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„Dance, Dance, Dance, to the Radio"
– Ian Curtis/Joy Division – Transmission
„Fans sind Idioten"
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Alternative Metal/Alternative Rock
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ] Alternative Metal/Alternative Rock
- Therapy? - Die Laughing
- Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know
- Life of Agony - Weeds
- Heather Nova - Island
- Live - Lightning Crashes
- Counting Crows - Mr. Jones
- Placebo - Teenage Angst
- Dune - Bloodlines
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Nature Boy
- Tomahawk - God Hates a Coward
- Beck - Looser
Rock Noir
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]Rock Noir ist eigentlich kein Genre sondern eine Selbstbezeichnung von Rykarda Parasol, die damit aber recht gut einen gewissen Musikstil im Alternative Rock umschreibt, der auf frühen Singer/Songwriter- und besonders Alternative-Country-Akteuren basiert, die zeitweise als Folk Noir bezeichnet wurden (z.B. Jhonny Cash und Tom Waits). Das hat aber nichts mit der Selbstbezeichnung der Neofolk-Band Sol Invictus zu tun, die sich auch mal als Folk Noir betitelten.
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Bring it on
- PJ Harvey - Down by the Water
- Rykarda Parasol - Hannah Leah
- Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
- Oasis - Don't look back in Anger
- Blur - Girls and Boys
- Pulp - Common People
- The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
- Bush - Machinehead
- Live - I Alone
- Foo Fighters - Everlong
- Chevelle - Comfortable Liar
- Hurt - Rapture
- Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
- Soen - Canvas
- Three Doors Down - Kryptonite
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Subway to Venus
- Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Steeling
- Living Colour - Cult of Personality
- Faith No More - Anne's Song
- Primus - Too Many Puppies
- Chuck Mosley - We Care a Lot (FNM Reinterpretation)
- Fishbone - Ma and Pa
- Freaky Fukin Weirdoz - Homeboy
- Urban Dance Squad - Deep Shade of Soul
- Tocotronic - Die Welt kann mich nicht mehr verstehen
- Die Sterne - Was hat Dich bloß so ruiniert
- Blumfeld - Verstärker
- Kettcar - Im Taxi weinen
- The Offspring - Self Esteem
- Green Day - Basket Case
- Sum 41 - Fat Lip
- Blink182 - All the Small Things
- Danzig - Mother
- Life of Agony - through and through
- Faith No More - Land of Sunshine
- Tool - Sober
- Helmet - Wilma's Rainbow
- Rollins Band - Disconnect
- Type O Negative - Blood and Fire
- Marylin Manson - The Dope Show
- Godhead - Eleanor Rigby
- Pantera - Walk
- Sepultura - Refuse/Resist
- Fear Factory - Replica
- Machine Head - Davidian
- Lamb of God - Redneck
- Prong - Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
- White Zombie - Thunder Kiss '65
- Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm Sick
- Nirvana - Lithium
- L7 - Shitlist
- HOLE - Celebrity Skin
- Alice in Chains - Would
- Soundgarden - Rusty Cage
- Pearl Jam - Jeremy
Industrial Rock / Industrial Metal
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Ministry - Stigmata
- Frontline Assembly - Millennium
- Numb - Dead Inside
- Godflesh - Spinebender
- Nine Inch Nails - Head like a Hole
- Unit:187 - loaded
- Skin Chamber - Throb
- Corrections House - Dirt Poor and Mentaly Ill
- The Cassandra Complex - Mouth of Heaven
- Pailhead - dont stand in line
- Pouppée Fabrikk - One Foot In The Grave
- OLD - Client Null
- Schnitt Acht - Aftermath
Doom Metal
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Black Sabbath - Iron Man
- Pagan Altar - Judgement of the Dead
- Black Widow - come to the sabbath
- Trouble - Psalm 9
- the Obsessed - River of Soul
- Blood Ceremony - Daughter of the Sun
- Giant Squid - Mating Scars
- Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General
- Sleep - Dragonaut
- Stoned Jesus - Black Wood
- Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
- Goatsnake - Innocent
- Shrinebuilder - Solar Benediction
- Belzebong - Bong Thrower
- Bongripper - Worship
- Gallhammer - At the Onset of the Age of Despair
