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- Ulla-Førreverkene: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
- Dam Rembesdalsvatn [10]
- Dam Mysevatn [11]
- Dam Muravatn [12]
- Deponidam 1 [13]
- Votna II [14]
- Dam Viddalsvatn [15]
- Dam Dravladalen [16]
- Førsvassdammen [17]
- Førreskardammen [18]
- Dam Flørlivatn [19] 2001 ?
- Dam Botsvatn, Brokke kraftverk.
- Dam Øljusjøen.
- Dam, Askjelldalsvatn.
- Åbjørakraft Dam Øvre Kalvvatn. [20]
- Dam Dravladalen: 29 m / 340 m / 1972 / Dravladalsvatnet [21] [22]
- Allg. 179-185 Staudämme >15 m [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
- Fjellhaugvatn dam [28] 52 / 73 m
- The Venemo asphalt-faced rock-fill dam. [29]
- Valldalsdammen.
- Forrevassdammen.
- Vatnedalsdammen. [30]
- Svartevassdammen.
- Storvassdammen.
- Storglomvassdammen.
- Vantage Bridge
- Spjotsodd bru
- Liesenbrücken
- Web: [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Bildcode: berlin-1954-romeo-05
- Lit: [45] [46] [47] (Schwindsuchtbrücke)
- [48] [49] [50]
Schwedter Straße 1928
Planschwiese Gaudy-/Sonnenburger Straße 1925.jpg
Nordbahnhof um 1935
Schwedter Straße 1954
Jahnsportpark 1954
Falkplatz 1959
Gebiet des Nordbahnhofs 1989
Schwedter Straße 1990
Falkplatz 1990
Böse- und Behmstraßenbrücke 2012
Böse- und Behmstraßenbrücke 2012
Böse- und Behmstraßenbrücke 2012
- Burnside Bridge 1894: [51]
- Calandbrug: [55] [56] [57]
- Botlekbrug: Patrick van Os, Marc Verbeek: De nieuwe Botlekbrug. In: Bruggen. Band 22, Nr. 3, 2014, S. 4–11 (niederländisch).
- Spijkenisserbrug: [58]
- Glenn L. Jackson Memorial Bridge: [59]
- Trail, BC: [60] [61] [62] [63]
- French River Bridge (1908) [68] [69]
- Pont Ferroviaire Saint-Laurent (1913)
- High Level Bridge (Edmonton) (1913)
- Sault Ste. Marie International Railroad Bridge (1913)
- Jackknife Bascule Bridge (1914)
- CPR Lachine Canal Swing Bridge (1915) [70]
- Reversing Falls Railway Bridge (1921)
- Half Mile Bridge (1928)
- Stoney Creek Bridge (1929)
- Roundhouse White River (1921) [71]
- High Level Bridge (Edmonton):
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]-
Axial-Zylinderrollenlager 1
Axial-Zylinderrollenlager 2
Bridgeport Swing Span Bridge
Bridgeport Swing Span Bridge
Romeo Road, Sanitary and Ship Canal Bridge
Shaw Cove bridge
- Chicago and the world's fair, 1933
- St. Charles Air Line Bridge and Straightening the South Branch
- Big Bascule Bridge Over the Chicago River. In: Railway Review. Vol. 65, Nr. 20, 1919, S. 713–717.
- The New 260 Ft. Span Single Leaf Bascule Bridge of the Illinois Central R. R. In: Engineering and Contracting. Vol. 52, 24. Dezember 1919, S. 717–719.
- Longest Single-Leaf Bascule Bridge: Chicago River. In: Engineering News-Record. Vol. 83, Nr. 22, 1919, S. 1056–1060.
- World’s Longest Bascule Span Erected at Chicago. In: Railway Age. Vol. 67, Nr. 24, 1919, S. 1133–1137.
- C. H. Mottier: A Complex Bridge-Moving Job. In: Railway Age. Vol. 90, Nr. 9, 1931, S. 445–447.
- Gatun River Bascule Bridge: [100] Professional Memoirs, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and Engineer Department at Large Vol. 7, No. 33 (MAY-JUNE, 1915), pp. 383-394
- Bayou Plaquemine Railroad Bridge: [101]
- Burlington Canal Lift Bridge: [102] [103] [104]
- Vänersborg järnvägsbron Trollhättan 1916:
- [105]
- Sture Johanson: Broarna kring staden: Från 1640-talets vänersborgsbroar till 1960-talets. In: Vänersborgs Söners Gilles. Jg. 35, Årskrifter 1966, S. 3–35, hier S. 30–33 (schwedisch).
