Arkham House

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Arkham House ist ein US-amerikanischer Verlag, der sich auf die Herausgabe von phantastischer Literatur spezialisiert hat.

Der Verlag wurde 1939 von August Derleth und Donald Wandrei gegründet, um zunächst nur Werke des bewunderten Freundes H. P. Lovecraft zu veröffentlichen. Sie befürchteten, dass dessen Erzählungen, die lediglich in Pulp-Magazinen wie Weird Tales erschienen, ansonsten dem Bewusstsein der Leser entschwinden würden. Der Name des Verlages leitet sich von der fiktiven Stadt Arkham ab, die Schauplatz mehrerer Erzählungen von Lovecraft ist. Hier erschienen zum ersten Mal gebundene Ausgaben mit Lovecrafts gesammelten Werken. Der erste im Verlag erschienene Band war die heute sehr gesuchte Sammlung The Outsider and Others . Obwohl sich das Buch zunächst nur schleppend verkaufte, hatten Derleth, Wandrei und ihr Verlag einen bedeutenden Anteil am späteren Erfolg von Lovecraft.

Nach dem ersten Band erschienen Erzählungen von Derleth (Someone in the Dark, 1941), danach kam Clark Ashton Smith (Out of Space and Time, 1942) hinzu. In bibliophilen und in kleinen Stückzahlen gefertigten Ausgaben wurden etwa die Werke von Robert Bloch, Fritz Leiber, Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Campbell, Basil Copper, Frank Belknap Long, Henry S. Whitehead und Robert E. Howard, aber auch Klassiker wie Sheridan le Fanu publiziert. Der Verlag wurde 1983 mit dem Convention Award des World Fantasy Awards ausgezeichnet.

