Benutzer:Elshad Iman (Elşad İman)

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I hold the SUL account for Elshad Iman
Elshad Iman
Elshad Iman,
Image descriptionHonorary member of the Pomegranate Producers and Exports Association of Azerbaijan Elshad Iman personally presents the ISNI international certificate to the Chairman of the PPEAA Farhad Garashov
Elshad Iman

Image descriptionHonorary member of the Pomegranate Producers and Exports Association of Azerbaijan Elshad Iman personally presents the ISNI international certificate to the Chairman of the PPEAA Farhad Garashov

About me

Hello!! I'm Elshad, As a Wikimedia volunteer I edit as Elshad Iman.
Azerbaijanian, living in Baku Azerbaijan.

Contact me


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az-N Azərbaycan dili bu istifadəçinin ana dilidir.
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