Benutzer Diskussion:Xneb20/Archiv/2018/Jun.
[[Benutzer Diskussion:Xneb20/Archiv/2018/Jun.#Thema 1]]
Ausrufer – 23. Woche
Meinungsbilder: Attributierung von Politikern
Umfragen: Meta-IPs
Wettbewerbe: UNESCO-Erbe-Marathon
Kurier – linke Spalte: WikiCon 2018: Call for Papers hat begonnen!, Kein Pranger, Parallelwelten: Von Elektronenmikroskopen und Quantum Sortern
Kurier – rechte Spalte: Sharing Heritage, ..., Nie wieder texvc, Nehmen die Zweifler zu?, Europäisches Jahr des Kulturerbes: Es geht weiter!
- (Softwareumstellung) Alle bisher noch nicht umgestellten WMF-Wikis inkl. der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia wurden auf Version 1.32.0-wmf.6 umgestellt.
- Für Jedermann
- (Softwareneuheit) Die PNG-Bilder für mathematische Formeln werden nicht mehr mit Texvc sondern ebenso wie die standardmäßig dargestellten SVG-Bilder mit Mathoid erzeugt. (Task 74240, Gerrit:433750).
- (Softwareneuheit) Der Monobook-Skin wurde modernisiert, u.a. wurde er um eine responsive Darstellung erweitert und die Echo-Darstellung wurde verbessert (Task 195625, Gerrit:430652, Gerrit:434047).
- (Softwareneuheit) Die neue Spezialseite PasswordPolicies listet für jede Benutzergruppe die entsprechenden Passwortrichtlinien auf (Task 174812, Gerrit:392278).
- (Schwesterprojekt Wikisource)
<pagelist />
wurde um die Option für eine recto/verso-Nummerierung erweitert. Parameter: folio (ergibt 1r 1v 2r 2v), foliohighroman (ergibt Ir Iv IIr IIv) und folioroman (ergibt ir iv iir iiv) (Task 73821, Gerrit:431627). - (Schwesterprojekt Wikisource) Die verwendeten Parameter in s:MediaWiki:Proofreadpage pagenum template wurden überarbeitet:
enthält die rohe, unformatierte Seitenzahl und{{{formatted}}}
enthält die durch HTML formatierte Seitenzahl zur Anzeige (Task 73821, Gerrit:434989).
- Für Programmierer
- (API) Introduce "templated parameters" (Task 174032, Gerrit:430483).
- (Bearbeitungsfilter) Allow IP addresses in user selectors (Gerrit:424346).
- (API) Add ability to filter based on rc_title in API (Task 57377, Gerrit:419798).
– GiftBot (Diskussion) 01:10, 4. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The MonoBook skin has been optimised for mobile devices. It now looks different. [1]
- Planet Wikimedia collects blogs about Wikimedia. It will now use the Rawdog feed aggregator to do this instead of Planet. [2] [3]
- Redirect links in Special:WhatLinksHere now link to the original page and not the target page. This was done earlier and changed the used messages on some pages. This was a problem for wikis that customized the message. A new change fixed this by using the old messages with one more parameter for customization. Wikis that already changed their customized messages will have to move the customization back again. [4]
- You will not be able to edit some wikis between 06:00 and 06:30 UTC on 13 June. You can see if your wiki is one of them.
- MassMessage did not work 24–28 May. This is also why last week's Tech News was late. [5]
Changes later this week
- Recurrent item The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 5 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 June. It will be on all wikis from 7 June (calendar).
- Recurrent item You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 5 June at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
- Recurrent item Advanced item You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 6 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The new filters for edit review tools and interface for watchlists will leave beta. This is planned to happen in June or early July. [6] [7]
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23:54, 4. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Ausrufer – 24. Woche
Sonstiges: WikiCon 2018: Call for papers
Kurier – linke Spalte: Selbstdarstellung in der Wikipedia: ein Bericht aus der Praxis
Kurier – rechte Spalte: WM-Zeit ist Tipp-Zeit, WTF ist ein Formicarium?, WikiDACH ist 2018 zwei Barcamps, Einladung zur GLAM-on-Tour-Station ins Jagdschloss Grunewald, Das wikipedistische Quartett – Reloaded: Interessenten gesucht, Werkzeuge für Freiwillige: Von Wikipedia aus verfolgen, was auf Wikidata vor sich geht
- (Serverkonfiguration) Im Vorlagen-Namensraum gibt es nun Unterseiten (Task 191612, Gerrit:432587).
- (Softwareumstellung) Alle bisher noch nicht umgestellten WMF-Wikis inkl. der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia wurden auf Version 1.32.0-wmf.7 umgestellt.