- Unholy - Procession of Black Doom
- Barathrum - Leaving the World Mortal
- Sektarism - (Live Ceremony)
- Bohren & der Club of Gore - Midnight Black Earth
- The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Cooperation - Pearls for Swine
- The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Ensemble - Dimensions
- Swami LatePlate - Frank And The Girl
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Green River - Unwind
- Soundgarden - Incessant Mace
- Mudhoney - Mudride
- The Melvins - Glow God/Big As Mountain/The Heaviness of the Load
- Callisto - Cold Stare
- Cult of Luna - Leave me Here
- Ganon - Collide and Ceases
- Isis - So Did We
- Neurosis - Raze the Stray
- Seven Nautical Miles - Crane
- Dirge - Venus Claws
- Walk Through Fire - Waking Horror
- Huldra - He Was Compelled To Turn Westward Out of Some Misplaced Sense of Hope
- Buried Inside - VI
- Melvins - Anaconda
- EyeHateGod - SisterFucker Part I
- Crowbar - All I Had I Gave
- Acid Bath - Tranquilized
- Buzzo*ven - Sore
- Noothgrush - Hatred for the Species
- Iron Monkey - Bad Year
- Grief - I hate You
- Dystopia - Stress Build Character
- Bongzilla - Grim Reefer
- Indian - Directional
- Cultura Tres - El Sur de La Fe
- The Melvins/Joe Preston - Hands First Flower
- the Melvins - Hung Bunny
- Earth - Special Low Frequency(Album)
- Teeth of the Lions Rule the Divine - He Who Accepts All That Is Offered (Feel Bad Hit Of The Winter)
- Sunn O))) - Alice
- Nadja - You Are As Dust
- Stumm - Not Waving Bot Drowning
- Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt
- Dark Castle - Awake in Sleep
- Ophis - Funeral
- Corrupted - Rato Triste
- Asphyx - Last One on Earth
- Of Spire and Throne - Upon the Spine
- Soliloquium - Zombie
- Winter - Power and Might
- Bereft - Etheral Disperal
- Thergothon - Elemental
- AHAB - The Call of the wretched Sea
- Skepticism - The March and The Stream
- The 3rd and the Mortal - Death Hymn (Häufig auch zum Gothic Metal gezählt, insb. wegen Karis Klargesang. Hebt sich dadurch insgesamt ein wenig vom Rest ab)
- Evoken - In Solitary Rui
- Loss - Deathmarch toward my Ruins
- Shape Of Despair - To Live for my Death
- Murkrat - Faceless
- Esoteric - Awaiting My Death
- Worship - Graveyard Horizon
- Joy Division - She lost Control
- Killing Joke - The Wait
- Public Image Ltd. - This is not a Lovesong
- New Model Army - Vengeance
- The Cure - Killing an Arab
- Gothic Punk
- Bauhaus - Dark Entires
- Alien Sex Fiend - Dead and Buried
- Alien Sex Fiend - I walk the Line
- Sisters of Mercy - Alice
- Sex Gang Children - Dieche
- XMal Deutschland - Incubus Succubus
- Gene Loves Jezebel - Upstair
- Virgin Prunes - Pagan Lovesong
- Theater of Hate - Propaganda
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Walking On Your Hands
- Love Like Blood - Kiss and Tell
- Fields of the Nephilim - Moonchild
- Fields of the Nephilim - Laura II
- Faith and the Muse - Elyra
- Virgin Prunes - Baby Turns Blue
- Southern Death Cult - Moya
- Moonchlid - Sadness
- Garden of Delight - Ancient God
- The House of Usher - The Man with the Dead Eyes
- Merciful Nuns - The Darkness
- Zadera - Fallen
- Lycia - This Decline
- Corpus Delicti - Twilight
- Plastique Noir - Empty Streets
- Vendemmian - All is Lost (All is Gone)
- Mephisto Walz - Dear Familiar Phantoms
- Wolsheim - the Sparrows and the Nightingales
- B-Movie - Nowhere Girl
- Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
- Psyche - Goodbye Horses
- Mesh - You didn't want me
- De/Vision - your Hands on my Skin
- Delay - Working in a Factory
- And One - Für
- Einstürzende Neubauten - Feurio
- Die Form - Bite of God
- Laibach - Die Liebe
- Skinny Puppy - Assimilate
- Whitehouse - Why You Never Become a Dancer
- Haus Arafna - Last Dream of Jesus
- The Invincible Spirit - Push
- Second Voice - Cover Me
- Deine Lakaien - Dark Star
- Project Pitchfork - Carrion
- the Eternal Afflict - San Diego
- Silke Bischoff - On the Other Side
- Anne Clark - Sleeper in Metropolis
- Second Decay - I hate Berlin
- Pink Industrie - Enjoy the Pain
- Hagalaz Runedance - Seidr
- Dead Can Dance
- In the Nursery - the 7th Seal
- Death in June - But what ends when the symbols shatter?