- Rickard Sköld: Järnvägsbron firar 100 år av spännande historia., 25. August 2016, abgerufen am 17. August 2021.
Bild | Name | Fertigstellung | überbrückt | Lage | Brückentyp | längste Spannweite | Länge | Auftraggeber | Funktion von Cooper | Beteiligte Ingenieure/ Architekten |
Eads Bridge [113] | 1874 | Mississippi River | St. Louis - East St. Louis |
Bogenbrücke | 158 m | 0624 m | St. Louis Bridge Company | Inspector of Erection | James Buchanan Eads (Chefingenieur) | |
Sixth Street Bridge [114] | (1859) 1892 (1928) |
Allegheny River | Pittsburgh | Fachwerkbrücke | 136 m | 318 m | ? | Chefingenieur |
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Edna Bonacich, Jake B. Wilson: Getting the Goods: Ports, Labor, and the Logistics Revolution. S. 106-110.
- CPR Bridge (Saskatoon): [121]
- Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History: Oregon, Washington.
- Box Canyon Viaduct, Windust.
- Alfred H. Smith Memorial Bridge: RRME 1923, RR 1923-1, RR 1923-2, RA 1922, RA 1923
- Poughkeepsie Bridge: 1905, 1906, 1907, 1917, 1917
- Purple People Bridge.
- The Newport and Cincinnati Bridge. In: Engineering record, building record and sanitary engineer. Vol. 37, Nr. 21, 23. April 1898, S. 448.
- Erection of The Newport and Cincinnati Bridge. In: Engineering record, building record and sanitary engineer. Vol. 38, Nr. 8, 23. Juli 1898, S. 158–160.
- Julius Grodinsky: Transcontinental Railway Strategy, 1869-1893: A Study of Businessmen. Beard Books, 2000, ISBN 1-58798-003-7 (Erstveröffentlichung 1962, Univ. of Pennsylvania).
- Charles Hirschfeld: The Great Railroad Conspiracy: The Social History of a Railroad War. Michigan State College Press, 1953.
- The Minneapolis Journal, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 07 Jul 1906, Sat, Page 1
- Railway age v.63 1917. S. 97
- Engineering news-record. v.79 1917. S. 784
- [125]
- Alhambra Valley Trestle, Muir Trestle: [126] [127] [128]
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Bridge (Susquehanna River)
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Viaduct (Schuylkill River) [130]
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Bridge (Schuylkill River) [131]
- George B. Catlin: Local history of Detroit and Wayne County. In: George Fuller (Hrsg.): Michigan: Land of the Great Lakes. National Historical Association, Dayton, Ohio, 1924–1926, Band 3, S. 209 (Digitalisat).
Commons: Clearing Yard – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
- Clearing Yard at Chicago. In: Railway Age. Vol. 32, 15. November 1901, S. 560–562.
- Freight Yards of the Chicago Transfer and Clearing Company. In: Railroad Gazette. Vol. 33, Nr. 10, 1901, S. 159.
- Clearing Interchange Yard for Chicago District. In: Railway Age Gazette. Vol. 57, Nr. 14, 1914, S. 603–606.
- Rebuilding of the Chicago Clearing Yard. In: Railway Review. Vol. 53, 15. März 1913, S. 221–223.
- Chicago Freight Interchange Yard. In: Engineering News. Vol. 73, Nr. 24, 1914, S. 1153–1156.
- Belt Railway: A few notches on Chicago's 'Belt'. In: Progressive Railroading. September 2006.
- Belt Railway History. Belt Railway of Chicago.
- Belt Railways and Clearing Yards in Chicago. Chicagology.
- Robert L. Smith u. a.: Pioneers of Progress: The History of Stickney Township. Stickney Township Office, 1969.
- Robert Milton Hill: A Little Known Story of the Land Called Clearing. Lulu, 1983, ISBN 978-1-300-90635-3, S. 91–140.
- Jerry A. Pinkepank: Serving Twelf Masters. In: Trains. Vol. 26, Nr. 11, 1966, S. 36–46 und Vol. 26, Nr. 12, 1966, S. 42–49.
- Michael Rhodes: North American Railyards. Arcadia Publishing, 2011, ISBN 0-7603-1578-7, S. 230–236.