- Für Jedermann
- (Softwareneuheit) Es gibt zwei neue Wartungskategorien:
- TemplateStylesheet-Seiten mit Fehlern werden in eine Wartungskategorie sortiert. Der Name der Kategorie kann über MediaWiki:Templatestyles-stylesheet-error-category festgelegt werden
- Falsche Verwendungen von
werden in eine Wartungskategorie sortiert. Der Name der Kategorie kann über MediaWiki:Templatestyles-page-error-category festgelegt werden (Task 195676, Gerrit:435659).
– GiftBot (Diskussion) 01:10, 11. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Wikipedia app for Android or iOS users can create reading lists. The reading lists can be seen on different devices if you are logged in to your account. There is now a browser extension so you can add pages to your reading list from a web browser. At the moment it works with Firefox and Chrome. [8]
- Advanced item There is a new version of Pywikibot. Pywikibot is a tool to automate tasks on MediaWiki wikis. [9]
- The MonoBook skin was changed to make it work better for mobile users. This caused some problems. The change was rolled back to fix them. The new version is now back on the wikis. MonoBook users can opt out from the new responsive design. [10]
Changes later this week
- The new filters for edit review tools and interface for watchlists will leave beta. For most wikis this will happen on 18 June. For the rest it will happen on 25 June. [11] [12]
- Recurrent item The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 12 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 June. It will be on all wikis from 14 June (calendar).
- You can join the Readers Web team IRC office hour. There you can discuss tools to contribute on the mobile web for the existing MediaWiki skins. The meeting will be on 18 June at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- Recurrent item You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 12 June at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
- Recurrent item Advanced item You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 13 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You will be able to move local wiki files to Commons and keep their original data intact. This is planned to come to the first wikis in June.
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23:55, 11. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Ausrufer – 25. Woche
Meinungsbilder: Umfragen
Wettbewerbe: Wahl zum Bild des Jahres 2017
Kurier – linke Spalte: Lebt denn die alte Sperrprüfung noch?, Wiki Loves Yerevan, Erleuchtung am Hofe Buddhas
Kurier – rechte Spalte: Breaking News: Fotografen, aufgepasst!, Bild des Jahres 2017: eines aus 1260, Syntaxhervorhebung für Wikitext ist jetzt für alle aktiviert, Deutsch-internationale Kulturbeziehungen, WikiCon-Orga-Team 2019 gesucht
- (Serverkonfiguration) Die Syntaxhervorhebung für Wikitext im Quelltextmodus wurde für alle freigegeben. Sie kann durch Klick auf das Stiftsymbol (zwischen Icon für Quellenangabe und "Erweitert") ausgeschaltet werden.
- (Softwareumstellung) Alle bisher noch nicht umgestellten WMF-Wikis inkl. der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia wurden auf Version 1.32.0-wmf.8 umgestellt.
– GiftBot (Diskussion) 01:10, 18. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Syntax highlighting has been a beta feature on Wikimedia wikis with text written from left to right. It is now a normal feature. It is based on CodeMirror. [13]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- Recurrent item You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 19 June at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
- Recurrent item Advanced item You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 20 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Some old web browsers will not be able to read the Wikimedia wikis. This is because they use an insecure way to connect to them. This means that we get less security for everyone else too. This affects about 0.08% of all traffic to the Wikimedia wikis. This affects for example those who read Wikipedia on a PlayStation 3. [14] [15]
- The new filters for edit review tools and interface for watchlists will leave beta. Because there is no new MediaWiki version this week it will happen on 25 June for most wikis. For the rest it will happen in early July. [16] [17]
- Advanced item All wikis that have not already done so will switch to use the Remex parsing library on 5 July. This is to replace Tidy. You can help fix remaining errors. [18]
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23:47, 18. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Ausrufer – 26. Woche
Kurier – linke Spalte: Neutralität in Personenartikeln: Beispiel Boris Palmer
Kurier – rechte Spalte: Neue Ehrenamtliche: Frühjahrsaktion 2018 ausgewertet
– GiftBot (Diskussion) 00:56, 25. Jun. 2018 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Advanced item PAWS, our JupyterHub system, got an upgrade and a logo. Several bugs should be fixed.
- When a link text was in italics or had other formatting you could sometimes not edit it in the visual editor. This has now been fixed. [19] [20]
Changes later this week
- Content translation users who translate between any two of Arabic, English, French, Japanese and Russian will be asked to be part of a research project. This is to create better tools for translating articles. [21]
- Recurrent item The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 26 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 June. It will be on all wikis from 28 June (calendar).
- Recurrent item You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 26 June at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
- Recurrent item Advanced item You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 27 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
01:10, 26. Jun. 2018 (CEST)