- Allerseelen - Alle Lust will Ewigkeit
- Blood Axxis - Storm of Steel
- Sol Invictus - Against the modern World
- Current 93 - A Sadness Song
- Goethes Erben - Zinnsoldat
- Das Ich - Kain und Abel
- Sopor Aeternus - Ich wollte hinaus in den Garten
- Relatives Menschsein - Verflucht
- Lacrimosa - Mutatio Spiritus
- Endraum - Der Rosengarten
- the beautiful Disease - Blüten im Mai
- Front 242 - Headhunter
- Nitzer Ebb - Let you Body learn
- And One - Metalhammer
- Die Krupps - Wahre Arbeit, Wahrer Lohn
- Oomph! - Mein Herz
- Armageddon Dildo's - In My Mind
- Signal Aout42 - Pleassure and Crime
- Liaisons Dangereuses - Etre Assis Ou Danset
- Jäger 90 - Achtung ein Jäger
- A.D.A.C.8286 - Akkordarbeit
- Pouppée Fabrikk - Die Jugend
- Frontal - Falsches Spiel
- Nitzer Ebb: Let Beauty Loose
- Pouppée Fabrikk: Retrospect
- à;GRUMH...: Edito
- The Blister Exists: Addicted
- Tommi Stumpff: Gnadenlos
- DRP: Enkephalin
- Force Dimension: Lasergunn
- The Klinik: Go Back
- The Weathermen: Let Them Come To Berlin
- Scapa Flow: Red Roses
- Mighty Force: Dive (Dennis Dominator Edit)
- Paranoid: Love & Hate (Club Edit)
- Batz Without Flesh: Auto Suggestion
- Hula: Poison (Club Mix)
- Scapa Flow: Join the Line
- Schnitt Acht: Subhuman Minds
- And One: Over There
- Dupont: Behave
- Aircrash Bureau: Machine
- Vomito Negro: Fire Burns
- Noise Unit: Alle gegen alles
- Commando: Give Me More
- CH/BB: Ina Iki – Mashoo
- Adbaloons: Nemuri no Yane
- the Klinik - Nautilus
- Suicide Commando - See You in Hell
- Pierrepoint - Nekrophil
- Esplendor Geométrico - Trybuna Robotnicza I
- Leæther Strip - Adrenalin Rush
- Funker Vogt - Under Deck
- Wumpscut - Bunkertor7
- Bang Elektronika - Aktivierung
- amGod - Braindead
- Placebo Effect - Galleries of Pain
- yelworC - World under Fire
- Mortal Constrain - Hollow Peace
Industrial Dance
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Kill Switch... Klick - Follow Me
- Skinny Puppy - Smothered Hope
- Clock DVA - Beautiful Loser
- Frontline Assembly - No Tomorrow
- My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult - Mystery Babylon
Popmusik und Rockmusik
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]Hard Rock
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- The Cult - She sells Sanctuary
- The Sisters of Mercy - More
- The Mission - The Wasteland
- Gerald McMann - Cry Little Sister
- The 69 Eyes - Lost Boys
- HIM - wicked Game
- The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl
- Golden Apes - Ferryman
- Zeraphine - Flieh mit mir
- Paradise Lost - The Last Time
- Type O Negative - My Girlfriends Girlfriend
- Secret Discovery - I turn to you
- Eisheilig - Flieg
- Theatre of Tragedy: Dying - I only feel Apathy
- Thorns of the Carrion: Bleak Thorn Laurel
- Asphodelus: The Hourglass Infernal
- Cemetery of Scream: Anxiety
- Desire: Leaving this Land of eternal Disire
- Disolving of Prodigy: Damocles Gladius
- Dawn of Dreams: like a sundrop in the Rain
- Forest of Shadows: Eternal Autumn
Der eigentliche Stil
- My Dying Bride - the Cry of Mankind
- Tiamat - Sleeping Beauty
- Paradise Lost - Gothic
- Anathema - A Dying Wish
- Angellore - I Am The Agony
- Deinonychus - Lost Forever
- Pyogenesis - On Soulwings
- Theatre of Tragedy - A Hamlet for a Slothful Vassal
- Lunatic Invasion - Fallen Angel
- My Dying Bride - A Kiss to Remember
- Lacrimas Profundere - Perfume of withered Roses
- Tiamat - Mountain of Doom
- Hanging Garden - Will You Share this Ending with me
- Crematory - Tears of Time
- Amorphis - Black Winter Day
Die populäre Weiterentwicklung markiert eigentlich schon den Übergang zum Dark Rock
- Moonspell - Vampiria
- Type O Negative - Black No.1
- Theatre of Tragedy - And when he Falleth
- October Tide - Sleepless Sun
- Oomph! - Sex
- Rammstein - Der Meister
- Richthofen - Der jüngste Tag
- Rinderwahnsinn - Benzin
- Megaherz - Miststück
- Janus - Rorschach
- Witt - Und ich Lauf
- Eisenvater: Der Säuger (1992)
- Fleischmann: Dreck (1993)
- Oomph!: Ich bin der Weg (1994)
- Schweisser: Hölle(1994)
- Atrocity feat. Das Ich: Die Todgeweihten (1995)
