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Michael Keppler has logged my changes in the Repository on]. The newest version for FF1.5 can be downloaded there as 0.7.1.


  • changing the preferences system
  • no support for mozilla
  • changing folder structure in chrome
  • writing chrome.manifest


[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]
  • Die Toolbar sollte unter gelistet werden, dort fehlt sie noch... ;-)
  • Beim Speichern eines Artikels sollte automatisch eine lokale Sicherungskopie auf der Festplatte gespeichert werden.
  • Wenn man die Toolbar aktiviert hat und im Internet surft, sollte man Begriffe in der Wikipedia nachschlagen können (geht bereits). Allerdings sollte Wikipedia beim Klick auf die rechte Maustaste an erster Stelle stehen. Sicher nicht kriegsentscheidend, fände ich aber großartig. Und das Ergebnis sollte sich per default in einem neuen Tab öffnen, wenn möglich. Longbow4u 23:17, 1. Jan 2006 (CET)
  • Wenn man in den Optionen unter Editieren einen Haken bei "Beim Erzeugen von Links immer Dialog anzeigen" und "sichtbaren Text" auswählt, sollte die Toolbar beim nicht eingeben eines Ziels, auch nicht den senkrechten Strich in den Link einfügen.
  • Any chance of tagging a spell checker button to the bar ? Google bar has a nifty one but they don't do Wiki... Supposedly their bar is open source. User:Renmiri 18:35, 14. Feb 2006 (CET)Renmiri
  • A user-customizable button or series of buttons would be wonderful. I add a lot of {{subst:welcome2}} tags to new users' talk pages and it would be really handy to not have to type it all out each time. BRossow T /C 20:28, 24. Feb 2006 (CET)

Please send me only Bugs about! Don't use Bugzilla, but post your bugs here until I got admin access to

  • the calling of pages from pre-defined wikis doesn't work. It seems, that the adresses of wikipedia have changed. Workaround: Define the wikis you need as user defined wikis.
    • I found the bug in the folder structure of wikipedia: You may call /w/index.php?... but /w/ doesn't lead you to the homepage. /wiki/ does lead you to the homepage, but /wiki/index.php... isn't possible. So I decided for myself to leave the wiki adress like ../w/.. and renounced to the homepage. -- Thkoch2001 11:19, 5. Jan 2006 (CET)
  • Invisible Wikibar - When I set the option "Show" to "Only if URL contains" to "wiki,editthis" I thought I was setting it for url containing "wiki" or "editthis" but I wasn't. But the worst part about my mistake was that my wikibar dissapeared and I could not get to "options" again to set it right. I tried uninstall/ reinstall but it picked up my old settings, so I was left with an invisible Wikibar! Fortunately I had made a profile backup right before I installed it so all I had to do was to restore my old profile. You may want to change the "dissapearing act" to showing just the "options" button so users can fix the "Show" problem. After all, to completely take it off the page one can always use Firefox' "view toolbars" option. 18:51, 14. Feb 2006 (CET)Renmiri
    • You can get back your toolbar by entering the options through Extras->Extensions.
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