Chronologische Titelliste

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Jahr Autor Titel
1939 H. P. Lovecraft The Outsider and Others
1941 August Derleth Someone in the Dark
1942 Clark Ashton Smith Out of Space and Time
1943 H. P. Lovecraft Beyond the Wall of Sleep
1944 Clark Ashton Smith Lost Worlds
1944 Donald Wandrei The Eye and the Finger
1944 Henry S. Whitehead Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales
1944 H. P. Lovecraft Marginalia
1945 August Derleth Something Near
1945 Evangeline Walton Witch House
1945 H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth The Lurker at the Threshold
1945 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Green Tea and Other Ghost Stories
1945 Robert Bloch The Opener of the Way
1946 A. E. Coppard Fearful Pleasures
1946 A. E. van Vogt Slan
1946 Algernon Blackwood The Doll and One Other
1946 Frank Belknap Long The Hounds of Tindalos
1946 Henry S. Whitehead West India Lights
1946 Herbert Russell Wakefield The Clock Strikes Twelve
1946 Robert E. Howard Skull-Face and Others
1946 William Hope Hodgson The House on the Borderland and Other Novels
1947 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Dark of the Moon: Poems of Fantasy and the Macabre
1947 Carl Jacobi Revelations in Black
1947 Cynthia Asquith This Mortal Coil
1947 Fritz Leiber Night's Black Agents
1947 Ray Bradbury Dark Carnival
1948 August Derleth Not Long for this World
1948 Clark Ashton Smith Genius Loci and Other Tales
1948 Donald Wandrei The Web of Easter Island
1948 Lord Dunsany The Fourth Book of Jorkens
1948 L. P. Hartley The Travelling Grave and Other Stories
1948 Seabury Quinn Roads
1949 H. P. Lovecraft Something About Cats and Other Pieces
1949 Sydney Fowler Wright The Throne of Saturn
1950 Leah Bodine Drake A Hornbook for Witches
1951 Clark Ashton Smith The Dark Chateau
1952 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Night's Yawning Peal: A Ghostly Company
1952 David H. Keller Tales from Underwood
1953 Zealia Bishop The Curse of Yig
1954 John Metcalfe The Feasting Dead
1957 H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth The Survivor and Others
1957 Robert E. Howard Always Comes Evening
1958 August Derleth The Mask of Cthulhu
1958 Clark Ashton Smith Spells and Philtres
1958 Joseph Payne Brennan Nine Horrors and a Dream
1959 August Derleth Arkham House: The First 20 Years
1959 August Derleth Some Notes on H. P. Lovecraft
1959 H. P. Lovecraft und andere The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces
1960 Clark Ashton Smith The Abominations of Yondo
1960 Greye La Spina Invaders from the Dark
1960 Robert Bloch Pleasant Dreams: Nightmares
1961 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight
1961 H. P. Lovecraft The Shunned House
1961 Herbert Russell Wakefield Strayers from Sheol
1962 August Derleth 100 Books by August Derleth
1962 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Dark Mind, Dark Heart
1962 August Derleth Lonesome Places
1962 August Derleth The Trail of Cthulhu
1962 H. P. Lovecraft Dreams and Fancies
1963 Stephen Grendon Mr. George and Other Odd Persons
1963 Frank Belknap Long The Horror from the Hills
1963 H. P. Lovecraft Autobiography: Some Notes on a Nonentity
1963 H. P. Lovecraft Collected Poems
1963 H. P. Lovecraft The Dunwich Horror and Others
1963 Manly Wade Wellman Who Fears the Devil?
1963 Robert E. Howard The Dark Man and Others
1964 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Over the Edge
1964 Carl Jacobi Portraits in Moonlight
1964 Clark Ashton Smith Tales of Science and Sorcery
1964 Donald Wandrei Poems for Midnight
1964 H. P. Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels
1964 Joseph Payne Brennan Nightmare Need
1964 John Ramsey Campbell The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants
1965 Clark Ashton Smith Poems in Prose
1965 Donald Wandrei Strange Harvest
1965 H. P. Lovecraft Dagon and Other Macabre Tales
1965 H. P. Lovecraft Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft I (1911–1924)
1965 Stanley McNail Something Breathing
1965 Vincent Starrett The Quick and the Dead
1966 Arthur J. Burks Black Medicine
1966 August Derleth, Mark Schorer Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People
1966 H. P. Lovecraft et al. The Dark Brotherhood and Other Pieces
1967 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Travellers by Night
1967 Colin Wilson The Mind Parasites
1967 E. Hoffmann Price Strange Gateways
1967 H. P. Lovecraft Three Tales of Horror
1967 William Hope Hodgson Deep Waters
1968 Arthur Machen The Green Round
1968 H. P. Lovecraft Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft II (1925–1929)
1968 Nelson Bond Nightmares and Daydreams
1969 David H. Keller The Folsom Flint and Other Curious Tales
1969 H. P. Lovecraft et al. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
1970 August Derleth Thirty Years of Arkham House, 1939–69: A History and Bibliography
1970 Clark Ashton Smith Other Dimensions
1970 H. P. Lovecraft The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions
1970 L. Sprague de Camp Demons and Dinosaurs
1971 August Derleth (Hrsg.) Dark Things
1971 Brian Lumley The Caller of the Black
1971 Clark Ashton Smith Selected Poems
1971 Denys Val Baker The Face in the Mirror
1971 Donald Sidney-Fryer Songs and Sonnets Atlantean