- Oomph!: Krüppel (1996)
- Richthofen: Worte des Fleisches (1997)
- Oomph!(1995)
- Rammstein(1995)
- Die Allergie(1995)
- Kind Tot (1995)(Eher im Rockbereich)
- Stahlhammer (1997)
- Richthofen (1997)
- Janus: Isaak (1998)
- Schinder: Gottesknecht (1998)
- Von den Ketten (1998)
- Stendal Blast: Öl (1998)
- Leichenwetter (1998)
- Die Schinder: Hure (1998)
- In Extremo - Spielmannsfluch
- Subway to Sally - Veitstanz
- Tanzwut - Meer
- Saltatio Mortis - Falsche Freunde
- Schandmaul - Walpurgisnacht
- Letzte Instanz - Rapunzel
- Nightwish - Nemo
- Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
- Xandria - Ravenheart
- Epica - Storm the Sorrow
- Sirenia - Seven Widow Weep
- Within Temptation Ice Queen
- Delain Frozen
- Epica Quietus
- Nightwish Over the Hills
- Cradle of Filth - From Cradle to Enslave
- Moonspell - Sanguine
- Trail of Tears - Obedience In the Absence of Logic
- Siebenbürgen - Vampyria
- Dornenreich - Eigenwach
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Mourn APB97
- VNV Nation - Honour
- Covenant - Dead Stars
- NamNamBulu - Memories
- Apoptygma Berzerk - until the end of the world
- roter sand - merging oceans
- Evils Toy - Rainbow vs. Stars
- 2nd Decay: Für Immer (Egotrip Remix)
- Solar Fake: All the Things you Say
- Diary of Dreams: AmoK (Pendelt deutlich zum Synthie Pop)
- Technoir: Requiem
- Bruderschaft: Forever (Club Mix)
- Icon of Coil: Regret
- Wumpscut - Ich will Dich
- Suicide Commando - Love breeds Suicide
- SITD - Snuff Machinery
- Terminal Choice - Der Schwarze Mann
- Agonoize - Korporalie
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- Peaches - Burdt
- Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses at Night
- Toktok vs. Soffy O - Missy Queen's gonna Die
- XPQ21 - White and Alive
- Compulsory Skin - All you Can Eat
- KiEw - Diskette
- Xotox - Eisenkiller
- Monolith - Disco Buddah
- Störfunk - 04/08
- Soko Friedhof - Beichtstuhl der Begierde
- Nine Inch Nails - the Warning
- Front242 - Together
- Frontline Assembly - Everything must Perish
- Haujobb - Let' Drop Bombs
- Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy
- Jimi Tenor - Take me Baby
- Ministry - Sitgmata
- Nine Inch Nails - Head like a Hole
- Unit:187 - loaded
- Numb - Bliss
- Skinny Puppy - Warlock
- Cassandra Complex - Mouth of Heaven
- Revolting Cocks - Beer, Steers and Queers
- Godflesh - Like Rats
- Nailbomb - Religious Cancer
- Corrections House - Hoax the System
- Depeche Mode - In your Room
- London After Midnight - Kiss
- the Crüxshadows - Deception
- Zeromancer - Doctor Online
- Nine Inch Nails - Hand that Feeds
- Oomph! - Das weisse Licht
- Project Pitchfork - Timekiller
- Marilyn Manson - the Beautiful People
- Pain - Shut your Mouth
- Orgy - Blue Monday
- Placebo - bitter end
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Bring it on
Und sonst...
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ]- SPK - Suture Obsession
- Nurse With Wound - the Six Buttons of Sex Appeal
- Throbbing Gristle - Slug Bait (ICA)
- Monte Cazazza - To Mom on Mother's Day
- Diamanda Galas - The Litanies of Satan
- 45 Grave - Evil
- the Flesh Eaters - River of Fever
- Kommunity FK - Something inside of me has Died
- Christian Death - Romeo's Distress
- Cinema Strange - Greensward Grey
- Astrovamps - Zombie Dance (Manifesto)
- Líam - Debris
- Lantlôs - Pulse/Surreal
- Altar of Plagues - Feather and Bone
- Amesoeurs - Ruines Humaines
- Agalloch - In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion
- Wolves in the Throne Room - Woodland Cathedral
- Portishead - Glory Box
- Massive Attack - Teardrop
- Moloko - Sing it Back
- Björk - Venus as a Boy
- Nightmares on Wax: Les Nuits
- Crustation: Face the Waves
- Hooverphonic: Inhaler
- Leftfield: Original
- Björk: Army of Me
- A Guy Called Gerald: Beaches & Deserts
- Sneaker Pimps: 6 Underground
- Curve: Signals and Alibis
- Laika: Almost Sleeping
- Morcheeba: Let Me See
- Akasha: Brown Sugar
- Millenia Nova feat. Kelli Ali: Transient Man
- Soma Sonic: Simplicity
- Link: Arcadian
- Coco & The Beans: Killing Time