Babel: |
Dieser Benutzer kommt aus Europa .
Dieser Benutzer kommt aus der Europäischen Union .
Dieser Benutzer kommt aus Deutschland .
Großes Staatswappen des Freistaates Bayern
Dieser Benutzer kommt aus Bayern .
Dieser Benutzer hört mit Vorliebe die Kings of Metal .
Dieser Benutzer verwendet Mozilla Firefox .
Dieser Benutzer verwendet Windows .
Benutzer nach Sprache |
Von mir angelegte Beiträge:
- Ornbau
- System Management Bus
- Franz Xaver von Zottmann
- Bonfire
- U.D.O.
- X-Wild
- Jens Becker
- Battle Hymns
- Gods of War
- Warriors of the World
- Kings of Metal
- Magic Circle Festival
Artikel in Arbeit
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Wikipedia:Formatvorlage Musikalbum
- Vorlagen-Generator
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]Die Eingabe für EasyTimeline kann nicht kompiliert werden:
Timeline generation failed: More than 10 errors found
Line 64: bar:Rolf from: 01/01/1976 till: 17/04/2009 color:Vocals
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/01/1976' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 65: bar:Rolf from: 01/01/1976 till: 17/04/2009 color:Guitar width:2.5
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/01/1976' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 68: bar:Uwe from: 01/01/1976 till: 30/06/1984 color:Guitar
- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.
Date '30/06/1984' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 69: bar:Gerald from: 01/07/1984 till: 30/06/1985 color:Guitar
- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.
Date '30/06/1985' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 70: bar:Majk from: 01/07/1985 till: 30/06/1990 color:Guitar
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/07/1985' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 76: bar:Jörg from: 01/01/1976 till: 30/06/1976 color:Bass
- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.
Date '30/06/1976' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 77: bar:Carsten from: 01/07/1976 till: 31/12/1979 color:Bass
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/07/1976' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 78: bar:MatthiasK from: 01/01/1980 till: 31/12/1983 color:Bass
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/01/1980' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 79: bar:Stephan from: 01/01/1984 till: 30/06/1987 color:Bass
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/01/1984' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 80: bar:Jens from: 01/07/1987 till: 30/06/1992 color:Bass
- Plotdata attribute 'from' invalid.
Date '01/07/1987' not within range as specified by command Period.
Line 84: bar:Michael from: 01/01/1976 till: 30/06/1982 color:Drums
- Plotdata attribute 'till' invalid.
Date '30/06/1982' not within range as specified by command Period.