1971 H. P. Lovecraft Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft III (1929–1931)
1971 Walter de la Mare Eight Tales
1972 August Derleth (Hrsg.) The Arkham Collector: Volume I
1972 Carl Jacobi Disclosures in Scarlet
1972 Frank Belknap Long The Rim of the Unknown
1973 Basil Copper From Evil's Pillow
1973 Joseph Payne Brennan Stories of Darkness and Dread
1973 John Ramsey Campbell Demons by Daylight
1974 Brian Lumley Beneath the Moors
1974 H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth The Watchers Out of Time and Others
1974 Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman Collected Ghost Stories
1975 August Derleth Harrigan's File
1975 Frank Belknap Long Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Nightside
1975 Gary Myers The House of the Worm
1975 Gerald W. Page (Hrsg.) Nameless Places
1975 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu The Purcell Papers
1975 Lin Carter Dreams from R'lyeh
1975 Matthew Phipps Shiell Xélucha and Others
1976 August Derleth Dwellers in Darkness
1976 H. P. Lovecraft Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft IV (1932–1934)
1976 H. P. Lovecraft Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft V (1934–1937)
1976 L. Sprague de Camp Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers
1976 Marjorie Bowen Kecksies and Other Twilight Tales
1976 John Ramsey Campbell The Height of the Scream
1977 Basil Copper And Afterward, the Dark
1977 Brian Lumley The Horror at Oakdeene and Others
1977 Frank Belknap Long In Mayan Splendor
1978 Mary Elizabeth Counselman Half in Shadow
1978 Phyllis Eisenstein Born to Exile
1979 Clark Ashton Smith The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith
1979 Elizabeth Walter In the Mist and Other Uncanny Encounters
1979 Russell Kirk The Princess of All Lands
1980 Basil Copper Necropolis
1980 John Ramsey Campbell (Hrsg.) New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
1981 Charles L. Grant Tales from the Nightside
1981 David F. Case The Third Grave
1981 Richard L. Tierney Collected Poems
1982 David Kesterton The Darkling
1982 Michael Bishop Blooded on Arachne
1983 Basil Copper The House of the Wolf
1983 Greg Bear The Wind from a Burning Woman
1983 Joanna Russ The Zanzibar Cat
1984 Michael Bishop One Winter in Eden
1984 Michael Bishop Who Made Stevie Crye?
1984 Russell Kirk Watchers at the Strait Gate
1985 H. P. Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels
1985 H. P. Lovecraft The Dunwich Horror and Others
1985 Richard A. Lupoff Lovecraft's Book
1986 H. P. Lovecraft Dagon and Other Macabre Tales
1986 James Tiptree, Jr. Tales of the Quintana Roo
1986 Tanith Lee Dreams of Dark and Light: The Great Short Fiction of Tanith Lee
1987 Lucius Shepard The Jaguar Hunter
1987 Michael Shea Polyphemus
1988 Clark Ashton Smith A Rendezvous in Averoigne
1988 J. G. Ballard Memories of the Space Age
1989 Bruce Sterling Crystal Express
1989 H. P. Lovecraft et al. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
1989 H. P. Lovecraft The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions
1990 James Tiptree, Jr. Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
1990 Lucius Shepard The Ends of the Earth
1991 Michael Swanwick Gravity's Angels
1992 James Blaylock Lord Kelvin's Machine
1992 John Kessel Meeting in Infinity
1993 Nancy Kress The Aliens of Earth
1993 John Ramsey Campbell Alone with the Horrors: The Great Short Fiction of Ramsey Campbell 1961–1991
1994 Alexander Jablokov The Breath of Suspension
1994 H. P. Lovecraft, S. T. Joshi (Hrsg.) Miscellaneous Writings
1995 Jim Turner (Hrsg.) Cthulhu 2000: A Lovecraftian Anthology
1996 Mary Rosenblum Synthesis & Other Virtual Realities
1997 Ian R. MacLeod Voyages by Starlight
1998 Peter Cannon (Hrsg.) Lovecraft Remembered
1998 Robert Bloch Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies
1999 August Derleth (Hrsg.) New Horizons
1999 Frederic S. Durbin Dragonfly
1999 S. T. Joshi (Hrsg.) Sixty Years of Arkham House
2000 Barry N. Malzberg In the Stone House
2000 Peter Ruber (Hrsg.) Arkham's Masters of Horror
2001 E. Hoffmann Price Book of the Dead
2002 John D. Harvey The Cleansing
2002 Nelson Bond The Far Side of Nowhere
2003 Clark Ashton Smith Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith
2004 Milt Thomas Cave of a Thousand Tales
2005 Nelson Bond Other Worlds Than Ours
2006 James Robert Smith, Stephen Mark Rainey (Hrsg.) Evermore
2008 H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Weinberg The Shunned House Facsimile
2009 August Derleth The Macabre Quarto
2010 George Vanderburgh, Robert Weinberg (Hrsg.) The Arkham Sampler (1948-1949)
2010 Jon Lellenberg Baker Street Irregular
  • August Derleth: Thirty Years of Arkham House : 1939–1969. A History and Bibliography. Arkham House, Sauk City 1970.
  • S. T. Joshi: Sixty Years of Arkham House : A History and Bibliography. Arkham House. Sauk City, WI 1999, ISBN 0-87054-176-5.
  • Leon Nielsen: Arkham House Books : A Collector's Guide. McFarland & Company, Jefferson, NC & London, ISBN 0-7864-1785-4.
  • Rein A. Zondergeld: Lexikon der phantastischen Literatur. Weitbrecht, Stuttgart & Wien & Bern 1998, ISBN 3-522-72175-6, S. 382 f.
Normdaten (Körperschaft): GND: 4077120-9 (lobid, OGND , AKS ) | LCCN: n82219340 | VIAF: 150690834
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