow, The position of pathology among biological studies.
  • 1894 Santiago Ramon y Cajal, La fine structure des centres nerveux
  • 1895 Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann, On the nature of muscular contraction
  • 1896 Augustus D. Waller, Observations on isolated nerve.
  • 1897 Charles S. Sherrington, The mammalian spinal cord as an organ of reflex action.
  • 1898 Wilhelm Pfeffer, The nature and significance of functional metabolism in the plant.
  • 1899 John Burdon-Sanderson, On the relation of motion in animals and plants to the electrical phenomena which are associated with it
  • 1900 Paul Ehrlich, On immunity with special reference to cell life

20. Jahrhundert

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21. Jahrhundert

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  • 2001 Ron Laskey, Hunting the antisocial cancer cell.
  • 2002 Kim Nasmyth, Disseminating our genomes during mitosis and meiosis.
  • 2003 Tim Hunt, Cell growth, cell division and the problem of cancer
  • 2004 John Krebs, Risk, food, fact and fantasy
  • 2005 Salvador Moncada, Adventures in vascular biology
  • 2006 Iain Campbell, Structure and the living cell
  • 2007 Aaron Klug, Engineered zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) for the regulation of gene expression
  • 2008 John Pickett, Plant and Animal Communication
  • 2009 Linda Partridge, The New Biology of Ageing
  • 2010 Alec Jeffreys, Genetic fingerprinting and beyond
  • 2011 R. John Ellis, Molecular chaperones: how cells stop proteins from misbehaving
  • 2012 Tim Bliss, The Mechanics of Memory
  • 2013 Frances Ashcroft, From bench to bedside: KATP channels and neonatal diabetes
  • 2014 Brigid Hogan, How embryos build organs to last a lifetime
  • 2015 Nicholas Davies, Cockoos and their victims, an evolutionary arms race
  • 2016 Enrico Coen, Picasso, pottery and plans: Hidden rules governing the development of natural forms
  • 2017 Jonathan Ashmore, Now you hear it, now you don’t: the neuroscience of deafness
  • 2018 Jennifer Doudna, Re-writing the Code of Life: CRISPR Systems and Applications of Gene Editing
  • 2019 Kay Davies, From diagnosis to therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • 2020 Edward Boyden, Shining a light on the brain
  • 2021 Barry Everitt, Brain mechanisms of addictive behaviour
  • 2022 Stephen O’Rahilly, Sadaf Farooqi, Nutrient sensing by the brain in health and disease
  • 2023 Ottoline Leyser, The story of my life
  • 2024 Edward Holmes, Virus evolution and emergence
  • 2025 Edith Heard, X-chromosome biology, including the epigenetic mechanisms behind X-inactivation
  • H. Jackson: Croonian lectures on evolution and dissolution of the nervous system. In: Brit. M. G. Band 1, 1884, S. 591 ff.
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